Still not having a good day and it looks
like another early bedtime for me.
So since I have a piss poor attitude
I decided I'd write my gripes down
to maybe feel a little better,
yeah right.
My one leg still hurts and I about
fell at the store (was getting some pop)
when my knee gave out. Tony caught my
arm before falling.
You ever have one of those weeks? Well
this week is one of those for me.
So you will probably hear me just bitch
about life and what not.
Tony put the for sale signs in the 99 Cadi
this evening. For the price of the Cadi,
if it were to sell, is lower than the vet bill.
Is that sad or what???!!!
Not even sure if we are going to get the
Suburban repaired from where the snow plow
hit it. We deposited the money from it
and now wonder if we should keep it in the
account to help build it back up.
I made curtains today and they look like
crap. Neither I nor Tony liked them.
So I have to hunt for something to hang
up in the living room since I threw out
the nasty blinds. They are hanging
temporarily to keep peeping Tom's from
looking in at night. What the heck kind
of curtains do you hang in a bay window
that looks right?
My cell phone took a crap. So now I have
to hunt for another one of those.
I looked on Ebay for something cheap
and my eyes started crossing.
Who knew there was so many
phones to choose from. So being confused,
I abandoned that search til another day.
I'm still trying to get used to the yellow
walls around here. They turned out a little
more yellow than what I would have liked.
I hope when I start adding our new couch
and pictures on the walls it helps tone
it down some and not be the total focal point.
Tony has the pager this week. And as I type
away it decides to go off. Now, if you have
on call and get more than 10 hours over time
they send you home instead of wanting to
pay that over time. IT SUCKS taking away
much needed money like that.
Does that lady who made the emergency call
really need to be let back in her apartment
after locking herself out on a balcony patio?
You know what is funny? This happens a lot
with residents! I think they need to
include emergency rope ladders out there
so they can climb down when they do this, lol.
Maintenance men have much better things to
Why are we out there, in the dark at 9pm
to begin with???
Well the cat's meowing and it's getting
annoying. It jumped up in the window sill
and started clawing at the curtains!
It's gonna spend some time out in the
basement so I can get some sleep tonight.
Some days I just feel like choking the
crap out of the meower in that thing!
No I really wouldn't do that!
Tony said he wondered if there
was such a thing as shaken cat syndrome,
It wants outside soooo bad. We are in
the process of seeing about getting it
fixed so it would hopefully lose that desire.
Earlier this morning one of my sweet
children decided to let the dog out of
the kitchen. We have to keep her barricaded
in there for the time being until she heals
per vet orders.
Anyway about that sweet child. He lets the dog
out into the living room. Wasn't in there
for more than 5 seconds and left a big pee
spot on my carpet I just cleaned this past
weekend!! So I had to haul back out the
carpet cleaner tonight.
Today I stopped in the thrift store in hopes
of finding a baby gate to put in my kitchen
for the dog. I knew it wasn't gonna be a good
trip when the parking lot was totally packed!
It was a complete madhouse because it was
50% off entire store day. No carts, people
running everywhere losing their minds! You would
have thought they were giving away everything
for free. I wasn't about ready to stand in line
for anything when people had shopping carts
overflowing with clothes!
Well I am off to bed but FIRST I have to
escort this cat off to the basement.
Solitary confinement for her meowin' fuzz butt!!
While down there I'll throw the clothes
in the dryer as I am trying to make up
for not getting the laundry done this
weekend. I have felt like crap and not
moving too swiftly. When my mom can do
laps around me in the store and I can't
catch up, that's sad. It's not fair
older people get the good stuff to take
the pain away!
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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Monday, March 29, 2010
Today I think I will head over to Habitat
to see if I can find a small can of reddish
colored paint for my dining room wall.
Then over to Big Lots to get 6 tension
rods for my curtains so I can start sewing
them soon and get them put up.
I can't wait to remove those dusty old
blinds! I'd replace them but they are
a custom made blind meaning they don't
sell the size in the stores.
Redoing some rooms and Spring cleaning
sure is a lot of work! It's a slow
process and I hope I can survive as it
makes your home look wiped out!
We have even given it some thought to possibly
pull up the carpet in the dining, living room
and hallway. I think we might have hardwood
floors underneath the carpet but who knows
the condition. I'm not one for hardwood floors
but considering how much dirt is trapped in
carpet over time that could make people sick
and how much time I spend cleaning carpets,
it sure is a possibility of something we might do.
When I get time and more patience I'll have
to see if I can pull up a corner of the carpet
to take a gander. I tried yesterday and the carpet
is tacked down really good that it wouldn't budge.
I can't afford new carpet and this light gray carpet
is driving me nuts because it shows all the dirt.
Who in their right mind has light colored carpet
installed. The last place we lived had light
cream colored carpet that almost looked white.
Didn't have much luck at Habitat today finding
red paint. Mom wanted to stop by Meijer's
so while there I picked up a couple things.
.50 cents 2 pound bag of mini carrots
$1.00 for 2 bags of oranges 12 oranges total
$1.49 for 10 pound bag of potatoes

I'm in no mood to talk, to shop or to coupon at them moment!
I am very irritable and have no tolerance for anything!
Why you ask???
I am still trying to get over a vet bill at the
moment due to a dog getting surgery.
She had gotten an infection in her female organs
and had to get fixed and the infection removed.
If you know me and how tight I am with money
and had to of spent this amount of money then
you would know it would make me depressed at the
moment. Vets sure know how to drain you
of money you have in your savings that's for sure.
Yeah I still have "some" but this was a big chunk.
How much you ask??? Figure I'd kind of put that
in here since I don't feel like talking at the
moment, want the phone ringing or people asking
101 questions.
Well let's see I could have gotten a top of the line
stainless steel refrigerator, I could have
bought another Explorer to replace mine
that is limping along, how about groceries
for the next year!!! That's how much!!
I am happy to say that the dog seems fine
from surgery and is recovering well.
But I am still blown away at how much
a freakin' (putting it nicely here) vet costs!!
I still have to pay to have stitches
removed in 2 weeks. Don't want to know
how much they charge for that!
You have to do what you have to do because
that's why we have savings accounts for
those emergency situations.
But to me it's like having an earthquake
dealing with the aftershocks.
I'm so in la, la land and not in my right
mind that when I signed the vet papers
I signed my maiden name. I cannot figure
out why as I have not signed my maiden name
in 23 years!!! Thank God it was not
my previous married name as that wouldn't
have went over well with Tony, LOL!
I still have to pay my doctor bills
from my emergency room and doctor visits.
I still need testing in April to see if I have
cancer in the female organs.
I can't win at the moment so am heading to bed
early tonight! I didn't sleep well last night
as I was awoken with an acid reflux attack
that had me running to the bathroom getting sick.
So there you have it. That's my story and
I'm sticking to it. I'll post
what's going on around here for friends/family
but as for sales and coupons I don't see much
of that happening
right now with no desire to do it.
I feel the need to cut back for now.
I have my stockpile and freezer to eat from
for awhile and will do that instead of
shopping, other than the basic stuff.
to see if I can find a small can of reddish
colored paint for my dining room wall.
Then over to Big Lots to get 6 tension
rods for my curtains so I can start sewing
them soon and get them put up.
I can't wait to remove those dusty old
blinds! I'd replace them but they are
a custom made blind meaning they don't
sell the size in the stores.
Redoing some rooms and Spring cleaning
sure is a lot of work! It's a slow
process and I hope I can survive as it
makes your home look wiped out!
We have even given it some thought to possibly
pull up the carpet in the dining, living room
and hallway. I think we might have hardwood
floors underneath the carpet but who knows
the condition. I'm not one for hardwood floors
but considering how much dirt is trapped in
carpet over time that could make people sick
and how much time I spend cleaning carpets,
it sure is a possibility of something we might do.
When I get time and more patience I'll have
to see if I can pull up a corner of the carpet
to take a gander. I tried yesterday and the carpet
is tacked down really good that it wouldn't budge.
I can't afford new carpet and this light gray carpet
is driving me nuts because it shows all the dirt.
Who in their right mind has light colored carpet
installed. The last place we lived had light
cream colored carpet that almost looked white.
Didn't have much luck at Habitat today finding
red paint. Mom wanted to stop by Meijer's
so while there I picked up a couple things.
.50 cents 2 pound bag of mini carrots
$1.00 for 2 bags of oranges 12 oranges total
$1.49 for 10 pound bag of potatoes
I'm in no mood to talk, to shop or to coupon at them moment!
I am very irritable and have no tolerance for anything!
Why you ask???
I am still trying to get over a vet bill at the
moment due to a dog getting surgery.
She had gotten an infection in her female organs
and had to get fixed and the infection removed.
If you know me and how tight I am with money
and had to of spent this amount of money then
you would know it would make me depressed at the
moment. Vets sure know how to drain you
of money you have in your savings that's for sure.
Yeah I still have "some" but this was a big chunk.
How much you ask??? Figure I'd kind of put that
in here since I don't feel like talking at the
moment, want the phone ringing or people asking
101 questions.
Well let's see I could have gotten a top of the line
stainless steel refrigerator, I could have
bought another Explorer to replace mine
that is limping along, how about groceries
for the next year!!! That's how much!!
I am happy to say that the dog seems fine
from surgery and is recovering well.
But I am still blown away at how much
a freakin' (putting it nicely here) vet costs!!
I still have to pay to have stitches
removed in 2 weeks. Don't want to know
how much they charge for that!
You have to do what you have to do because
that's why we have savings accounts for
those emergency situations.
But to me it's like having an earthquake
dealing with the aftershocks.
I'm so in la, la land and not in my right
mind that when I signed the vet papers
I signed my maiden name. I cannot figure
out why as I have not signed my maiden name
in 23 years!!! Thank God it was not
my previous married name as that wouldn't
have went over well with Tony, LOL!
I still have to pay my doctor bills
from my emergency room and doctor visits.
I still need testing in April to see if I have
cancer in the female organs.
I can't win at the moment so am heading to bed
early tonight! I didn't sleep well last night
as I was awoken with an acid reflux attack
that had me running to the bathroom getting sick.
So there you have it. That's my story and
I'm sticking to it. I'll post
what's going on around here for friends/family
but as for sales and coupons I don't see much
of that happening
right now with no desire to do it.
I feel the need to cut back for now.
I have my stockpile and freezer to eat from
for awhile and will do that instead of
shopping, other than the basic stuff.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
It's been a very busy day. We spent
most of it painting.
First had to lightly sand all the walls down,
next used a Kilz primer, then painted.
I am so wore out and my body hurts from
sanding and being up and down a ladder!
This color sure is different than what
we are used to and will take some getting use
to, lol. But we wanted something different
than your typical colors and wanted to
brighten up the place.
BEFORE- lightly sanding the walls


living room is still wiped out, ahhh. Blinds
will eventually be removed and I'll be making curtains
for the 3 windows soon.

most of it painting.
First had to lightly sand all the walls down,
next used a Kilz primer, then painted.
I am so wore out and my body hurts from
sanding and being up and down a ladder!
This color sure is different than what
we are used to and will take some getting use
to, lol. But we wanted something different
than your typical colors and wanted to
brighten up the place.
BEFORE- lightly sanding the walls
living room is still wiped out, ahhh. Blinds
will eventually be removed and I'll be making curtains
for the 3 windows soon.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
No sleeping in this weekend! 9am we have
the first go round of people coming to
look at the truck from Cincinnati.
I'm sure there are others
to follow as I have lost track. Oh just as
I type another guy from work pulls up to
check out the Cadillac.
Just got breakfast made. I made
Butter Pecan Waffles, eggs
and a side of freshly slice strawberries.
I used half a box of butter pecan cake mix,
mix, an egg and just enough water
to make a slightly thick batter for the waffle iron.
Later on we have to go find some white
paint to start primering the walls.
Will start painting tomorrow.
Today I need to clean the carpets.
It's never ending around here!
Still have bedrooms to finish from
last weekend, laundry, and have so
much more stuff to weed out and take
down to the thrift store drop off.
Ahhh Calgon take me away!
I need an energy boost and don't know
where to get it from since I feel so
Well from the sounds of people running
in and out of here this morning it
looks like we may have the truck sold.
I'm not a morning person at all and to
have this much action going on this early
is not my cup of tea or in my case
not enough pop with caffeine! You would think
we run a car lot here, ahhh.
Tony just left to head to the BMV with
these people so it looks like a go
with selling the truck!! Woo Hoo!!
Don't have to deal with that anymore
because trying to sell vehicles
is a pain in the rear.
Well I am off here for now to start
tidying up the floor area to get ready
to carpet clean.
No sleeping in this weekend! 9am we have
the first go round of people coming to
look at the truck from Cincinnati.
I'm sure there are others
to follow as I have lost track. Oh just as
I type another guy from work pulls up to
check out the Cadillac.
Just got breakfast made. I made
Butter Pecan Waffles, eggs
and a side of freshly slice strawberries.
I used half a box of butter pecan cake mix,
mix, an egg and just enough water
to make a slightly thick batter for the waffle iron.
Later on we have to go find some white
paint to start primering the walls.
Will start painting tomorrow.
Today I need to clean the carpets.
It's never ending around here!
Still have bedrooms to finish from
last weekend, laundry, and have so
much more stuff to weed out and take
down to the thrift store drop off.
Ahhh Calgon take me away!
I need an energy boost and don't know
where to get it from since I feel so
Well from the sounds of people running
in and out of here this morning it
looks like we may have the truck sold.
I'm not a morning person at all and to
have this much action going on this early
is not my cup of tea or in my case
not enough pop with caffeine! You would think
we run a car lot here, ahhh.
Tony just left to head to the BMV with
these people so it looks like a go
with selling the truck!! Woo Hoo!!
Don't have to deal with that anymore
because trying to sell vehicles
is a pain in the rear.
Well I am off here for now to start
tidying up the floor area to get ready
to carpet clean.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I don't know who ordered this snow but I want to
return it immediately!!!
Columbus and surrounding areas got around
1 inch to 4 inches. YUCK YUCK YUCK.
I thought we were done with this stuff!
But that's Ohio for ya. We've been known
to have snow in April.

Last night I saw on the news the Titanic Exhibit
is at COSI. I thought cool, the kids would
be interested in that and maybe it's something
we could go see, NOT. It's so unfair that
they can't make things affordable for everyone
to see a piece of history. Guess only the rich
can experience this.
Adult (13-59) $23.75
Seniors (60+) $21.75
Youth (2-12) $16.75
It would cost our family $81 plus tax
plus parking if they charge for that.
I'm not going to an amusement park,
all I want to do is walk around and
LOOK at some artifacts. This is soo sad.
Regular COSI admission
Adult (13-59) $13.75
Senior (60+) $12.75
Youth (2-12) $8.75
COSI Member Free

Now I am considering taking them to the
Ohio Historical Center. I haven't been there
since a field trip in elementary school many
moons ago. Now a days kids go to theaters
and Pepsi plants for field trips.
The museum is only open Saturdays
from 9am to 5pm.
Museum Admission:
OHS Members FREE
Adults $8.00
Children 6 - 12 $4.00
Children 5 & under FREE
School Groups $3.00 per student
While it's still not cheap it's a lot better
than $81 PLUS!!
It would cost a family of 4 about
$29 to go and that includes $5 parking.
I saw this cute idea of cake roll washcloths
yesterday while in Big Lots.
Think I might makes some for Christmas.
Washcloths can be inexpensive so this
could be a cheap gift that looks so cute
to make.
Roll up washcloths to look like a cake or
jelly roll by using 2 different colors.
One to resemble the cake and one to
resemble the filling. Wrap ribbon
around outside of it to secure it.
Attach a fake piece of fruit to top.

You could also do hand towels rolled
up to look like Swiss Rolls.
Or brown washcloths rolled up to
resemble cupcakes. Wrap with
scalloped paper to be the cupcake
wrapper. You could use those
scalloped borders teachers use
to decorate their bulletin boards with.

I just thought it was a cute,cheap and easy
idea to pass along :o)
Retailers Gearing Up For Start Of Appliance Rebate Program

From WBNS 10TV
The rebate program aimed at encouraging people to buy new, energy efficient appliances in exchange for a rebate begins in Ohio on Friday.
Experts say buyers will likely have to act quickly if they want to take advantage of the program, 10TV's Karina Nova reported Thursday.
Like cash for clunkers, the government rebate program gives customers incentives to buy energy efficient appliances, with rebates up to $250 available.
Stores are opening up between 6 and 8am!
Us poor folks can't afford even a picture from
the store. I found a couple pictures I really
like and think that would coordinate with our
new color schemes quite well BUT they are a little
more than I would like to ever pay for one picture.
I was brain storming this morning on what to do
for pictures. And this is what I came up with.
I copied a couple pictures that I found online
then went into Paint and enlarged it to the max
of 500 times. For this one picture below it
took 18 pages to print!
I put my printer on Best print to get more
coloring. I would like something
like this on my dining room wall to go with
the Tuscan theme so this is the only way I can
afford to do it. They sell decoupage paste in
the craft stores if you would want to use that
over top your printed photos on the wall to protect
it from dirt and hand prints.
Here it is. You can see the size by the black
pen I placed on it or from the end of my coffee
return it immediately!!!
Columbus and surrounding areas got around
1 inch to 4 inches. YUCK YUCK YUCK.
I thought we were done with this stuff!
But that's Ohio for ya. We've been known
to have snow in April.

Last night I saw on the news the Titanic Exhibit
is at COSI. I thought cool, the kids would
be interested in that and maybe it's something
we could go see, NOT. It's so unfair that
they can't make things affordable for everyone
to see a piece of history. Guess only the rich
can experience this.
Adult (13-59) $23.75
Seniors (60+) $21.75
Youth (2-12) $16.75
It would cost our family $81 plus tax
plus parking if they charge for that.
I'm not going to an amusement park,
all I want to do is walk around and
LOOK at some artifacts. This is soo sad.
Regular COSI admission
Adult (13-59) $13.75
Senior (60+) $12.75
Youth (2-12) $8.75
COSI Member Free

Now I am considering taking them to the
Ohio Historical Center. I haven't been there
since a field trip in elementary school many
moons ago. Now a days kids go to theaters
and Pepsi plants for field trips.
The museum is only open Saturdays
from 9am to 5pm.
Museum Admission:
OHS Members FREE
Adults $8.00
Children 6 - 12 $4.00
Children 5 & under FREE
School Groups $3.00 per student
While it's still not cheap it's a lot better
than $81 PLUS!!
It would cost a family of 4 about
$29 to go and that includes $5 parking.
I saw this cute idea of cake roll washcloths
yesterday while in Big Lots.
Think I might makes some for Christmas.
Washcloths can be inexpensive so this
could be a cheap gift that looks so cute
to make.
Roll up washcloths to look like a cake or
jelly roll by using 2 different colors.
One to resemble the cake and one to
resemble the filling. Wrap ribbon
around outside of it to secure it.
Attach a fake piece of fruit to top.

You could also do hand towels rolled
up to look like Swiss Rolls.
Or brown washcloths rolled up to
resemble cupcakes. Wrap with
scalloped paper to be the cupcake
wrapper. You could use those
scalloped borders teachers use
to decorate their bulletin boards with.

I just thought it was a cute,cheap and easy
idea to pass along :o)
Retailers Gearing Up For Start Of Appliance Rebate Program

From WBNS 10TV
The rebate program aimed at encouraging people to buy new, energy efficient appliances in exchange for a rebate begins in Ohio on Friday.
Experts say buyers will likely have to act quickly if they want to take advantage of the program, 10TV's Karina Nova reported Thursday.
Like cash for clunkers, the government rebate program gives customers incentives to buy energy efficient appliances, with rebates up to $250 available.
Stores are opening up between 6 and 8am!
Us poor folks can't afford even a picture from
the store. I found a couple pictures I really
like and think that would coordinate with our
new color schemes quite well BUT they are a little
more than I would like to ever pay for one picture.
I was brain storming this morning on what to do
for pictures. And this is what I came up with.
I copied a couple pictures that I found online
then went into Paint and enlarged it to the max
of 500 times. For this one picture below it
took 18 pages to print!
I put my printer on Best print to get more
coloring. I would like something
like this on my dining room wall to go with
the Tuscan theme so this is the only way I can
afford to do it. They sell decoupage paste in
the craft stores if you would want to use that
over top your printed photos on the wall to protect
it from dirt and hand prints.
Here it is. You can see the size by the black
pen I placed on it or from the end of my coffee
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Returned to Walmart today to get more paint since
I wasn't happy with the paint color I picked out
yesterday as it was too yellow.
Today I went with more of a warm golden, yellow.
I found out you cannot return paint once you
have it colored and buy it. Bummer!
But I do have a plan for 2 gallons of the other
yellow paint. I'll use that to paint the
basement walls (drywall) to make it
less dreary down there. I want to make
it a family playroom down there so the color
should be appropriate.
I don't know a whole lot about buying paint.
I had assumed if you chose a color chip from
a certain maker you had to buy that kind of
paint. Not true. The color chip I chose
was from Dutch Boy paint. But I could use
Walmart white paint to have it mixed.
That was great because Walmart paint is
$12.83 a gallon and Dutch Boy is $20 a gallon.
Anyway the golden yellow I got today closely
resembles this flower
I wasn't happy with the paint color I picked out
yesterday as it was too yellow.
Today I went with more of a warm golden, yellow.
I found out you cannot return paint once you
have it colored and buy it. Bummer!
But I do have a plan for 2 gallons of the other
yellow paint. I'll use that to paint the
basement walls (drywall) to make it
less dreary down there. I want to make
it a family playroom down there so the color
should be appropriate.
I don't know a whole lot about buying paint.
I had assumed if you chose a color chip from
a certain maker you had to buy that kind of
paint. Not true. The color chip I chose
was from Dutch Boy paint. But I could use
Walmart white paint to have it mixed.
That was great because Walmart paint is
$12.83 a gallon and Dutch Boy is $20 a gallon.
Anyway the golden yellow I got today closely
resembles this flower

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Not having much luck today.
Got the yellow wall paint and I think
it is too yellow. Can I take it back
to the store if I don't like it since
it's a tinted paint? I always see
marked down mistinted paints on the shelves.
I knew this was gonna happen to me that's
why I've been soooo stressed about picking
out a yellow paint. I always heard that
when you find a color you like to go
with the same color only a couple of shades
lighter than your original color. I
should've listened!!!
Then I get an email from the lady
who I won my curtain fabric from.
She had told me the other day she
could only ship this fabric in a box
and that's why it cost $10 and change.
It's 4 yards of medium weight fabric.
Today she writes to tell me she's sending
it via an envelope. So is this so called
envelope of fabric costing me $10 and some
is what I would like to know??? Well I am
about to see in the next couple of days
and will be pissed if it was much cheaper!!
Me and mom went and saw Bounty Hunter this morning.
It was pretty good. Not the best but pretty good.
This has bugged me with people's spending habits.
Why is it every year people buy baskets, plastic
eggs and grass? What is wrong with ones from previous
years. I use the same Easter items year after year.
I don't feel the need to go out and buy new!
That's ridiculous to spend money like that!
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
Got the yellow wall paint and I think
it is too yellow. Can I take it back
to the store if I don't like it since
it's a tinted paint? I always see
marked down mistinted paints on the shelves.
I knew this was gonna happen to me that's
why I've been soooo stressed about picking
out a yellow paint. I always heard that
when you find a color you like to go
with the same color only a couple of shades
lighter than your original color. I
should've listened!!!
Then I get an email from the lady
who I won my curtain fabric from.
She had told me the other day she
could only ship this fabric in a box
and that's why it cost $10 and change.
It's 4 yards of medium weight fabric.
Today she writes to tell me she's sending
it via an envelope. So is this so called
envelope of fabric costing me $10 and some
is what I would like to know??? Well I am
about to see in the next couple of days
and will be pissed if it was much cheaper!!
Me and mom went and saw Bounty Hunter this morning.
It was pretty good. Not the best but pretty good.
This has bugged me with people's spending habits.
Why is it every year people buy baskets, plastic
eggs and grass? What is wrong with ones from previous
years. I use the same Easter items year after year.
I don't feel the need to go out and buy new!
That's ridiculous to spend money like that!
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Don't have the money to give your old kitchen
a makeover with new cabinets and counters.
Here's a cheap makeover you could do yourself!
You can cover your old drab, painted cabinets
with contact paper.
You can also find granite contact paper to cover
up those unsightly counter tops just as long
as they aren't tile!
Cleans with soap and water and is
scratch and heat resistant up to 175 degrees
This is not the old fashioned contact paper
grandma used to line her shelves with.
There are so many styles and designs available
now the possibilities are endless as
to what you can do with it!

They even make stainless steel contact paper to use
on appliances!

a makeover with new cabinets and counters.
Here's a cheap makeover you could do yourself!
You can cover your old drab, painted cabinets
with contact paper.
You can also find granite contact paper to cover
up those unsightly counter tops just as long
as they aren't tile!
Cleans with soap and water and is
scratch and heat resistant up to 175 degrees
This is not the old fashioned contact paper
grandma used to line her shelves with.
There are so many styles and designs available
now the possibilities are endless as
to what you can do with it!
They even make stainless steel contact paper to use
on appliances!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I don't have much in the way to post
about sales or deals this week. I really
don't plan to do any grocery shopping this
week and need a break from it. I'm pretty
much whipped with everything I have going
on at the moment.
Currently we are selling 2 vehicles and
that alone is enough stress for me.
Weeding out idiots from Craigslist
is time consuming.
Then I am revamping, cleaning, weeding out,
and moving furniture around in 2 bedrooms.
And lastly still planning out the living room
and how to decorate it.
I think I have finally found a paint color called
Colonial Yellow. Still have to go around and
paint all the walls a white primer before
doing the yellow. I have not purchased the yellow
paint yet so I could very easily change my mind
about that.
I did settle upon a fabric for the curtains
that I will be purchasing off Ebay.
Then would like to somewhere find a Tuscany
picture to hang over the couch.
Calgon take me away!!! AHHHHH.
So here are all the colors I came up with.
Now to put it altogether with painting,
making curtains, and bringing home the sofa.
This is the only photo I could
find that has a Colonial Yellow paint.
It's an old railway depot with a brighter
red roof. So I know the red sofa would
go with that color, lol.

The red sofa

And finally the fabric for my curtains.

Would love to find Tuscan pictures
like the ones below. That would have
to be a splurge though because they are
high quality art prints of paintings by artist Art Fronckowiak
who recently died just last year, May 2009.
I just think with the Tuscan theme and the colors
I am using this would work perfectly
to combine the yellows, reds & reddish oranges
and greens. For both prints would cost $26.99
including shipping.

And these things I already have
leftover paint from doing Jonathan's room.
I want to paint the wall in the dining
room underneath the chair rail this color.

And lastly for now because my dining room is part of my
living room, I have these chair pads to match.
about sales or deals this week. I really
don't plan to do any grocery shopping this
week and need a break from it. I'm pretty
much whipped with everything I have going
on at the moment.
Currently we are selling 2 vehicles and
that alone is enough stress for me.
Weeding out idiots from Craigslist
is time consuming.
Then I am revamping, cleaning, weeding out,
and moving furniture around in 2 bedrooms.
And lastly still planning out the living room
and how to decorate it.
I think I have finally found a paint color called
Colonial Yellow. Still have to go around and
paint all the walls a white primer before
doing the yellow. I have not purchased the yellow
paint yet so I could very easily change my mind
about that.
I did settle upon a fabric for the curtains
that I will be purchasing off Ebay.
Then would like to somewhere find a Tuscany
picture to hang over the couch.
Calgon take me away!!! AHHHHH.
So here are all the colors I came up with.
Now to put it altogether with painting,
making curtains, and bringing home the sofa.
This is the only photo I could
find that has a Colonial Yellow paint.
It's an old railway depot with a brighter
red roof. So I know the red sofa would
go with that color, lol.

The red sofa

And finally the fabric for my curtains.

Would love to find Tuscan pictures
like the ones below. That would have
to be a splurge though because they are
high quality art prints of paintings by artist Art Fronckowiak
who recently died just last year, May 2009.
I just think with the Tuscan theme and the colors
I am using this would work perfectly
to combine the yellows, reds & reddish oranges
and greens. For both prints would cost $26.99
including shipping.

And these things I already have
leftover paint from doing Jonathan's room.
I want to paint the wall in the dining
room underneath the chair rail this color.
And lastly for now because my dining room is part of my
living room, I have these chair pads to match.
Sunday, March 21, 2010

If ever you need a new battery for your vehicle you
might want to give Walmart a try! They take in cores
so be sure to bring your old battery with you or you
will be expected to pay an additional $9.00
extra on top of the price of a new battery.
Cores are turned in at the service counter
once you purchased your new battery.
Advance Automotive wanted $104.99
for a battery with 3 year warranty
and only 850 cold cranking amps.
Walmarts battery is $77.00
with 3 year warranty and
1,000 cold cranking amps.
If you live on Ohio with all the cold
weather during the Winter months
the more cranking amps the better!

If anyone still has those $1.50 Oscar Mayer printable
coupons here's a deal for you!
This week at Walgreens they have Oscar Mayer Bacon
2 for $6.00
use two $1.50 coupons
then you get back $1.00 in register rewards.
So it's like getting 2 packages of bacon
for $2.00. ($1.00 each!)
Compare to:
Kroger has Oscar Mayer Bacon for $2.99
- $1.50 coupon
makes them $1.50 each
Meijers is most expensive at $3.64
-$1.50 is $2.14

While I am not a big fan of "As Seen on TV"
products because I think they are junk that don't work,
I would like to recommend one item that does work
and has been soooo helpful!!
It's called Moving Men. They are little slider
discs you put under furniture to help you
move large heavy items across the floor. There has
been things that have been so heavy that I could
not move by myself before. It got so frustrating
because I am the only one home during the day
and couldn't move furniture around by myself.
Put under sofas, large entertainment stand WITH a TV,
large beds and so on. Works like a breeze!
Today I am using them to move beds around.
Combining the kids into one room and putting
bunk beds together.

I have been asked where to find a cheap printer.
I found my HP printer at MicroCenter
for $35. Walmart also has the same printer
for $32 but good luck finding them in stock.
I am able to refill my ink cartridges with
this type of printer.
No matter how cheap it may sound, do not go
with an all in one printer! Those type of
printers do not allow you to refill the ink
cartridges!! Even though it is possible to refill
them, the computer chip in them will not register
as full and will not allow you to print until
you buy a new cartridge.

Here's a little tip to get the most for your money
when stopping by a fast food joint or convenience
store. When purchasing a soft drink tell the cashier
you want little or no ice. You will get lots more
to drink if you do this! The other day at McDonalds
I got a soft drink and could not even get my straw
in the cup due to it being so full of ice!!! Due to
all that ice I was lucky to have even gotten a half cup
of pop.
I have been in the mood to start my Spring cleaning.
Oh what a tedious task that is! It's not just
a matter of cleaning up and dusting. I clean top
to bottom wiping down anything and everything!
Then I try to go through everything and weed
out what we don't need. You have to be in your
right mind to do this let me tell ya. I have
been working my way up to this moment to
get psyched up for it. It's a lot of work for
one person to do. I could ask for help from the
family but feel I am better off doing it myself
so it gets done the right way and I don't have
to backtrack or figure out where something went.
Trying to be organized along the way.
Oh my gosh! I'm sitting here typing away when I
glanced out the window because I heard a loud car
exhaust. This poor conversion van! I would have
loved to of had a picture of it. All side windows
were MISSING and the curtains were flapping in
the breeze outside it! I thought he was gonna stop and
check out the Expedition for sale because he
did a complete turn around in the road. Scared me!!
I'm thinking if you can't afford windows for your van
or pissed someone off so bad they busted your windows
out then I definately don't want them stopping here!
Ok well I need to get back to sorting through
stuff and hauling trash out. What fun!
The less you have the less stuff will get
messed up is my theory. Ohhh this is gonna
take forever to do, ahhhhhh!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
This morning I got up early and headed to Meijer
to get some of their one day sales.
12 cans Campbells Tomato Soup 3 for $1.00
12 cans $4.00
2 pounds of Strawberries @ $1.00 a pound
2 packages of Bacon $1.67 each
I am STILL struggling to find a yellow paint color.
Stopped in Sears and grabbed a few samples
then headed over to Walmart. I checked their
mistinted marked down area and thought I found
a yellow paint I liked. But the more and more
I walked around the store with it in my cart
the more I didn't like the color and ended up
putting it back.

We put the Expedition up for sale so for anyone
in the Columbus, Ohio area that might be interested
you can check it out HERE on Craigslist.
Hubby is one who likes to have a collection of cars.
It drives me crazy but I deal with it.
At the moment we have 6 vehicles, including a motorcycle.
And not including a car trailer taking up much
needed space.
Kelly Blue Book Value
Excellent Condition $8,000
Good Condition $7,600
Fair Condition $6,000 to a little over $7,000
I am asking $4,000. Why so cheap compared to Blue Book?
All I want is what I paid for it. I am still
at a loss of $1,000 on it for what work we put
into it!!! So this is a heck of a deal!!!
I would love to be able to park my vehicle
in the drive way and not have to park in the mud
out along the road so it needs to go!!
to get some of their one day sales.
12 cans Campbells Tomato Soup 3 for $1.00
12 cans $4.00
2 pounds of Strawberries @ $1.00 a pound
2 packages of Bacon $1.67 each
I am STILL struggling to find a yellow paint color.
Stopped in Sears and grabbed a few samples
then headed over to Walmart. I checked their
mistinted marked down area and thought I found
a yellow paint I liked. But the more and more
I walked around the store with it in my cart
the more I didn't like the color and ended up
putting it back.

We put the Expedition up for sale so for anyone
in the Columbus, Ohio area that might be interested
you can check it out HERE on Craigslist.
Hubby is one who likes to have a collection of cars.
It drives me crazy but I deal with it.
At the moment we have 6 vehicles, including a motorcycle.
And not including a car trailer taking up much
needed space.
Kelly Blue Book Value
Excellent Condition $8,000
Good Condition $7,600
Fair Condition $6,000 to a little over $7,000
I am asking $4,000. Why so cheap compared to Blue Book?
All I want is what I paid for it. I am still
at a loss of $1,000 on it for what work we put
into it!!! So this is a heck of a deal!!!
I would love to be able to park my vehicle
in the drive way and not have to park in the mud
out along the road so it needs to go!!
Friday, March 19, 2010

15% OFF THE 50% SALE FOR UP TO 65% OFF!!
-selected Bras
-selected Sonoma Outdoor Furniture & Table Linens
-selected Quilts
-selected Candles and Reed Diffusers
-Fashion Jewelry, Gifts Sets & Rings
-Athletic Shoes
-Fashion Bottoms & Tops
boys, girls, toddlers, infants & newborns
-Solids Polos for Men
-Many Women's & Men's Clothes
-Olivia Totes
-Fashion Accessories
-The Color Institute Makeup Kits
-Bath & Body Spring Kit Sets
-Rugs, Doormats, Decorative Pillows & Slipcovers
-Easter Candles, Ceramics & Accessories
-Clocks & Ledges
-Bath Collections
-Shoes & Sandals for Women, Kids, Men
-Fleece Blankets
-Small Kitchen Appliances
-Memory Foam Pillows
-Bath Towels
-Luggage Sets
-Sheet Sets
-Table Linens
-Bath Towels

SUNDAY MARCH 21 4pm to 8pm
Go HERE to print out your 15% off
your entire purchase coupon(good Sunday only)
Also there is a printable coupon for
40% off any one regular priced item.
Good March 21-27
20% off Crayola
40% off all Baskets
Today I stopped in the thrift store.
I decided to find Jonathan a
bear with outfits for his Easter basket.
large bear .75 cents
baseball top .45 cents
baseball shorts .60 cents
socks .59 cents
undies .59 cents
tennis shoes .60 cents
2 onesies $1.20
jean shorts .50
Now compare to an actual Build A Bear...
1 bear $10.00
1 outfit $12.00
socks $2.00
tennis shoes $7.50
did not see underwear for a bear
-SOCKS & TENNIS SHOES (no undies)
Now which one are you going to pay
for a child to play with one time
and let sit on the bed or in a closet???!!!

register to be able to get coupons below
-SAVE $.75 on any one (1) pkg of HORMEL® Fully Cooked Bacon
-SAVE $2 on any one (1) HORMEL® Party Tray
-SAVE 50¢ on any two (2) HORMEL® Bacon Topping
-SAVE 55¢ on any two (2) HORMEL® Pepperoni packs
I am still having a hard time choosing a paint
color for our living room, dining room and
hallway areas. While I am ready to go beyond
my comfort zone of typical wall colors
it scares me to pick one and it not be the color
I like. I have been to a couple stores and picked
out some paint chips. I don't like any of them
under the lighting in our home. I am looking
for a toned down yellow that is not too light,
too bright or too dark. I've looked at Valspar,
Sherwin Williams, Olympic and so on. So what do I
do to find the right color that will look good?
Maybe I could find an object with the color I like
and they could color match it. Even then those
colors don't come out right. I'm at a loss here
and would like to bring home my new sofa soon
but would like to have the living room and other
areas painted before doing so. AHHHHHH!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Stopped back in Kroger's today.
Yesterday I saw they had All liquid detergent
marked down to $3.00 so had to go back and
snatch a few up!
reg. $5.14 each x's 3 is $15.42
sale $3.00 each x's 3 is $9.00
I paid after coupon $1.00 each x's 3 is $3.00
2 bottles of Franks Red Hot Sauce
reg. $1.59 each
I paid FREE

A little late in the week but I finally made
it to Walgreens and surprisingly everything
I went for was in stock!
I spent $1.48 before tax
for $42.52 worth of items!!

2 Tylenol Simply Sleep
reg. $5.49 x's 2 is $10.98
I paid FREE
3 Dark Chocolate Reeses Cups Candy
reg. .89 cents x's 3 is $2.67
I paid FREE
5 pound bag of Gold Flour
reg. $2.79
I paid .75 cents
4 Ore Ida Easy Fries
reg. $1.29 x's 4 is $5.16
I paid .96 cents for all for or .24 cents each
2 Planters Trail Mix 6 ounces
reg. $2.69 x's 2 is $5.38
I paid FREE
2 bottles 90 count Ester C Tablets
reg. $10.99 each x's 2 is $21.98
I paid .99 cents for 2 or .49 cents each


Hurry and print out this COUPON for KMART!!
It's on the top right side.
It's $10 off a $20 purchase.
Good March 5 to May 22.
Don't know how long this coupon will be available!

Saturday March 20th 6AM til Midnight
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup
3 for .99 cents limit 12
1 pound container $1.00
Sargento Shredded or String Cheese
Plumrose Sliced Bacon 16 ounces
40 ounce package Meijer Skinless Chicken Breasts
30 ounce Joy Dishsoap
.89 cents
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Colgate Toothpaste & Toothbrush
Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Playtex 30 count tampons
Limit 2

Announcement on Dollar General's facebook said:
A special coupon will be delivered to our Facebook fans next Thursday 3/25. The offer will be for across the store savings on Sunday 3/28. Spread the word, share the savings and be sure to check back!"

Here lately at Kroger's at the checkout
I've been getting Catalina coupons
(those coupons that print at the checkout
next to the register)
for $10 off a $25 purchase at Fashion Bug.

SAVE-A-LOT Facebook
We’re giving away 100 - $5 Coupons to your favorite Save-A-Lot Stores!
To be eligible, we’re asking you to go on a little scavenger hunt. Start out by visiting and leaving an honest review for any of our products…then return to this comment thread (under this image) and leave your Smart Shopper username a...and the name of the product you reviewed.
Winners will be announced over the next 10 days at random. Giveaway ends March 26, 2010 at 12:00 AM CST. Only one win per person, and please don’t SPAM the comment thread, abuse of entries will get you booted!
Yesterday I saw they had All liquid detergent
marked down to $3.00 so had to go back and
snatch a few up!
reg. $5.14 each x's 3 is $15.42
sale $3.00 each x's 3 is $9.00
I paid after coupon $1.00 each x's 3 is $3.00
2 bottles of Franks Red Hot Sauce
reg. $1.59 each
I paid FREE
A little late in the week but I finally made
it to Walgreens and surprisingly everything
I went for was in stock!
I spent $1.48 before tax
for $42.52 worth of items!!
2 Tylenol Simply Sleep
reg. $5.49 x's 2 is $10.98
I paid FREE
3 Dark Chocolate Reeses Cups Candy
reg. .89 cents x's 3 is $2.67
I paid FREE
5 pound bag of Gold Flour
reg. $2.79
I paid .75 cents
4 Ore Ida Easy Fries
reg. $1.29 x's 4 is $5.16
I paid .96 cents for all for or .24 cents each
2 Planters Trail Mix 6 ounces
reg. $2.69 x's 2 is $5.38
I paid FREE
2 bottles 90 count Ester C Tablets
reg. $10.99 each x's 2 is $21.98
I paid .99 cents for 2 or .49 cents each

Hurry and print out this COUPON for KMART!!
It's on the top right side.
It's $10 off a $20 purchase.
Good March 5 to May 22.
Don't know how long this coupon will be available!

Saturday March 20th 6AM til Midnight
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup
3 for .99 cents limit 12
1 pound container $1.00
Sargento Shredded or String Cheese
Plumrose Sliced Bacon 16 ounces
40 ounce package Meijer Skinless Chicken Breasts
30 ounce Joy Dishsoap
.89 cents
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Colgate Toothpaste & Toothbrush
Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Playtex 30 count tampons
Limit 2

Announcement on Dollar General's facebook said:
A special coupon will be delivered to our Facebook fans next Thursday 3/25. The offer will be for across the store savings on Sunday 3/28. Spread the word, share the savings and be sure to check back!"

Here lately at Kroger's at the checkout
I've been getting Catalina coupons
(those coupons that print at the checkout
next to the register)
for $10 off a $25 purchase at Fashion Bug.

SAVE-A-LOT Facebook
We’re giving away 100 - $5 Coupons to your favorite Save-A-Lot Stores!
To be eligible, we’re asking you to go on a little scavenger hunt. Start out by visiting and leaving an honest review for any of our products…then return to this comment thread (under this image) and leave your Smart Shopper username a...and the name of the product you reviewed.
Winners will be announced over the next 10 days at random. Giveaway ends March 26, 2010 at 12:00 AM CST. Only one win per person, and please don’t SPAM the comment thread, abuse of entries will get you booted!
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About Me

- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"