to see if I can find a small can of reddish
colored paint for my dining room wall.
Then over to Big Lots to get 6 tension
rods for my curtains so I can start sewing
them soon and get them put up.
I can't wait to remove those dusty old
blinds! I'd replace them but they are
a custom made blind meaning they don't
sell the size in the stores.
Redoing some rooms and Spring cleaning
sure is a lot of work! It's a slow
process and I hope I can survive as it
makes your home look wiped out!
We have even given it some thought to possibly
pull up the carpet in the dining, living room
and hallway. I think we might have hardwood
floors underneath the carpet but who knows
the condition. I'm not one for hardwood floors
but considering how much dirt is trapped in
carpet over time that could make people sick
and how much time I spend cleaning carpets,
it sure is a possibility of something we might do.
When I get time and more patience I'll have
to see if I can pull up a corner of the carpet
to take a gander. I tried yesterday and the carpet
is tacked down really good that it wouldn't budge.
I can't afford new carpet and this light gray carpet
is driving me nuts because it shows all the dirt.
Who in their right mind has light colored carpet
installed. The last place we lived had light
cream colored carpet that almost looked white.
Didn't have much luck at Habitat today finding
red paint. Mom wanted to stop by Meijer's
so while there I picked up a couple things.
.50 cents 2 pound bag of mini carrots
$1.00 for 2 bags of oranges 12 oranges total
$1.49 for 10 pound bag of potatoes
I'm in no mood to talk, to shop or to coupon at them moment!
I am very irritable and have no tolerance for anything!
Why you ask???
I am still trying to get over a vet bill at the
moment due to a dog getting surgery.
She had gotten an infection in her female organs
and had to get fixed and the infection removed.
If you know me and how tight I am with money
and had to of spent this amount of money then
you would know it would make me depressed at the
moment. Vets sure know how to drain you
of money you have in your savings that's for sure.
Yeah I still have "some" but this was a big chunk.
How much you ask??? Figure I'd kind of put that
in here since I don't feel like talking at the
moment, want the phone ringing or people asking
101 questions.
Well let's see I could have gotten a top of the line
stainless steel refrigerator, I could have
bought another Explorer to replace mine
that is limping along, how about groceries
for the next year!!! That's how much!!
I am happy to say that the dog seems fine
from surgery and is recovering well.
But I am still blown away at how much
a freakin' (putting it nicely here) vet costs!!
I still have to pay to have stitches
removed in 2 weeks. Don't want to know
how much they charge for that!
You have to do what you have to do because
that's why we have savings accounts for
those emergency situations.
But to me it's like having an earthquake
dealing with the aftershocks.
I'm so in la, la land and not in my right
mind that when I signed the vet papers
I signed my maiden name. I cannot figure
out why as I have not signed my maiden name
in 23 years!!! Thank God it was not
my previous married name as that wouldn't
have went over well with Tony, LOL!
I still have to pay my doctor bills
from my emergency room and doctor visits.
I still need testing in April to see if I have
cancer in the female organs.
I can't win at the moment so am heading to bed
early tonight! I didn't sleep well last night
as I was awoken with an acid reflux attack
that had me running to the bathroom getting sick.
So there you have it. That's my story and
I'm sticking to it. I'll post
what's going on around here for friends/family
but as for sales and coupons I don't see much
of that happening
right now with no desire to do it.
I feel the need to cut back for now.
I have my stockpile and freezer to eat from
for awhile and will do that instead of
shopping, other than the basic stuff.