for Kroger's reusable bag contest.
Here's one of them:

Got me a NEW cell phone today, woo hoo.
I have never owned a NEW one before
so this is a treat. Phone was free
after rebate so that was a plus.
We are on my mom's family plan.
So that is how we save money by
having 2 cells phones.
Only costs us $20 a month for both
to use. Nothing fancy that involves
text or web. Just basic pick up the
phone and talk. That's all we need it for.
Found these coupons at Speedway tonight
so be on the look out for them.
$1.00 off 20 ounce Pepsi Max
2 for $2.22 use 2 coupons
makes it .44 cents for two 20 ounce bottles!!
$1.00 off 2 Dr. Pepper or Cherry Dr. Pepper 20 ounce bottles
(diet or regular)
2 for $2.22
use 1 coupon
makes it $1.22 for two 20 ounce bottles!
I know for the past couple of weeks allergies
have invaded my sinuses and just recently
got to Tony.
I found this article from NBC 4 about allergy
season this year which is one of the worst on record...
I've taken a few allergy/sinus tablets
that seem to help take the pressure
COLUMBUS, Ohio—“Ah ahhh ahhhhh choo!“
It’s a chorus heard all over Central Ohio in the past couple of weeks.
The pollen is thick… and so is that nasty stuff keeping you from breathing through your nose. Your eyes are red. You’re tired all the time.
Welcome to the spring allergy season.
“We’ve found that this allergy season has been a lot worse this year than in previous years,“ says OSU Medical Center Allergist Dr. Princess Ogbogu. “Allergies are actually an abnormal immune reaction but it’s very common. Twenty percent of the population actually has allergies.“
Ogbogu says her patients have been suffering more than usual this year. She says the first line of defense is a good offense: get tested to find out what your allergies are.
“Once you know what you’re allergic to, you can do a better job of avoidance,“ she says.
And she promises that allergy testing doesn’t have to involve being poked with dozens of needles.
“Most of the allergy testing is done with plastic pricks,“ she says. “So I tell people it’s usually not very uncomfortable. The worst you get is itching if you’re allergic to something and we can handle that
quite easily.“
Ogbogu says pollen levels tend to be highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., so it’s best to stay indoors during those hours. She recommends using air conditioning whenever possible. And she says to be cautious about bringing the pollen into your home and bed.
“When you come inside, you should change your clothes and you should wash your hair.“
The abundance of pollen isn’t from showy flowers, it’s mostly from the bland, non-descript, deciduous trees.
“This oak is a prime culprit,“ says OSU Professor of Plant Ecology Peter Curtis. Standing under an oak tree just beginning to spout leaves, he plucks a small branch to point out the strands of tiny flowers that cover most of the tree. Those flowers are the male parts that produce the pollen that the trees use to reproduce.
“It has to produce lots of that pollen because wind just blows wherever it’s going to go. It doesn’t know where the next tree is,“ he says. The pollen is designed to float along on warm, dry breezes until it lands on the female parts of the next oak. We, literally, are just bystanders in the trees’ reproductive process.
“Your nose is in the way of all of that,“ Curtis says.
As for why the season has been so brutal, Curtis suggests it’s because the blossoms came so soon this year; a good two weeks early.
“A hundred years ago, you’d never see a spring this early,“ he says. It may not be the earliest allergy season on record, but it may be close. “This, actually, is one of a whole bunch of early springs that we’ve had dating back into the late-80’s and 90’s.“
Dr. Ogbogu even has a theory for the early onset.
“We see that as we have climate change, we see longer pollen seasons, a lot more pollen and people who used to be just minimally affected by allergies are actually having a lot of symptoms now,“ she notes.
To fight the symptoms, Ogbogu says many of the over-the-counter antihistamines are very effective.