Brats with sauekraut,
green peppers, onions, mushrooms
on a toasted bun with a swiss cheese slice.
Had to go to Kmart today to find the kids
some shoes.
Those shoes we've been getting them from
Walmart for $12 are lucky to hold up a month!!
We splurged and paid $24.99 for one
pair and got the second pair for $12.50- 50% off.
I have to tell you about this next thing
because it was something different I guess
they started doing because I had never heard
of it before today.
When purchasing the shoes the cashier asked
if I wanted to purchase a warranty on them!
I turned down the warranty but had to ask
about it anyway.
It was $2.99 for each pair of shoes
and was good for a year in the even they fell
apart, tore or whatever.
I guess I was so blown away with her
asking me if I wanted a shoe warranty
(and also the fact I don't feel well)
that I should have bought a warranty on
at least one pair I bought.
Both pairs of shoes I got today for the kids
were identical, including size.
Oh I also splurged and bought
me two 8 packs of plastic hangers
that I found in the mark down area
for .50 cents a pack.
Ok y'all I've been watching the sales like a hawk
for the best deal on the Toy Story 3 combo pack.
This is from my sales ads bag that comes on your
At Kroger Marketplace.
I did not see a price on the DVD combo
but I did see that if you bought
the 4 disc combo pack, a 5 pack
of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and
a 10 pack of Capri Sun
they will give you $6.00 off
with an in store-coupon.
I do not know if you could also
use the $8 manufacture coupon
in addition to this.
And then don't forget about
the $5.00 rebate from Cambells.
$2.00 off 1 FiberPlus Bars 5 count
It's almost the end of the month
so don't forget to print off any coupons
from Smartsource,
& Red Plum!
They will all reset on the 1st of the month.
I am still not feeling the greatest!
I might call the doctor Monday to get
an appointment. That says allot about
me because I don't go to doctors too much.
I usually ride the storm out and everything
seems to fix itself. BUT if something is
very painful and bothersome I might
have it checked out.
First of all my toe is still sore, maybe not as
bad, but has some redness that has not gone away.
I have cleansed it daily with hydrogen peroxide.
And then as of yesterday evening I really
started feeling like crap
and have felt it all day today as well.
Last night I started getting a severe pain
under my left shoulder blade. It's in
a generalized area and if one would push on
that area there is the possibility I would scream.
Along with that shoulder blade pain came
neck stiffness. I don't dare turn my head too far.
Instead I have been turning my whole body.
I had Tony drive to the store today
because when I attempted it and tried to look back
to back out or look around it hurt allot.
I ain't even hit 40 yet and I feel as though
I am falling apart!!
I have been taking Advil and are using
an icy hot patch on my shoulder blade.
I got those from Dollar Tree awhile ago.
Wasn't sure how good they would be.
It doesn't really get hot or warm up
but has a slight cool tingling feeling.
Smells like there might be something
along the line of Ben Gay on it.
It seems to take the edge off along with
the Advil.
I'll keep you updated.
I have laundry to do tomorrow and
am not looking forward to it!
May have to call upon the help of others
in this household to help do it.
Well time to go take some more Advil.
I haven't had any since upon waking up this morning.
What I am confused about is when you
should apply heat to a sore area
and when to apply cold.
Because if you do the wrong one
it could actually make the situation worse.
Brats with sauekraut,
green peppers, onions, mushrooms
on a toasted bun with a swiss cheese slice.
Had to go to Kmart today to find the kids
some shoes.
Those shoes we've been getting them from
Walmart for $12 are lucky to hold up a month!!
We splurged and paid $24.99 for one
pair and got the second pair for $12.50- 50% off.
I have to tell you about this next thing
because it was something different I guess
they started doing because I had never heard
of it before today.
When purchasing the shoes the cashier asked
if I wanted to purchase a warranty on them!
I turned down the warranty but had to ask
about it anyway.
It was $2.99 for each pair of shoes
and was good for a year in the even they fell
apart, tore or whatever.
I guess I was so blown away with her
asking me if I wanted a shoe warranty
(and also the fact I don't feel well)
that I should have bought a warranty on
at least one pair I bought.
Both pairs of shoes I got today for the kids
were identical, including size.
Oh I also splurged and bought
me two 8 packs of plastic hangers
that I found in the mark down area
for .50 cents a pack.
Ok y'all I've been watching the sales like a hawk
for the best deal on the Toy Story 3 combo pack.
This is from my sales ads bag that comes on your
At Kroger Marketplace.
I did not see a price on the DVD combo
but I did see that if you bought
the 4 disc combo pack, a 5 pack
of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and
a 10 pack of Capri Sun
they will give you $6.00 off
with an in store-coupon.
I do not know if you could also
use the $8 manufacture coupon
in addition to this.
And then don't forget about
the $5.00 rebate from Cambells.
$2.00 off 1 FiberPlus Bars 5 count
It's almost the end of the month
so don't forget to print off any coupons
from Smartsource,
& Red Plum!
They will all reset on the 1st of the month.
I am still not feeling the greatest!
I might call the doctor Monday to get
an appointment. That says allot about
me because I don't go to doctors too much.
I usually ride the storm out and everything
seems to fix itself. BUT if something is
very painful and bothersome I might
have it checked out.
First of all my toe is still sore, maybe not as
bad, but has some redness that has not gone away.
I have cleansed it daily with hydrogen peroxide.
And then as of yesterday evening I really
started feeling like crap
and have felt it all day today as well.
Last night I started getting a severe pain
under my left shoulder blade. It's in
a generalized area and if one would push on
that area there is the possibility I would scream.
Along with that shoulder blade pain came
neck stiffness. I don't dare turn my head too far.
Instead I have been turning my whole body.
I had Tony drive to the store today
because when I attempted it and tried to look back
to back out or look around it hurt allot.
I ain't even hit 40 yet and I feel as though
I am falling apart!!
I have been taking Advil and are using
an icy hot patch on my shoulder blade.
I got those from Dollar Tree awhile ago.
Wasn't sure how good they would be.
It doesn't really get hot or warm up
but has a slight cool tingling feeling.
Smells like there might be something
along the line of Ben Gay on it.
It seems to take the edge off along with
the Advil.
I'll keep you updated.
I have laundry to do tomorrow and
am not looking forward to it!
May have to call upon the help of others
in this household to help do it.
Well time to go take some more Advil.
I haven't had any since upon waking up this morning.
What I am confused about is when you
should apply heat to a sore area
and when to apply cold.
Because if you do the wrong one
it could actually make the situation worse.