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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Me and mom went to Khol's today
and bought, between the both of us,
about $47 worth of stuff for $4.00.

We used both our $10 coupon cards
plus they had some items marked
down from 30% to 55% which
helped even more to lower the prices!

After that we headed to my doctor's
appointment. I thought they were
doing another pap but they ended up
going in and cutting a pollup
(however you spell it)
off to send to the lab to see
if it was cancerous. More than likely
it is not but it's better to have it
checked out.

Stomach's feeling a little sore
as they didn't use anything to
numb the area they were cutting off.

I hate doctor's offices. Mom went
to the dentist Monday and it took
at least 2 hours, most of the time
spent was waiting. I go today and had
an appointment at 11:00 and didn't get
called back til almost 12:00!!

I spent this afternoon trying to figure
out how to install a surround. My head
is spinning and I got about as far as
hooking speakers up. Why can't anything
be easy to do? I read the directions
but it looked foreign to me. I can do
everything else except electronics, ahhh.

Mom and I managed to stop by a yard sale
today just up the street from here.
Seems a little odd to have one on a Thursday.
I bought:

-New black Haggar courderoy pants, tags still on it
for $60 (wowzer!!!) for .50 cents
-Victoria Secret nightgown .50 cents
-Pink lace leggins .50 cents
-Pair of shorts for Christopher .50 cents

Patiently waiting for tomorrow to get here
to go to the church sale I've been talking

Last night I saw Walmart had their Easter
items marked down to 90% off!!

Tonight's Supper

I had some leftover chicken stroganoff I stored
in the freezer. So tonight I mixed in
a box of frozen veggies with it and will
serve it over biscuits.

Leftover stroganoff- free
frozen boxed veggies- .50 cents
can of Grands biscuits- .50 cents
can of cream of chicken soup- .70 cents

Serves 5 @ .34 cents a serving

Also have leftover Strawberry Cheesecake
for dessert.


Last night I read the entire book,
Clara's Kitchen. It was interesting
learning about what life was like
during the depression and what they
ate and did to survive. Some of the recipes
seemed a little weird but I guess
if that's all you have, weird is better
than starving. I always wondered who
decided what we should eat with certain
meals. And who decided what foods were
considered breakfast foods. Why do we only
eat them that time of day??? I say eat
what you want, when you want, and with
whatever you want! Food is food!!
And it sure fills your belly no matter
what it may be mixed with or what sides
you serve as long as it tastes good.
YOU set your own ways and don't do something
just because that's what everyone else does!
Be your own person and your own family.
Have your own uniqueness about you instead
of keeping up with the Joneses. If we were
all alike this world would be such a boring place!


(from Craigslist)

Don't miss this huge sale, featuring all sizes of clothing (infants, children, teens, adults) - FILL A BAG FOR .25!
Also furniture, toys, books, electronics, household items, shoes, even a hospital bed

Fri., April 23 9-3
Sat., April 24 9-12 Noon

GRACE Fellowship Church
3475 Paris Blvd. in Westerville
(formerly Grace Baptist Church)


See told ya this was an el cheapo sale!!


Here's a thought for ya.

Yesterday I'm standing in line at the customer
service desk at Walmart. I'm watching people return items
and saw one lady was returning a pack of toilet paper.
That was different!! It was a simple pack of Angel
Soft toilet paper, probably the cheapest you could
buy without buying store brand. I just don't think
I could stand in line of about 10 people to return
TOILET PAPER! Who returns toilet paper???
Another lady, who was heavy set, was returning
a couple of stair steppers. Hmmmm, the New Year's
Resolution not working for her. Walmart is a crazy
place filled with a lot of interesting people.
Ya gotta do something while standing in line
so you start looking around to see what others
are doing, buying or returning.
It makes you wonder about others.

In Aldi's yesterday the man behind us at the checkout
bought, and yes I quickly counted this in my head,
8 DOZEN cans of spinach and about 20 boxes of instant
potatoes. I don't know if he wanted to be like Popeye
or what.


If you do not have cable or have missed
a favorite show, here are some sites
where you might find and be able to
watch certain episodes.








About Me

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My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"

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