I had woke up around 9:30am
this morning to the phone ringing.
It was mom wanting to know if I wanted
to go to Meijer and check out any mark downs
they had. I had to pass since I had just woke
up and she was already ready to go.
So instead our family will head to Kroger
today and check out their mark downs,
get a jar of beans and some cornbread.
Then stop by Tony's work before coming home
to drop off our Christmas trash.
Then spend the day making ham & bean soup,
cleaning up the kitchen and putting my
living room back together.
Really needs a vacuum run considering there
is hamster bedding all over the floor.
Looking like a kennel in here, lol.
Oh yeah and possibly stop in somewhere to buy
a bike chain & lock. The one Santa got for
Christopher is a combination lock
and uh, well it's kinda missing the numbers
on it. So it will go back to Walmart. Just
not today as I'm not fighting those crowds.
Back home.
Kroger had their Christmas stuff 60% off.
I got a dozen frosted sugar cookies.
Reg. $3.00 marked down to $1.00.
And I bought one of those large bags
of cinnamon pine cones reg. $5.00
marked down to $2.00.
I kept them in the bag
and put the bag on top of one of our vents in
the house.
I just got a large pot on the stove:
Remaining ham & bone,
1 chopped onion,
about 3 stalks celery, chopped,
chicken bullion,
garlic salt,
parsley flakes,
dried basil,
Mrs. Dash original blend.
48 oz. jar of 7 different beans in liquid,
covered in water.
I save time using these jarred
beans in liquid so I don't have to let the beans soak.
Then I save these jars and reuse them
for putting pickled eggs in.

For those that need totes to stash your
Christmas items in (or for whatever)
18 gallon slate blue totes from Lowes
was $4.99 now $2.50 til Jan. 3rd.
Free shipping for store pickup.
Got some screen and put it around
the bottom sides of the gerbil cage
to prevent them from flipping bedding out.
This way they can see out and we can
see in as opposed to the cardboard
I had around it.
Now you can see the second
wheel I put it on the second floor.
At times they'll both be going
on each wheel.
Tonight they thought of a new trick.
To run really fast on the wheel
then stop suddenly and the wheel
would flip them round and round
about 5 times. Of course when I grabbed
the camera they quit doing it.
Well back to watching the
Blue Collar Comedy Tour on the
Comedy channel.
They are hilarious!
Got all the ham and bean soup put in the freezer
after everyone ate what they wanted out of it.
I let it simmer on the stove for about
5 hours today. The ham just fell off
the bone and is soo tender!
I got a good 4-5 meals for 4 people
out of that one pot of soup!

I had woke up around 9:30am
this morning to the phone ringing.
It was mom wanting to know if I wanted
to go to Meijer and check out any mark downs
they had. I had to pass since I had just woke
up and she was already ready to go.
So instead our family will head to Kroger
today and check out their mark downs,
get a jar of beans and some cornbread.
Then stop by Tony's work before coming home
to drop off our Christmas trash.
Then spend the day making ham & bean soup,
cleaning up the kitchen and putting my
living room back together.
Really needs a vacuum run considering there
is hamster bedding all over the floor.
Looking like a kennel in here, lol.
Oh yeah and possibly stop in somewhere to buy
a bike chain & lock. The one Santa got for
Christopher is a combination lock
and uh, well it's kinda missing the numbers
on it. So it will go back to Walmart. Just
not today as I'm not fighting those crowds.
Back home.
Kroger had their Christmas stuff 60% off.
I got a dozen frosted sugar cookies.
Reg. $3.00 marked down to $1.00.
And I bought one of those large bags
of cinnamon pine cones reg. $5.00
marked down to $2.00.
I kept them in the bag
and put the bag on top of one of our vents in
the house.
I just got a large pot on the stove:
Remaining ham & bone,
1 chopped onion,
about 3 stalks celery, chopped,
chicken bullion,
garlic salt,
parsley flakes,
dried basil,
Mrs. Dash original blend.
48 oz. jar of 7 different beans in liquid,
covered in water.
I save time using these jarred
beans in liquid so I don't have to let the beans soak.
Then I save these jars and reuse them
for putting pickled eggs in.
Then another day this week I will make this
up as a freezer meal also:
1 freezer container of already
made chicken leg quarters, remove meat from bones.
In a pot make up 4 packets of
country gravy, add chicken broth and
flour if necessary to fill pot half way full.
Stir in a can or two of mixed vegetables.
Then stir in chopped up chicken.
Will freeze this Chicken A La King
in smaller containers.
Serve over some biscuits, pasta or rice.
Chicken $1.00
4 packets of gravy $2.00
2 cans mixed veggies $1.00
Pasta and biscuits go on sale allot
and when using coupons on them
makes them really cheap or free!
I'm keeping my eyes peeled for
after Christmas/ Thanksgiving meal items
to be marked down.
You can usually find potatoes, gravy, stuffing,
cranberries in the can, pie fillings,
baking stuff and so on.
I guess it would all depend upon the store
and how much stuff they had leftover.
Here is something I will remember for
next year!
Christmas eve Damien had to work at Meijer.
They closed at 7pm that day.
He said that around 6:30pm they made
an announcement that all fresh meat
was 50% off because of not being open
for Christmas!
Damn, I wish I had known.
But I am remembering this for next year for sure!!
----------------------------------up as a freezer meal also:
1 freezer container of already
made chicken leg quarters, remove meat from bones.
In a pot make up 4 packets of
country gravy, add chicken broth and
flour if necessary to fill pot half way full.
Stir in a can or two of mixed vegetables.
Then stir in chopped up chicken.
Will freeze this Chicken A La King
in smaller containers.
Serve over some biscuits, pasta or rice.
Chicken $1.00
4 packets of gravy $2.00
2 cans mixed veggies $1.00
Pasta and biscuits go on sale allot
and when using coupons on them
makes them really cheap or free!
I'm keeping my eyes peeled for
after Christmas/ Thanksgiving meal items
to be marked down.
You can usually find potatoes, gravy, stuffing,
cranberries in the can, pie fillings,
baking stuff and so on.
I guess it would all depend upon the store
and how much stuff they had leftover.
Here is something I will remember for
next year!
Christmas eve Damien had to work at Meijer.
They closed at 7pm that day.
He said that around 6:30pm they made
an announcement that all fresh meat
was 50% off because of not being open
for Christmas!
Damn, I wish I had known
But I am remembering this for next year for sure!!
For those that need totes to stash your
Christmas items in (or for whatever)
18 gallon slate blue totes from Lowes
was $4.99 now $2.50 til Jan. 3rd.
Free shipping for store pickup.
Got some screen and put it around
the bottom sides of the gerbil cage
to prevent them from flipping bedding out.
This way they can see out and we can
see in as opposed to the cardboard
I had around it.
Now you can see the second
wheel I put it on the second floor.
At times they'll both be going
on each wheel.
Tonight they thought of a new trick.
To run really fast on the wheel
then stop suddenly and the wheel
would flip them round and round
about 5 times. Of course when I grabbed
the camera they quit doing it.
Blue Collar Comedy Tour on the
Comedy channel.
They are hilarious!
Got all the ham and bean soup put in the freezer
after everyone ate what they wanted out of it.
I let it simmer on the stove for about
5 hours today. The ham just fell off
the bone and is soo tender!
I got a good 4-5 meals for 4 people
out of that one pot of soup!