It's getting to be that time of year
when baking products will start going on sale
for upcoming holidays.
Now is the time to take advantage of those
sales and any coupons for baking items.
HERE are some Smartsource coupons
for brown sugar, powdered sugar
and some baking powder.
At least get the high dollar .75 cents
($1.50 doubled) baking powder coupon
to get it cheap or free!
This time of year I also start collecting
candy coupons. I don't buy candy before Halloween.
I wait til after the holidays and hit the stores
when they mark their holiday candy down
and then use those coupons for some really
cheap or free candy.
You'll be able to find candy 50%-75% and
sometimes even 90% off!!
I also like to stock up on other baking supplies
that might be marked down
like napkins, cupcake wrappers, sprinkles,
cookie cutters and so on.
Rayovac Batteries
Save $5.99 on 2-pack of 9v alkaline
I was able to get only 1 of the $5.99 coupons
before they were gone.
Wowzer, I just checked my Opinion Outpost
survey information and I'm .20 cents
short of making $50.00!
Woo Hoo.
Took 2 1/2 months to get that.
Almost time to cash that in for Christmas!!
It takes 4 - 8 weeks to get.
So hoping to get it in the shorter amount of time!
Also sent away for one of my $25 gift cards
for another survey site.
So there will be an extra $75.00 for Christmas.
Well y'all I'm gonna go take me a nappy.
I didn't get one yesterday because I thought
we were going to have some bad weather
roll through and I wanted to be up and prepared
for whatever happened.
I was also awake at 2:40AM this morning
because I kept hearing a helicopter.
I got up and saw it a block down our street
with it's spot light around mom's house.
I went outside to see what was going on
and saw a police car whiz down the street
but with no red and blue lights on.
I asked around this morning when at
the bus stop about it and no one knows
what went on at that hour of the morning.
Mom said it sounded like the helicopter was
in her bedroom! I told her it was flying right
above her house.
Tonight's supper
1 pound ground turkey fried up.
Mixed in a can of Hormel No Beans Chili
and a can of undrained diced tomatoes.
Serve over Ronzoni Garden Pasta.
Add cheese crumbles to top.
Ronzoni Garden Pasta has a full serving
of vegetables in each 4 ounce serving.
It has tomatoes, spinach
and carrots made right in the pasta.
You could also use macaroni & cheese
to make chili mac instead of spaghetti.
ground turkey $1.39
spaghetti .17 cents
hormel chili $1.00
100 calorie cheese packs .88 cents
can of diced tomatoes- free
Serves 6 @ .57 cents a serving
Next month be sure to use your
Speedy rewards card at Speedway
and look for any print out coupons.
Gotta watch those cashiers carefully
to be sure to get your coupons, receipts
or speedy rewards receipts
because if they forget to give them to you
they could either pocket them,
give them to someone else or throw them away!
when baking products will start going on sale
for upcoming holidays.
Now is the time to take advantage of those
sales and any coupons for baking items.
HERE are some Smartsource coupons
for brown sugar, powdered sugar
and some baking powder.
At least get the high dollar .75 cents
($1.50 doubled) baking powder coupon
to get it cheap or free!
This time of year I also start collecting
candy coupons. I don't buy candy before Halloween.
I wait til after the holidays and hit the stores
when they mark their holiday candy down
and then use those coupons for some really
cheap or free candy.
You'll be able to find candy 50%-75% and
sometimes even 90% off!!
I also like to stock up on other baking supplies
that might be marked down
like napkins, cupcake wrappers, sprinkles,
cookie cutters and so on.
Rayovac Batteries
Save $5.99 on 2-pack of 9v alkaline
I was able to get only 1 of the $5.99 coupons
before they were gone.
Wowzer, I just checked my Opinion Outpost
survey information and I'm .20 cents
short of making $50.00!
Woo Hoo.
Took 2 1/2 months to get that.
Almost time to cash that in for Christmas!!
It takes 4 - 8 weeks to get.
So hoping to get it in the shorter amount of time!
Also sent away for one of my $25 gift cards
for another survey site.
So there will be an extra $75.00 for Christmas.
Well y'all I'm gonna go take me a nappy.
I didn't get one yesterday because I thought
we were going to have some bad weather
roll through and I wanted to be up and prepared
for whatever happened.
I was also awake at 2:40AM this morning
because I kept hearing a helicopter.
I got up and saw it a block down our street
with it's spot light around mom's house.
I went outside to see what was going on
and saw a police car whiz down the street
but with no red and blue lights on.
I asked around this morning when at
the bus stop about it and no one knows
what went on at that hour of the morning.
Mom said it sounded like the helicopter was
in her bedroom! I told her it was flying right
above her house.
Tonight's supper
1 pound ground turkey fried up.
Mixed in a can of Hormel No Beans Chili
and a can of undrained diced tomatoes.
Serve over Ronzoni Garden Pasta.
Add cheese crumbles to top.
Ronzoni Garden Pasta has a full serving
of vegetables in each 4 ounce serving.
It has tomatoes, spinach
and carrots made right in the pasta.
You could also use macaroni & cheese
to make chili mac instead of spaghetti.
ground turkey $1.39
spaghetti .17 cents
hormel chili $1.00
100 calorie cheese packs .88 cents
can of diced tomatoes- free
Serves 6 @ .57 cents a serving
Next month be sure to use your
Speedy rewards card at Speedway
and look for any print out coupons.
Gotta watch those cashiers carefully
to be sure to get your coupons, receipts
or speedy rewards receipts
because if they forget to give them to you
they could either pocket them,
give them to someone else or throw them away!
You could receive a surprise when you visit Speedway this November. Win a FREE $15, $25 or $500 Gift Card or one of many other rewards simply by using your card on an in-store purchase*. |
We put the world's best mathematicians to work on calculating the odds and they've estimated that there could be over a million instant winners. That's a lot of happy Speedy Rewards members! If you've won, a coupon good for FREE merchandise or gift cards will print out along with your Speedy Rewards receipt. Random Rewards coupons are only issued on in-store transactions* so make sure to shop inside so that you get rewarded. |
*NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. See Official Rules for complete details. Random Rewards begins November 1, 2010, and ends November 30, 2010. Random Rewards excludes transactions where only beer or cigarettes are purchased. Void where prohibited. |