about 10am. I got wooden planks put up around the
border to help keep the horse manure from washing
out during rains. About half way through of spreading
manure we could hear loud thunder in the distance.
So we were scooping pretty fast. It held off and
only sprinkled which felt so good! Any remaining
manure I threw in the one flower bed nearby.
I think I would like to get another load
of horse manure and instead of mulching out
front in the flower beds, use a load of
horse manure instead.
Now we are looking for the best deals
for some vegetable plants already
started in pots. I know at the flea
market on High St. there's usually
a guy that sells some but he hasn't
been there yet this year. That's where
I've bought ones before. But I would
like more variety of veggies this year
with such a big garden. I do also have some
seeds to start also as soon as I get the
green house put together.
I might do that while the NASCAR race is
on and Tony is watching it. Then we'll
head out to Walmart, Lowes and/or Home Depot.
Here is the results from today.
Just got done doing about 75% of putting Winter clothing
away and hanging Summer clothes up.
What a pain in the ass this chore is.
But what other choice do I have?
The closets are small and if I don't rotate
clothes will be laying everywhere.
Well rain has stopped for a bit.
Might head out to the driveway and put this
greenhouse together.
Geesh, it's been non stop today with trying to
get things done. I'm pooped already and it's
only 2pm.
I got the green house put together. I would
not allow it to kick my butt!!
Finished just in time again
as the rain was starting to fall
as I drove the last stake into the ground.
It's a walk in green house with shelves
built into one side. I have a wire baker's
rack that I want to put in there also
to put all my planting trays on.
Well the NASCAR race is winding down to the final
40 laps with everyone stopping into the pits.
Heading out soon after the race to see about
getting some plants and planting trays.
Sitting here checking the ads for vegetables.
I see Meijer has Homegrown Vegetables and Herb plants
a 6 pack for $4.99. That's .83 cents per plant.
So may have to check them out to see what varieties
they have.
I also see that Marc's has their flowers in.
$4.77 a 20 pack. Looks to be Petunias.
That's .23 cents for each one.
Just back from Meijers. We didn't go anywhere
else since we found everything we went looking
for there.
We found 4 packs of veggies for $1.19.
That's .29 cents per plant.
Here's what we got:
8 buttercrunch lettuce
4 broccoli
4 cauliflower
4 red acre cabbage
4 golden acre cabbage
4 la roma tomatoes
4 moby grape tomatoes
4 better boy tomatoes
4 beef master tomatoes
4 hungarian yellow wax peppers
44 total plants for $13.09
I also got 2 seedling trays
with 72 pots to grow seeds in.
144 total, for $12.00
Here's the other veggies we will
be growing from seeds @ .20 cents a packet.
-delicious tomato
-large red cherry tomato
-green onion
-wax bean
-jalapeno pepper
-bell peppers- grand bell mix
-green bell peppers
So far I have $27.60 invested in the garden
with plants, seeds, starter trays and manure.
I have three 55 gallon rain barrels so the water
will be free. People always wondering if doing
a garden is worth the time and money.
I am keeping track of all expenses.
Later on in the year we'll see what
we can get to produce and figure out the
costs compared if bought from a store.
I saw on the weather channel that in the
Eastern US temps will be below normal for the first
half of Summer. Then the second half will
be above normal. So that is something to consider
with gardening.
I don't usually buy fresh meat from Meijer's
because I think they are too expensive.
But because I needed some meat to make meals
with I found:
6.26 pounds of split chicken breast for $6.46.
($1.03 cents a pound for chicken breasts)
I usually don't serve the breast as a meal in
itself but cut it up into casseroles and such
to stretch it further.
I need to plan out the menu for this week.
Tony says we've been eating a lot of chicken.
Well ya know chicken is one of the cheapest
fresh meats you can buy.
I grew up on hamburger because it was inexpensive
but now that is more of a luxury.
To end this evening I need to throw in
a couple of loads of laundry, get the
kids in the shower and cleaned up for
school tomorrow, make
up a menu for this weeks meals and
lastly figure out a garden plan of
where things will get planted.
It's been a long weekend but I feel like
we got a lot accomplished in between rain drops.