over $3.00 this Summer.
So we are in the process of possibly looking
into a scooter or motorcycle for Tony to go
back and forth to work. At the moment
He spends about $45 or more a week on gas to
go back and forth to work and to drive around
work. He drives roughly 15 to 20 miles a day for work
or up to 75 to 100 miles a week.
Lots of stopping and starting, braking
and idling time considering
city traffic and stop lights.
Plus he drives a huge Suburban.
So to look at the overall picture he's spending
$180 plus a month in gas. Before the gas hike!
This morning we have looked into a scooter,
a 2008 Roketa 250. We found a used one for $1,495.
The reviews I have read say this...
$5.38 to fill the tank @ $2.69 a gallon and it gets
60 to 100 miles per gallon!!
So that would mean you could get
120 to 200 miles per fill up of only 2 gallons.
It would really depend upon the weight of
the person riding it.
It has around a 2.2 gallon gas tank.
It will go 70-80 mph.
So for those looking for ways to cut back
with gas prices a scooter or motorcyle
is definately the way to go if you don't
have to haul kids around.
This is just a photo I found online
to show what a large adult would look
like on one of these scooters.

Sorry I have not posted much today.
We have been out motorcycle shopping
and I starting my Spring cleaning in the basement,
AHHHH scary place!!
And been trying to catch
up on all my laundry.
Which I would like to add a tip with saving on
detergent and fabric softener that I do.
Only use half the amount of detergent
or fabric softener.
Add water to the fabric softener
agitator or Downy ball.
It works just the same and clothes still come
out clean and smelling fresh.
Redplum has a few printable coupons.
One of which is for $1.00 off 2
Lifesaver Jelly Beans for Easter.
I am happy to say that I just paid my electric
bill the other day and it was $68.
I have growled numerous times
at kids about leaving tv's, lights and games
systems on when out of the room!!
Still working on getting it cut back even more.
Gas is running around $90 for the past month.
Not too bad, it could be much worse.
Temps have been in the single digits to 20's the past
month with our record snowfall of around 31 inches.
Wind chill has been in the minuses to teens for
Today I was able to find a $1.00 off a pint of
Ben & Jerry's ice cream at Speedway
by the ice cream section.
Snatch them up and use them at your grocery store.
I've seen them go on sale so wait it out for
a much better deal. They don't expire til 6/1/10!