Went to the Twin Drive-In
Flea Market this morning.
Here's my deals I found:
2 boxes of food for $1.00 a box.
I also bought an area rug
for the dining room for$5.00
It has rusty reds and creams in it.
About a 5' x 7'

Christopher got a heck of
a deal on a whole crate of
radio controlled motorcycles
and a helicopter. All have
controllers, rechargeable batteries
and chargers.
All for $1.00!!

With gas prices on the rise
I'm always looking for the cheapest gas.
Most places it's $3.59.
BUT if you go around Clintonville
area it's $3.29.
South Columbus is around
With the warmer sun shining
I opened up some windows
to air out the house some.
I was able to get a decent
picture of a possible paint
color that we chose, lol.
It's camel suede.
I've been keeping my eyes out
for a microsuede tan/camel slip cover at
the thrift store. I know I've seen them
there before for around $2.99.
I want to use the fabric
to recover my dining room chair seats.
This is the cheaper route to go
when needing fabric for a project.
I price microsuede fabric
at Joann's for $13.00 a yard.
You know better weather is
just around the corner when
you can smell lighter fluid
wafting through the breeze.
Ahhhh, smells so good, lol.

Italian marinated Pollock fish
rolled in seasoned bread crumbs.
Package of Uncle Ben's whole
wheat rice. I cut up and added
some yellow and red bell peppers
and added a splash of soy sauce.
Broccoli with cheesy white sauce.
I saved the water that I boiled
my broccoli in and will freeze it.
Then will eventually add it
to my vegetable broth when
I make soups.
For a couple years now I have
been having problems with eating.
I notice it when eating
breads, pasta, rice and sometimes
other foods. Mom's been worried
that I might have throat cancer of all things
and has wanted me to visit the doctor.
Not something I particularly want
to do at the moment with so many
doctor bills hanging over our heads.
So I started doing some research
and think I have found an answer
as to what I have. It's called
Esophageal Motility.
I started reading all these threads
with the same symptoms I have
and it sounds EXACTLY like
what I've been going through.
Here's what I go through several
times a week when eating,
and yes it does become emberrassing
especially when eating out in public.
I can be eating away at a McDonald's
hamburger when it feels like it
gets stuck in my esophagus.
It's not like choking as I can still breath.
I take small bites when I eat and
drink plenty with each bite to
rectify the situation but nothing
I do helps the food go down.
If I drink fluids to wash it down
it only sits on top of the stuck food.
If I sit a minute to see if it will
pass and go down I then feel
extreme pain in my back between
my shoulder blades. Almost like
someone sticking in a knife and
twisting it. Eventually I have to
run to the bathroom and get sick
to get it unstuck.
I'm kinda glad to have put
a name to what I've been experiencing.
I do get acid reflux as well so wonder
if that could be a contributor to it.
And many years ago I had been
hospitalized for a swollen epiglottis (windpipe).
I was hospitalized for 3 days and
had a temp. of 105 degrees. I couldn't
hardly breath and lost my voice from it.
They had to put a scope up my nose
and down my throat.
Time to Spring forward!
Don't forget to set your clocks
ahead tonight!
Went to the Twin Drive-In
Flea Market this morning.
Here's my deals I found:
2 boxes of food for $1.00 a box.
for the dining room for$5.00
It has rusty reds and creams in it.
About a 5' x 7'
Christopher got a heck of
a deal on a whole crate of
radio controlled motorcycles
and a helicopter. All have
controllers, rechargeable batteries
and chargers.
All for $1.00!!
With gas prices on the rise
I'm always looking for the cheapest gas.
Most places it's $3.59.
BUT if you go around Clintonville
area it's $3.29.
South Columbus is around
With the warmer sun shining
I opened up some windows
to air out the house some.
I was able to get a decent
picture of a possible paint
color that we chose, lol.
It's camel suede.
for a microsuede tan/camel slip cover at
the thrift store. I know I've seen them
there before for around $2.99.
I want to use the fabric
to recover my dining room chair seats.
This is the cheaper route to go
when needing fabric for a project.
I price microsuede fabric
at Joann's for $13.00 a yard.
You know better weather is
just around the corner when
you can smell lighter fluid
wafting through the breeze.
Ahhhh, smells so good, lol.
Italian marinated Pollock fish
rolled in seasoned bread crumbs.
Package of Uncle Ben's whole
wheat rice. I cut up and added
some yellow and red bell peppers
and added a splash of soy sauce.
Broccoli with cheesy white sauce.
I saved the water that I boiled
my broccoli in and will freeze it.
Then will eventually add it
to my vegetable broth when
I make soups.
For a couple years now I have
been having problems with eating.
I notice it when eating
breads, pasta, rice and sometimes
other foods. Mom's been worried
that I might have throat cancer of all things
and has wanted me to visit the doctor.
Not something I particularly want
to do at the moment with so many
doctor bills hanging over our heads.
So I started doing some research
and think I have found an answer
as to what I have. It's called
Esophageal Motility.
I started reading all these threads
with the same symptoms I have
and it sounds EXACTLY like
what I've been going through.
Here's what I go through several
times a week when eating,
and yes it does become emberrassing
especially when eating out in public.
I can be eating away at a McDonald's
hamburger when it feels like it
gets stuck in my esophagus.
It's not like choking as I can still breath.
I take small bites when I eat and
drink plenty with each bite to
rectify the situation but nothing
I do helps the food go down.
If I drink fluids to wash it down
it only sits on top of the stuck food.
If I sit a minute to see if it will
pass and go down I then feel
extreme pain in my back between
my shoulder blades. Almost like
someone sticking in a knife and
twisting it. Eventually I have to
run to the bathroom and get sick
to get it unstuck.
I'm kinda glad to have put
a name to what I've been experiencing.
I do get acid reflux as well so wonder
if that could be a contributor to it.
And many years ago I had been
hospitalized for a swollen epiglottis (windpipe).
I was hospitalized for 3 days and
had a temp. of 105 degrees. I couldn't
hardly breath and lost my voice from it.
They had to put a scope up my nose
and down my throat.
Time to Spring forward!
Don't forget to set your clocks
ahead tonight!