I spent 90% of yesterday in bed sleeping.
I still don't feel the greatest today either.
Still feeling weak and feel like
I have jelly fish legs when walking around.
My biggest worry at the moment is
that Thanksgiving is 10 days away.
I have Thanksgiving at my house.
My house looks like hell, I feel like crap,
I'm sure there is stuff I need to get
from the store. I'm already into 2- 2.5 days
of feeling like crap from the stomach virus and whose to say
when I will start feeling better.
I can say I do feel better today than yesterday.
I have a doctor's appointment in 8 days to
check up on my toe. I'm supposed to have a
follow up visit with my doctor in 2-3 days
for my illness now. I'll just wait since
I already have an appointment set up with him.
Then we're supposed to pick up our car
either today or tomorrow.
We've only had it home one day since
we bought it and it's been getting fixed since.
But like I said I'm all for the car lot
fixing it free for us! But I sure wish
they would step it up a notch.
I realize they had to send the part
out to be fixed and it's not their fault
it's taking a little longer to get it back.
I can't wait to get this hospital bill.
I'm sure it will be stupid.
We do have insurance. The last visit to the
ER back in February for diarrhea and dehydration
set me back around $600 or so.
So can't imagine what this one will be
with an ambulance ride and a cat scan.
Tony's putting our blue Trans Am
on Craigslist so hoping to get a little
money from that.
I'm trying my best to tidy up the house
and do some laundry. I don't have much
energy but more than what I had yesterday.
No one has felt good the past couple of weeks
so everything's been piling up.
All I have eaten in the last couple
of days is 2 small pieces of cake,
a deviled egg and some doritos.
At least I was able to keep it down.
Not much to fuel the body with.
The hospital said I shouldn't eat
for 24 hours and only drink fluids.
Then for the next 24 hours eat a bland diet
like crackers and toast then resume a
normal diet after 2 days.
I did get a bunch of freezer meals
packed up and put in the freezer today.
I had them all made but they have been sitting
in the fridge and I didn't want them
to go to waste or forgotten about.
I ended up with 6 meals.
-Stuffed Pasta Shells
-Crockpot Chicken
-BBQ Pork Ribs
-Pork Ribs with Apples
-Broccoli & Rice Casserole
-Chicken Noodle Soup
This way if we have any more mishaps
and I can't cook then hubby can pull these
from the freezer and warm up!
One of the neighbors just called me.
It was the grandma to one of the kids
that my children plays with who lives about 4 houses down.
She said her grandson came running in to tell
her that there was an ambulance at our house yesterday
and she saw me taken away in the ambulance.
This evening I tried to eat some supper.
I managed to keep it down but my stomach
went queasy real quick. I put one of my
meds under my tongue to prevent nausea
and it seemed to work.
Tonight I took it easy.
I sat on the floor and hemmed up
6 pairs of the boys pants.
I figured I was good being as close
to the floor as possible if I got any
more dizzy spells, lol.
I saw this cute idea for empty
Folger coffee cans.
Wish they'd make printable labels
like this for many reusable bowls
or cans. This would be great
to put baked goods in at Christmas
time and give as gifts.
Design Your Very Own Folger's Coffee Canister
I just was able to start browsing some sales
ads today. I saw a really good deal for those looking
to get dad's, grandpa's or any man on your Christmas list.
I know mine wants one.
Pep Boys
Peak 300A Amp Jump Starter with air compressor.
Regular $44.99
Sale price this week $32.49
PLUS $10 mail in rebate
makes it $22.47 HALF PRICE!
That's pretty darn good
because a couple
years back the cheapest one I could find for my step dad was $50 and that was after shopping
around at many stores!
View Pep Boys Ad
I still don't feel the greatest today either.
Still feeling weak and feel like
I have jelly fish legs when walking around.
My biggest worry at the moment is
that Thanksgiving is 10 days away.
I have Thanksgiving at my house.
My house looks like hell, I feel like crap,
I'm sure there is stuff I need to get
from the store. I'm already into 2- 2.5 days
of feeling like crap from the stomach virus and whose to say
when I will start feeling better.
I can say I do feel better today than yesterday.
I have a doctor's appointment in 8 days to
check up on my toe. I'm supposed to have a
follow up visit with my doctor in 2-3 days
for my illness now. I'll just wait since
I already have an appointment set up with him.
Then we're supposed to pick up our car
either today or tomorrow.
We've only had it home one day since
we bought it and it's been getting fixed since.
But like I said I'm all for the car lot
fixing it free for us! But I sure wish
they would step it up a notch.
I realize they had to send the part
out to be fixed and it's not their fault
it's taking a little longer to get it back.
I can't wait to get this hospital bill.
I'm sure it will be stupid.
We do have insurance. The last visit to the
ER back in February for diarrhea and dehydration
set me back around $600 or so.
So can't imagine what this one will be
with an ambulance ride and a cat scan.
Tony's putting our blue Trans Am
on Craigslist so hoping to get a little
money from that.
I'm trying my best to tidy up the house
and do some laundry. I don't have much
energy but more than what I had yesterday.
No one has felt good the past couple of weeks
so everything's been piling up.
All I have eaten in the last couple
of days is 2 small pieces of cake,
a deviled egg and some doritos.
At least I was able to keep it down.
Not much to fuel the body with.
The hospital said I shouldn't eat
for 24 hours and only drink fluids.
Then for the next 24 hours eat a bland diet
like crackers and toast then resume a
normal diet after 2 days.
I did get a bunch of freezer meals
packed up and put in the freezer today.
I had them all made but they have been sitting
in the fridge and I didn't want them
to go to waste or forgotten about.
I ended up with 6 meals.
-Stuffed Pasta Shells
-Crockpot Chicken
-BBQ Pork Ribs
-Pork Ribs with Apples
-Broccoli & Rice Casserole
-Chicken Noodle Soup
and I can't cook then hubby can pull these
from the freezer and warm up!
One of the neighbors just called me.
It was the grandma to one of the kids
that my children plays with who lives about 4 houses down.
She said her grandson came running in to tell
her that there was an ambulance at our house yesterday
and she saw me taken away in the ambulance.
This evening I tried to eat some supper.
I managed to keep it down but my stomach
went queasy real quick. I put one of my
meds under my tongue to prevent nausea
and it seemed to work.
Tonight I took it easy.
I sat on the floor and hemmed up
6 pairs of the boys pants.
I figured I was good being as close
to the floor as possible if I got any
more dizzy spells, lol.
I saw this cute idea for empty
Folger coffee cans.
Wish they'd make printable labels
like this for many reusable bowls
or cans. This would be great
to put baked goods in at Christmas
time and give as gifts.

I just was able to start browsing some sales
ads today. I saw a really good deal for those looking
to get dad's, grandpa's or any man on your Christmas list.
I know mine wants one.
Pep Boys
Peak 300A Amp Jump Starter with air compressor.
Regular $44.99
Sale price this week $32.49
PLUS $10 mail in rebate
makes it $22.47 HALF PRICE!
That's pretty darn good
because a couple
years back the cheapest one I could find for my step dad was $50 and that was after shopping
around at many stores!
View Pep Boys Ad