It's Saturday and I should be sleeping in!
Got up around 7:15AM due to thunder and
lightning and it woke the kids up, grrrr.
Got most everything done yesterday that
we set out to do.
Got the front and side yards mowed. Still
need to do the backyard.
Today I need to:
Work on laundry and packing.
Take scrap to recycling place.
Dishes and tidying house up.
Want to highlight hair.
I don't have a highlighting kit nor a cap
or papers and am gonna try to wing it
with just a box of hair coloring
and doing small strands myself.
This should be interesting!
Looks like the thunderstorm is about
over with but by looking at the radar
we are not out of the woods today with storms.
There is a big cell coming from Illinois,
Iowa and Missouri heading this way. It appears
to be dissipating some once it enters
into Indiana. Maybe once the sun starts
coming up more it will lessen.
Dishes are done and kitchen is tidied up.
Tony gets up and says this is different
me being in the kitchen cleaning so early, lol.
Ya know I don't want to return from
going away for a couple days to a house
that needs cleaned! Just kind of blows
the vacation mood!
Getting ready to head out to scrapping place.
Back from scrapping. I am always happy
when we guess wrong with what our scrap
metal is worth. The scrap was double from
what we guessed! We guessed $80
and it was $159 for a bucket of copper,
a bucket of brass, a couple air conditioner
coils and some misc. aluminum.
Sitting here chillin for a few.
Tony mentioned about maybe wanting to
leave tomorrow sometime. Would beat the rush
hour traffic from Monday if we left then.
Don't know yet.
I lost my Hocking Hills book somewhere, ahhhh.
So I am trying to look online to get
a plan of what we will be doing.
This is what I have so far.
100' waterfall
upper and lower falls, devil's bathtub,
sphinx head, old man's cave
After thinking about it all day we'll
be heading out tomorrow afternoon for
Hocking Hills. Less traffic that way.
Don't know if we're staying til Tuesday or
Wednesday as planned. Will play it by ear.
Just got back from getting our fishing license.
They are $19 this year. We always go to
Old Dutchman at Central College to get them.
That's a pretty good bait & tackle shop.
Wish I had time to restring my pole.
I fish for cat and carp and usually
my line breaks so I think it's time to
upgrade to a heaver line. I don't keep
the carp. I just fish for it for fun
and it sure is an adrenaline rush trying
to catch a big one!! Last year one took
me 45 minutes to bring in.
It's been an interesting evening.
I told the kids they could go down a couple streets
and play with friends. Christopher comes home
and said they were at the school down the road
and a kid came up and pushed his friend off
his bicycle and stole it. I didn't hesitate and
grabbed my cell phone and camera and took off
in search of this kid and bicycle. We know
exactly how it is to have bicycles stolen
and are getting tired of these hooligans
and their shenanigans. Me and Christopher
searched the whole neighborhood a couple times.
I guess another parent went in search of
this kid also. As we were making one last
past a couple streets down we saw the kid
riding past on the bicycle. The cops were
already nearby as I pulled up behind the female
cop to see that this kid would get caught.
He turned over the bicycle and started to walk
away. She grabbed his arm and put him in the
back of the cruiser. I heard this kid was only 14!
I left soon after because I saw this kids friends
or family (and they were big bubbas!) heading over
to the cruiser, coming up behind me. I didn't
want to get in the middle if there was a confrontation.
So many kids bicycles get stolen around here and
never found. I am glad that some of the neighbors
came together to get this one back!!
I felt sooo sorry for this kid. He had just been
to our house and was telling me he just got his
bicycle fixed. He had a flat tire and had it patched.
He had been borrowing one of our bikes to ride.
Chillin then heading to bed soon.
Tomorrow we will be heading out
in the afternoon. Taking
the computer with me since the hotel
has free wi fi.
Here's a tip when going away, even if
for only a couple days, Tell your neighbors
around you to watch over your house
and let them know no one should be there.
I don't know why these yuppy neighborhoods
have block watches and we don't.
Something to consider and look into!
But where do you start???
I know we live in between 2 police stations
about 5 minutes in each direction but that
doesn't stop the criminals.
Heck the one day I went 1 block away
to get the kids off the bus.
While waiting on the bus we saw the helicopter
flying overhead. It's an everyday thing
so we didn't think nothing of it.
I got the kids off the bus and came back
home to find cop cars in front of
our house and was told the helicopter
was looking for the kids who just stole
our bicycles from under the carport.
They had been scoping out the house
and waiting for me to leave. Criminals
will take note of what time you usually
leave and return everyday.
When I am home during the day I have
deadbolts and regular door locks locked
on each door. I hardly ever open curtains
or blinds when home alone and if someone knocks
they can keep on knocking and move on because
I ain't answering. I don't even let the gas
man in anymore to read our meter which is
in the basement.
Well I think I'm gonna head off to bed.
I've been up since around 7am going full
speed since and am wearing thin after
my recent adrenaline rush which is finally
winding down. I am starting to get a cold.
Scratchy throat and a little runny nose.
I took an Esther C tablet and will keep
taking them to fight it off. I'm not
going to let it ruin any vacation time
we have!!
Nighty, night!
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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About Me

- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"