Is it Monday already?
Where did the weekend go?
It flew by so fast!
At least we won't have the
pager again for a couple weeks.
It gets so stressful around here
when Tony has that!
I found this site I thought
would be useful. I'm all about
homemade remedies and cleaners
from everyday items I have
around the house.
It's called
Here's a few hints and tips
from his website.
Make a clothespin holder. Cut a hole in the side of an empty, clean Clorox bleach jug opposite the handle, and punch a small holes in the bottom for drainage. Hang your new clothespin holder on the clothesline.
Remove old wallpaper. Mix one capful of Downy Fabric Softener with one quart of hot water in a plastic bucket, sponge the wallpaper, wait twenty minutes, and peel off the paper.
Clean badly stained Pyrex or Corningware dishes. Wearing rubber gloves, spray the dishes with Easy-Off Oven Cleaner, place inside a garbage bag, close it securely with a twist tie, and let stand overnight. Open the bag outdoors, keeping your face away from the fumes. Rinse the dishes with a garden hose, then wash thoroughly.
Clean oil and grease stains on concrete driveways. Spray one or two applications of Easy-Off Oven Cleaner, let sit for a few minutes, then rinse with the highest pressure from the nozzle of a garden hose.
Cure Acne. Use a cotton ball to dab Listerine on blemishes.
Fertilize a lawn. Jerry Baker, author of The Impatient Gardener, suggests mixing one cup Listerine, one cup Epsom salts, one cup liquid soap, and one cup ammonia in a one-quart jar, filling the rest of the jar with beer. Spray this on up to 2,500 square feet of lawn with a hose-attached sprayer in May and again in late June.
Carpet cleaned the hallway,
living room and dining room.
Mom & Kendra stopped by.
Took mom down to basement
to see my pantry and how
I am arranging it.
I told her before she shopped
at the store to shop my basement
first, lol. Today she got
2 shampoos, 2 cereals and
a toothpaste.
Finished cleaning the carpet
in the dining room and cleaned
my new rug under the dining
table. Taking a brief break
then will clean the rug
in Christopher's room.
Got Christopher's carpet
cleaned in his room.
Mom brought over some Arby's
for our lunch.
We had Arby's French Dip Sub w/ Au Jus.
If ever you make home made sandwiches
and wanted to make your own
easy au jus dipping sauce-
for every cup of water you put in
one beef bullion cube
(or one tsp. of granules) and boil.
Here's another tip.
If ever you need an egg when
baking and realize you don't have
any you can use one of these
substitutions instead...
2 tbsp cornstarch = 1 egg
1 banana = 1 egg in cakes
Got Jonathan's room weeded out,
vacuumed and then cleaned
the carpet. Now I have some
things to take down to the
basement from his room.
I would love to find a small desk
for his room. Got my fingers
crossed to find one at UV
between now and the end of
the month.
Got Jonathan's room done.
Made about 4-6 trips
to the basement to take
things down there.
Got a load of laundry to hang
on the line and another load
started. I'm gonna wait
til later on to hang them
as I have a yard full of kids.
This picture below is a typical
day around here. And people wonder
why I am so ready for them all
to go back to school
This is the hang out place
for all the neighborhood kids.
Some days there can be upwards
of 15 or so kids here.
Getting ready to head to the kids
school to find out their
classrooms and teachers :0)
Then we are taking the kids
to Sharon Woods and walk one
of the nature trails.
See I told y'all it's never
ending around here.
Now we're talking about
possibly going to Dayton to
the Trans Am Nationals
this coming weekend.
Went to the kid's school.
They each have the same teacher
and same classroom as last year.
The only difference is they
have upped a grade. That's weird.
Went to Sharon Woods and walked
the mile trail. Seemed more like
a couple miles when you're wore
out! Didn't see any deer but
as we were walking along we heard
a crash on the trail behind us.
A large branch came down and
scared me. Never had that
happen before!
On the way home I made sure
to stop and get this picture
for y'all because I thought
it was funny!
Stopped in Kroger on the way
home so I could get some pop
and other items.
Got home and took groceries in.
Had Tony start supper while
I hung laundry on line.
Having a late supper due to
all the runnin.
I am whipped so will be chillin
the rest of the evening!!
Oh yeah I forgot to add these to
the pictures of my finds from
this past weekend. I really needed
to replace a couple of my skillets
because food is sticking to them.