Mom just called to say she found 10# bags of potatoes for $1.19 at Meijers.
That's a great price so you better stock up!!
I already boiled up the last of my potatoes I had and plan to make potato
soup today. I wanted to put some maple sausage in my soup.
I found a 1 pound roll for $4.00, OUCH! I didn't want to pay that price so looked around. I ended up buying
2 packages of maple sausage patties just short of a pound each. They were $4.00 BUT buy one get one free! So it was like I doubled the amount of sausage I got for the same amount as a 1 pound roll. I'll crumble up and cook the patties like regular ground sausage.
Only had 2 more gifts to get! Woo Hoo!
Got one today and still need to get a McDonalds gift card for the in-laws.
The kids wanted a game system for Christmas and I'm not about ready
to fork over $200 to $300 for one when they have a few game systems with
a ton of games.
We did get them a cheap system though so they feel like they got one.
I had been back and forth between Walgreens and CVS looking at Wireless
Zone 40 (CVS) and Wireless Sports (Walgreens). They both were $30.
The zone 40 only has 11 games that can be used like Wii. The rest of the games
looked stupid and are played like a regular game.
The Wireless Sports has about 21 games that all play like a Wii and looked more fun.
So I decided to get the Wireless Sports Plus from Walgreens.
It was regular $50 then marked down to $38 then to $29.99.
But when I got the register it rang up as $25.
Hey I'll take it, an extra $5 off!!
I'm done spending money! Now it's time to start wrapping everything! AHHHH!
Nothing is wrapped yet. Hey this is early for us. We're usually wrapping everything
Christmas Eve staying up half the night.
Had to go to Kroger to drop off Tony's prescriptions.
While there I checked their mark down bin. Love the Kroger on Henderson Rd!! I think they have the best manager specials out of all the Kroger stores I've been to (and I have been to many!!). The one on Olentangy ranks second. My hint to shop for manager specials is to shop the perimeter of the store. That's where most can be found.
Anyways I found 3 twelve packs of Kroger Big K pop marked down to .99 cents each just
because the boxes were ripped. Each kid will get one of those for Christmas.
That's pretty cheap for their pop! Most of the time if a box breaks open they sell the individual cans for .15 cents each. These 12 packs were cheaper than buying those which would have cost $1.80. Not much cheaper than a 12 pack that costs $1.99 at regular price right now.
Then I picked up a teriyaki marinade, no a mark down but something I wanted for tomorrow's supper.
I'm going to marinade some chicken leg quarters today and tonight in the fridge.
Then tomorrow will skew them up inside the rotisserie. Yummy! At least it sounds good anyway. I'm trying to use my $2.00 rotisserie when I can. I even have a basket that I can put fish or pork chops in to bake. That will be another day though.
I dug around in the freezer and found some chicken breasts. I opened up each freezer bag and poured in some teriyaki marinade with pineapple juice then zipped them back up.
They will go into the fridge til tomorrow afternoon.
Oh my goodness I just thought of something else I could make in the rotisserie.
How about kebobs? Ohhh that's sound yummy and I can't wait to try them.
I found this video that looks simple enough to do. Instead of using skewers
I can put them on the forks of the rotisserie. Here is the video link:
It's now 8:08pm and I just completed the second robe. This one I made a little different. You pull it over your head. It has no sides and is open for the arms.
This next photo was from yesterday early morning. I had just gotten out of bed and came in the dining room to pull up the blind. I see a cop car sitting at the end of our driveway and the cop was just getting out of the car and glanced at me. Scared the crap outta me! I thought what the heck is going on! Come to find out he had a car pulled over along side our house, WHEW! He put the lady in the back seat of his cruiser which couldn't have been good. Then a flat bed came and hauled her vehicle away. The kids said they saw the police man let her go and made her walk to wherever she was going.
2010 Census, Time to Get Counted
The 2010 U.S. Census has begun,
and identity thieves are already impersonating Census Bureau workers.
The 2010 Census is creating an opportunity for thieves to use a legit reason to attempt to gather your personal information. The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? The Better Business Bureau offers the following advice:
1. If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, he or she will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see the worker’s identification and badge before answering any questions. Additionally, you should never invite anyone you don’t know into your home.
2. Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census. While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, it will not ask for Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers. Census workers will never solicit donations.
3. Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail or in person at home. However, they will not contact you by e-mail. If you receive an email from the U.S. Census Bureau, it is most likely a scam. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an e-mail that is supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.