Time to start baking or
stocking up on those holiday cooking items!
These are the best deals I have found.
12 oz. Baking Chips
was $1.69
now $1.29
16 oz. Walnuts
was $4.49
now $3.99
5lb. bag of grapefruit
3lb bag tangerines .99 cents
4lb bag naval oranges $1.49
9-10oz. wheat crackers $1.29
Casa Mamita 5oz burritos
was .35 cents
now .29 cents
Macaroni & cheese
was .35 cents
now .29 cents
25-32oz Banquet entrees $1.79
Banquet fruit or pot pies .50 cents
limit 12
32oz pancake mix $1.00
limit 6
24oz pancake syrup $1.00
limit 6
40oz Red Gold ketchup $1.00
limit 6
14oz Pop Tarts $1.69
33oz Hills Bros ground coffee $4.99
Sunny Delight 2 liter .69 cents
Buy 10 event and save $5.00.
Buy 10 Pepsi 2 liters get them for .79 cents each
I don't know if sierra mist is included but will check.
Watch Kroger & Speedway for coupons.
That's where I've been finding them.
Kroger had hang tag coupons:
$1.00 off 3 two liter bottles Sierra Mist products.
Speedway had hang tag coupons:
$1.00 off 2 two liters Sierra Mist or Mountain Dew.
Meijer salsa 16oz $1.00
Betty Crocker cake mix or family brownies $1.00
Meijer 3 count microwave popcorn $1.00
John Morrell smoked sausage 12oz $1.00
Sorry I don't have any coupon match ups
but I haven't been clipping coupons.
They've been piling up and been put on the
back burner due to the holidays and
of course from being sick.
I haven't been posting much sales, only
what I feel are really good deals that we couldn't
live without. There's just so many sales going
on at the moment that it would be impossible
to list them all. And of course everyone
has different ideas for gifts and what they
want to get for everyone. If I find cheap
gift giving items then I will post those
or crafts or recipes to make simple gifts.
Tired of having everyone elses children at our
house for the past couple of days so thinking
about getting out of the house and going
to Kmart to take a breather. Tony needs a new
pair of shoes and are hoping to find him a pair there
so we can get the $2.99 for a year warranty on them.
He goes through allot of shoes in a years time.
Next week (12-6) Tony goes on vacation.
While the kids are in school we plan
to go Christmas shopping that week
and hopefully get everything wrapped.
Ya know I don't mind going grocery shopping
occassionally but Christmas shopping, or heck
any kind of shopping, this time of year with fighting the
crowds really frustrates me.
I feel claustrophobic and the thought of spending
so much money on presents puts me in a mode
as the car lot guy would say.
Which wait til I see my car lot salesman and tell
him I don't appreciate one of his workers telling
him I was in a mode, which later on I realized
it meant bitch mode!
Anyway we went to Kmart and got Tony
a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of boots
because it was buy one get one 50% off
and he really needed boots also.
The cashier didn't offer me any kind of warranty
with either pair of shoes so I asked her.
She said there wasn't any on them.
I said how can that be when I bought my kids
the exact pair of shoes not long ago and
I was offered a warranty with those.
She didn't have an answer.
Which is another reason why I don't like
shopping this time of year. No one seems
to know anything and you can't get any answers
because they probably have seasonal workers
only working temporary.
Rules change, warranties change, prices
change, you name it, it changes day to day.
Yes I am flustered, yes I am wearing thin.
And you think I want to throw couponing
in on top of all this, yeah right!
I'll just take the sales prices at the moment
to keep my sanity.
And to top it all off when we returned home
from Kmart I had neighborhood kids flocking
to our house before we even got out of the truck.
I probably did lose my sanity at that time because
I have been dealing with other people's kids on top of ours
since Wednesday. Needless to say we don't have
any additional kids over at the moment!
I don't mind kids over but after 5 days I've had
enough and am finally wanting to wind down
our mini holiday vacation and get back to normal
and ready for work and school tomorrow.
I just got everyone their late lunch, working on laundry
and working on bringing Christmas stuff up out
of the basement to start putting up.
Brought the so called pre-lit Christmas tree up
and got it all set up.
Houston we have a problem!
bleep de bleep bleep bleep.
I'm about to start throwing things!!
Everyone into the car to buy a new tree, grrrr.
Oh the thought of tackling Wally World
at the moment is making me cringe!
We've had this tree about 3 years.
I have no patience for this!
It's either I buy another cheap tree or go out
and buy lights to hang from this tree
that will run about the same price.
The whole idea about a pre-lit tree is
so you can just plug them in and you
don't have to string lights on them.
Well we went to Wally World and checked
out some of their trees and we went to Big Lots
and checked out theirs.
We didn't get a tree tonight but we did decide
which one we wanted and I'll get it tomorrow morning.
It's white with multicolored lights.
When in Big Lots I picked up a package
of 36 deep blue glass ornaments in two sizes
to go on our white tree.
These ornaments are more like
a bluish violet rather
than a blue. The color did not show correctly
in the photo. In the store they looked like
a deep blue but under our lighting
they have a purple cast.
I am so ready for bed.
Finally got my laundry done.
But my living room is a mess with
Christmas decorations, lights, boxes,
you name it, laying all over the place.
I kinda gave up with it when the lights
pissed me off and wouldn't work.
Now the thought of buying another tree
isn't putting me in a better mood.
I guess I'm having a hard time believing
Christmas time is actually here so soon.
Time flies so fast.
Just give me time to let it sink it.
stocking up on those holiday cooking items!
These are the best deals I have found.
12 oz. Baking Chips
was $1.69
now $1.29
16 oz. Walnuts
was $4.49
now $3.99
5lb. bag of grapefruit
3lb bag tangerines .99 cents
4lb bag naval oranges $1.49
9-10oz. wheat crackers $1.29
Casa Mamita 5oz burritos
was .35 cents
now .29 cents
Macaroni & cheese
was .35 cents
now .29 cents
25-32oz Banquet entrees $1.79
Banquet fruit or pot pies .50 cents
limit 12
32oz pancake mix $1.00
limit 6
24oz pancake syrup $1.00
limit 6
40oz Red Gold ketchup $1.00
limit 6
14oz Pop Tarts $1.69
33oz Hills Bros ground coffee $4.99
Sunny Delight 2 liter .69 cents
Buy 10 event and save $5.00.
Buy 10 Pepsi 2 liters get them for .79 cents each
I don't know if sierra mist is included but will check.
Watch Kroger & Speedway for coupons.
That's where I've been finding them.
Kroger had hang tag coupons:
$1.00 off 3 two liter bottles Sierra Mist products.
Speedway had hang tag coupons:
$1.00 off 2 two liters Sierra Mist or Mountain Dew.
Meijer salsa 16oz $1.00
Betty Crocker cake mix or family brownies $1.00
Meijer 3 count microwave popcorn $1.00
John Morrell smoked sausage 12oz $1.00
Sorry I don't have any coupon match ups
but I haven't been clipping coupons.
They've been piling up and been put on the
back burner due to the holidays and
of course from being sick.
I haven't been posting much sales, only
what I feel are really good deals that we couldn't
live without. There's just so many sales going
on at the moment that it would be impossible
to list them all. And of course everyone
has different ideas for gifts and what they
want to get for everyone. If I find cheap
gift giving items then I will post those
or crafts or recipes to make simple gifts.
Tired of having everyone elses children at our
house for the past couple of days so thinking
about getting out of the house and going
to Kmart to take a breather. Tony needs a new
pair of shoes and are hoping to find him a pair there
so we can get the $2.99 for a year warranty on them.
He goes through allot of shoes in a years time.
Next week (12-6) Tony goes on vacation.
While the kids are in school we plan
to go Christmas shopping that week
and hopefully get everything wrapped.
Ya know I don't mind going grocery shopping
occassionally but Christmas shopping, or heck
any kind of shopping, this time of year with fighting the
crowds really frustrates me.
I feel claustrophobic and the thought of spending
so much money on presents puts me in a mode
as the car lot guy would say.
Which wait til I see my car lot salesman and tell
him I don't appreciate one of his workers telling
him I was in a mode, which later on I realized
it meant bitch mode!
Anyway we went to Kmart and got Tony
a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of boots
because it was buy one get one 50% off
and he really needed boots also.
The cashier didn't offer me any kind of warranty
with either pair of shoes so I asked her.
She said there wasn't any on them.
I said how can that be when I bought my kids
the exact pair of shoes not long ago and
I was offered a warranty with those.
She didn't have an answer.
Which is another reason why I don't like
shopping this time of year. No one seems
to know anything and you can't get any answers
because they probably have seasonal workers
only working temporary.
Rules change, warranties change, prices
change, you name it, it changes day to day.
Yes I am flustered, yes I am wearing thin.
And you think I want to throw couponing
in on top of all this, yeah right!
I'll just take the sales prices at the moment
to keep my sanity.
And to top it all off when we returned home
from Kmart I had neighborhood kids flocking
to our house before we even got out of the truck.
I probably did lose my sanity at that time because
I have been dealing with other people's kids on top of ours
since Wednesday. Needless to say we don't have
any additional kids over at the moment!
I don't mind kids over but after 5 days I've had
enough and am finally wanting to wind down
our mini holiday vacation and get back to normal
and ready for work and school tomorrow.
I just got everyone their late lunch, working on laundry
and working on bringing Christmas stuff up out
of the basement to start putting up.
Brought the so called pre-lit Christmas tree up
and got it all set up.
Houston we have a problem!
bleep de bleep bleep bleep.
I'm about to start throwing things!!
Oh the thought of tackling Wally World
at the moment is making me cringe!
We've had this tree about 3 years.
I have no patience for this!
It's either I buy another cheap tree or go out
and buy lights to hang from this tree
that will run about the same price.
The whole idea about a pre-lit tree is
so you can just plug them in and you
don't have to string lights on them.
Well we went to Wally World and checked
out some of their trees and we went to Big Lots
and checked out theirs.
We didn't get a tree tonight but we did decide
which one we wanted and I'll get it tomorrow morning.
It's white with multicolored lights.
When in Big Lots I picked up a package
of 36 deep blue glass ornaments in two sizes
to go on our white tree.
a bluish violet rather
than a blue. The color did not show correctly
in the photo. In the store they looked like
a deep blue but under our lighting
they have a purple cast.
I am so ready for bed.
Finally got my laundry done.
But my living room is a mess with
Christmas decorations, lights, boxes,
you name it, laying all over the place.
I kinda gave up with it when the lights
pissed me off and wouldn't work.
Now the thought of buying another tree
isn't putting me in a better mood.
I guess I'm having a hard time believing
Christmas time is actually here so soon.
Time flies so fast.
Just give me time to let it sink it.