Breakfast this morning was
doughnut holes. Cut a can of
biscuits up in quarters, then
fried in a pan of oil, removed
to a bowl with powdered sugar
and coated. You could also coat
with a mixture of cinnamon
& sugar.

Hint & Tip
Don't have any powdered (confectioner's)
sugar? Make your own!
* 1 cup regular table sugar
* 2 Tbsp. cornstarch
Pour sugar and cornstarch in to food processor, coffee grinder or blender. Turn on high until mixture is a fine powder.
Got a load of laundry hung
and getting ready to wash another.
Went through and cut out some coupons
and got those filed in my coupon binder.
Still have many more to do.
Today's chores include washing &
hanging laundry to dry and getting
most of it put away.
I also need to clean the kitchen.
I'm tired and achy today so am not
moving too fast.
I need to head down to the basement
and find the kids lunch bags and
get those ready to go tomorrow.
I found a bunch of Capri Sun drink
pouches in the pantry so I'm good
with drinks for their lunches.
Need to get them in the freezer today.
Planning a meal list for the next couple
of days. Mom's already asking
about going to the store with her
this week once the kids start back
to school. I haven't really thought
about going this week or getting
a grocery list together. Maybe
I'll work on one for next week.
-Sweet & Sour Chicken with Rice
-Sweet Italian Pizza Bread
-Ham & Potato Soup
-Creamy Chicken & Noodles
-Chicken Tacos
To make room in my freezers
I took out all the bread heels
I've been saving for the past
couple of months. I got them
all cut up into cubes/pieces.
There's a little bit of everything
in there from wheat to white
to buns.
Next will go out and remove
some basil from the line
and chop some up.
Then will add a little oil
and basil in a bowl with
some garlic salt and stir
the bread crumbs around in the
mixture. Then will spread
out in thin layers on a cookie
sheet and bake them til crisp.
Fill up zip bags full of bread
crumbs/croutons and put back
into freezer.
Use in casseroles for toppings,
meatloaves, meatballs, salmon patties,
salads, stuffing or to bread meat with.
Just got word from Downy today.
They are wanting to know if we
were available the week of September
20th to go to Cincinnati.
They sent me a form in my email
that they want me to fill out
and fax back to them with signatures
and all that.
Now I'm sitting here wondering how
I am going to do that. I don't
have a working printer to even
print this form out and get it back
to them asap. AhhhhH!!
Got some clothes hung up
in Christopher's room
and organized others into
piles as to which rooms they
go into.
At the moment I am going to chill.
Body hurts and going to
go watch tv or something.
So much for my chill time.
I was trying to watch my
Malcom in the Middle on tv
when the truck driver neighbor came over.
He asked me if I knew anyone that
could watch his kids when
they got off the bus for a
couple hours.
I knew what he was hinting around
at, for me to do it.
Why would he put it that way
knowing I would not know due to
being a stay at home mom/housewife!
I was suggesting church daycare,
after school programs and title 20
daycare. I don't think that's the
answer he wanted, lol. I spent
my Summer of THREE MONTHS watching
kids including ones that liked
to play at our house and in our yard.
I am ready for a break!! And by the
way, this is the same guy that NEVER
paid me to watch his THREE kids one day.
Takes a lot of nerve if ya ask me.
Decided to work on putting things
away in my kitchen and start baking
all those croutons I cut up earlier.
Sure makes the whole house smell good.
I cheated and instead of cutting up
the herbs outside, I used a Tuscan
grinder blend of herbs in a bottle.
Well gotta go and check on my croutons.
It doesn't take them long to dry out
in the oven and they need turned.
Plus I need to pop a few ibuprofen
for my aches and pains.
Got 2 gallon sized zip bags full.
As if I ain't got enough going on.
Just got an invitation from a friend
of ours we buy Trans AM parts from
to attend a car show at their church.
River Car Rally
River Church
2419 US rt 42 N
Delaware OH 43015
September 12, 2010
registration at 9:00 am
cost is NOTHING
Free food
Free live music
Lots of fun
Awards to the top 20 and door prizes for the first 50.
Donations accepted and all goes to the Orphans!
Tony's working late with mandatory
I just chopped up all my basil,
parsley & Stevia.
Now working on supper.
Think I'll call it:
Cheap Chicken Cheddar Parmigiana
Boil spaghetti, drain. Add a little
butter. Serve with spaghetti sauce
on top. Top with cheddar cheese
and chicken strips.