before starting the day of wrapping, laundry and tidying up the house.
Breakfast will be the other package of sausage patties that I got buy 1 get 1 free.
Fry up some eggs and put them on the .25 cent dinner rolls from Kroger.
Then it will be getting the chicken breasts ready for the rotisserie. I hope it turns out!! I'm still new to this rotisserie thing and have only used it once.
If you ever need a quick recipe here are some sites I recommend, the ones I use most often:
A simple candy recipe. I might make some to go with Christmas dinner.
Place small twisted pretzels on foil lined sheet. On top of each pretzel place a Rollo candy, then a pecan half on top of each. Put in warm oven, around 250 until the Rollo melts. Allow to cool, and Voila! you have a turtle. Delicious.

I've been buying a few Christmas gifts for myself that is practical because
I know Tony wants to buy me more fancy things. So I have been getting a few things
here and there and telling Tony, look what you got me for Christmas. He probably thinks I'm crazy because they aren't typical gifts. I don't like it when people spend money on me I guess. I got about 6 spiral notebooks of paper, a wooden magazine racks, a laundry rack.
I also bought one of those things like the As Seen On Tv bra clips holders that I got from the dollar store for a buck. And they came in the same colors.
I think it was a package of 6? The other ones from tv are $28!!! Check them out on there website then consider a pack for $1.00 from Dollar Tree!!

Oh I did ask him for some white serger thread last night for my sewing machine. I'm sure I'll have to get that as he may not know what that is.
Here is a tip I use for thread on your regular type sewing machine. Over the years I got tired of buying the regular spools of thread that would run out in the middle of my projects. I now buy serger spools of thread. They are huge and lasts me a long time! No they don't fit on the machine exactly but it works and saves me the hassle of rethreading my machine all the time.

Here is my laundry rack that I started using yesterday and am loving it. I kept seeing it at the thrift store but it didn't have a price on it. So the last time there we asked about the price and they put one on it of $2.92. I wonder why they put such weird amounts for their prices. I put it by my washer/dryer and am able to hang up my clothes immediately after taking out of the dryer. Then once the load is done can bring them upstairs to be hung up.
It's 2:19pm and we have about half of the kids presents wrapped. Still have
to do the in-laws, my parents and friend presents.
I find that instead of using gift tags which can be time consuming I now use
a black sharpie marker to write on each package. It does the job.
When buying tape make sure to look at the yardage or feet on each roll. The rolls
I got didn't have much on them. Why can't they make rolls of tape that have lots of tape on them! GRRR! Look at packing tape. There's a bunch on there. I remember having a tape dispenser and could buy refillable bags of tape rolls for it for cheap. Not anymore.
I got Damien's food-goodie box almost done, just needs wrapped.
Then need to work on putting together his other boxes.
So whenever you can't figure out what to give someone as a gift
think practical! Make them a goodie box from your pantry or
toiletry stash. Hey I wouldn't mind getting a box like this.
Who's gonna say "we can't use this, it's the wrong size or color and so on!"
It's the perfect idea especially with the economy the way it is!!
It's now 6:37pm and I'm stuffed from supper.
We had teriyaki chicken, creamed green beans, corn bread, mashed potatoes.
One picture below I am glad that I had the camera nearby. The cat jumped up on
the stool and sat there hypnotized by the chicken rotating round and round in
the rotisserie.
For dessert I whipped up something out of my head, no recipe, but I'll
try to remember how I did it.
Apple Pocket Pies
Combine the below in a medium bowl:
1 can apple pie filling, chopped up
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla
3 Tablespoons dry vanilla pudding
1 can 8 count Grands biscuits- flatten out with fingers into about
a 5" diamter.
Spoon a tablespoonful of apple pie mixture into middle of biscuit.
Carefully fold over and crimp edges with a fork.
Bake 350 degrees about 15 or so minutes.
In a small bowl combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
and enough milk to make thick glaze.
Once pockets come out of oven spoon glaze over the tops.
Serves 8
Nighty Night
Jonathan asleep with mommy's homemade snuggie on.
OK just one more for today.
I had to add this as I needed a laugh after someone brought me down earlier.
No not family or friends, just someone online who was a jerk.