shopping. I returned the Sketcher shoes I bought
for the kids and got money back. Those were a joke!
The kids couldn't even get their foot through
the opening of the shoe!
While there I noticed they still had a few, but dwindling,
Christmas items. Now 90% off!!
This is what I bought:
Sherry snow globe ornament
regular $3.99 now .39 cents
Jon snow globe ornament
regular $3.99 now .39 cents
Marilyn snow globe ornament
regular $3.99 now .39 cents
Lee (couldn't find Tony) snow globe ornament
regular $3.99 now .39 cents
Don candy cane ornament
regular $2.99 now .29 cents
Christopher candy cane ornament
regular $2.99 now .29 cents
Then I found more hair accessories and misc. so I bought
some to add to the bosses daughter's gifts
I have been buying for this upcoming Christmas.
2 Holographic sticker books
regular $3.00 each x's 2 is $6.00
now .15 cents each x's 2 is .30 cents
Package of 2 sparkly head bands
regular $1.99
I paid .19 cents
3 fancy ponytail holders
regular $1.99 each x's 3 is $5.97
I paid .19 cents each x's 3 is .57 cents
1 bobble head Santa pen
regular $1.99
I paid .19 cents
1 bobble head snowman pen
regular $1.99
I paid .19 cents
I notice that Meijer doesn't have the greatest
mark downs. Only about 35% to 40% off compared
to kroger's 50% + off.
If you find a mark down and are unaware of the price
before then I would find where the items usually
is in the store to see what it originally cost.
Today in Meijer I saw a rug marked down to $17.99
and it said 50% off. Sounded like a good deal BUT...
when I looked further to see what the other rugs
were priced just like it they said $13.99!!!
So that discounted rug was not actually half off!
It was more than what it was to begin with!!
Gotta watch out for crap like that.
Tony called to say he is trashing out the one apartment
today. He keeps finding lots of goodies that have been buried
in the place. Plus I forgot a bag of stuff yesterday when
leaving. So keep watch to see what else we've found
and I'll post pics of everything.
It's like Christmas for mom and dad all over again.
Which we don't buy much for ourselves at Christmas,
it's mainly for the kids.
The weather is warming up some. Was 38
when returning home from Meijers.
Snow and ice is dripping and melting off rooftops,
sidewalks, driveways and streets. YEAHHH!!!
Today I decided to whip together a bed warmer.
Took a flannel pillow case and cut it completely
apart, well into 2 pieces of fabric.
Then folded those halves in half length wise.
Filled the tubes about 3/4 the way full with rice.
It was something practical that could be used now
since the weather is cold and the bedroom are chillier
than the rest of the house.
So I made it up then put it in the microwave
at 30 second intervals and kept rotating and flipping
it til it got warm. I put it under the covers
in the bed. Then had lunch. By the time I got
to be nappy time my side of the bed was toasty
warm. I even laid on it when sleeping.
So I can actually say these things work.
Probably not for an entire night but to take
the chill off for about the first hour.
I am done sewing for now and can't start a
second one as I am officially out of thread.
Tony forgot to take the camera to work today
obviously as I am still posting pics. So
it looks like I might get the chance to send
it with him tomorrow to get more pics
of the one apartment since I don't think
they ended up trashing it out today.
He is the one being left to do it.
Lucky him! Don't know why someone
else couldn't come give him a hand
with that much of a mess!
I had a discussion today with my step-dad
who is over 70 years of age and has hearing
aids. I'm not knowledgeable in this field but
figured I'd talk about it anyway.
Why is it, it costs so much for hearing aids.
They can run $4,000 to over $8,000!!!
Then I found out that he gets the so called
"good" hearing aids recommended by the doctors.
Ones that are digital. So why is it that they
only last a couple of years for that ridiculous
amount of money??? Then they quit working
and the doctors want him to come back in for another
set. He has been through at least 3-4 hearing
aids already and I don't even want to know how
much those cost!
If it was me I would learn sign language before
paying those costs.
Then I find out that hearing aids are not
covered at all under any of his health insurance plans.
I don't understand as this is a medical
Someone recommended to him about going to the VA
to get free or little out of pocket medical supplies
or services. Don't know much about that either
so here is the website that explains it all:
Department of Veteran Affairs
Like I said I am not knowledgable in hearing aids
or VA and am only going by what I was told.
I don't like doctors! I take my kids to them if
they need it but for myself I couldn't tell you the
last time I've been! I'm still living just fine!!!
This is just my opinion...
While I know there are doctors out there that
can save lives and do you some good, I feel
like they scam you out of your money.
I feel as though I am a guinea pig when
visiting the doctor and they guess at what
is wrong most of the time. If they guess wrong
then you go back in for another visit and another visit,
then keep on getting prescriptions, and those aren't free!
It's not coming out of their pockets!
I wouldn't think it's good to keep popping pills.
Heck look at antibiotics. The prescribe them so
much some are becoming immune to them.
Why in the world are they now advertising prescription
medicines on tv, magazines, radio and newspapers???
Then to hear the list of side affects you could
develope when taking them! I'll pass and suffer
with what I have before having liver failure,
heart attacks, go blind and so on.
Here is another way I think doctors scam you out of money.
I would take the kids to their pediatrician for their
shots and when they got sick. But so help me,
I let a year go by with no visits because they had all their shots
and weren't getting sick, I was penalized for it!!
I get a letter and a couple phone calls stating that if
I didn't bring in each child to get a check up their
medical charts would go in storage. And in order to see
the doctor again I would have to pay $40 each to have
them taken out of storage. I would also have to
physically go get their files myself from another office and bring them
to them. This is crazy BS and a way to make money if
you ask me!!! So needless to say their files are both
in storage. If they get sick I take them to Urgent
Care which is covered partially under our health insurance
until I can get them another doctor, a family doctor.
Even family doctors can be asses. I had one in Ashville
that was so mean to my kids. They were all of about 1 and
2 years old. He was not joyful to talk to and seemed
to have an attitude. He would call my kids fat right to
their faces in a mean way. Get pissed if we waited
in the patients room forever and had nothing to do
but play with his little roller chair. He'd walk
in and yell at them to leave his chair alone.
It's a freakin chair for crying out loud!
I eventually found another pediatrician that was
the best there ever was in Circleville!
She was sooo nice like a
best friend. You never felt like she rushed in and
out in a flash. She spent time with you no matter
how long it took to ask questions. She even got to
know you and about your family and she would
even talk about hers to you. We moved and I still
drove an extra 20 miles for those doctor visits if
that says anything. But unfortunately another move
put us too far away and that is how I ended up with
the "if you don't come in for this check up we are putting
your files in storage" doctor's office.
So to see my step-dad going to the doctors
about 8 times a month for something on
a regular basis disturbs me. And if one
doctor can't find anything wrong, then another
and another and another doctor is referred
for him to go to. The end result is still the
same. Nothing wrong!!
Do you see a pattern here with doctors????
Here's a kitchen tip I used today.
When I need a funnel I always cut the
top off of a 2 liter bottle of pop.
Do you know that last night while
watching tv I saw a Walmart commercial
still advertising Christmas sales!!
And I'm not talking about after
Christmas sales either!.
Businesses have it so bad for customers.
My mom always gets booklets in the mail
from places like Miles Kimball
and Carol Wright. I used to think
it was interesting to go through them
and see what crap was in there.
But after looking at the latest edition
yesterday of Carol Wright I was in shock!!
They have a complete section of sex toys!
And I don't mean basic vibrators that could
pass as a neck massagers! I mean everything
from rabbits, to butterflies, g-spot things
and pumps (won't go into details as to what kind!).
So if you are getting these mail order magazines
I swear I have Gremlins sometimes known as
Dirty Laundry Gremlins and Dirty Dishes Gremlins.
No matter how hard I try to keep up with daily
chores I can't get ahead. I think these Gremlins are
coming out when I can't see them.
They are nasty critters that cause so much laundry and dishes
to pile up! One minute I can do all dishes and then turn
around and there's another sink full. I thought
tonight I had laundry caught up only to find these
Gremlins had left another pile of clothes in the
hall. I need a way to transfer all these Gremlins
back into fuzzy, cute and loving Gizmos so they don't
wear mommy out!!
One find from Tony's work the other day
was a bottle of Dawn's Power Grabber.
You're supposed to spray it on dishes with baked
on stuff. Let it sit then wash and it comes
off like a charm without
Wonder how much that bottle cost?
Who needs this stuff when you have things
in your home that can do the same thing!
Fill your pots, pans or baking dishes with
hot water. Then add a dryer sheet to it
and let it soak. No dryer sheet?
Then add about a tablespoon of liquid
fabric softener. It does the same thing
that Power Grabber does at a fraction of the cost!
Last week Tony handed me a recipe he found in the
mail from the Hellmans Mayo taste test.
He wanted me to make something called
Disappearing Buffalo Chicken Dip.
Sounded and looked good!
I just hadn't gotten around to making it just yet.
Today while in Meijer I was waiting for mom
to get some produce and was standing by the deli.
I usually don't buy stuff from the deli but today
I noticed a bright orange sign taped to the front
of the case. It said Buffalo Chicken Dip!
On sale at .99 cents a pound when it was
$6.00 a pound regular price.
Well I had to jump on that and got Tony
a pound of it.
For those who don't have that sale at that
price here is the recipe for
Disappearing Buffalo Chicken Dip
Also today while at Meijer I had to get some
Meijer baby powder to put in everyone's stinky shoes!
I hated paying the $2-$3 price for it.
Mom got a tub of Meijer petroleum jelly for
around the same price.
Do you know you can go to Big Lots
and pick up petroleum jelly and baby powder for
probably less than a buck! That's usually
where I buy it.
I shop many stores. Where I live there is
every kind of store within about a mile
or two from me! Soooo many shopping centers
now a days. How did we ever get by without them?
In one shopping strip I can get an oil change,
grocery shop, eat fast food, have my hair
cut, get a new outfit, buy a computer or cell phone,
get some fish or buy some lumber. This is crazy!!
All at the same time, due to the stock market crash,
we have empty buildings sitting everywhere from
people going out of business. On ONE
ROAD near here I can count about 6 car
dealerships or used car lots sitting empty that went under.
Do you think we're over doing it just a tad????
Mom always goes to the salon to get her hair cut
and colored. And pays around $50+ for it plus tip.
That's for short hair.
Not this chicky babe!!
I find hair coloring manager specials at Kroger
in the mark down bin and use coupons on top of that.
I get them free or for around $1.00 each.
Not long ago I used a Walgreen coupon and manufacture
coupons to get 4 boxes of hair color that would
have cost $16 for only $3.00!!
I do my own hair. I even trim the ends when they
look a little frayed. Tonight I decided to color
my hair because I noticed a few too many highlights
if you get my drift, lol. Still waiting for it to get
done, lol.
I noticed on the directions it says for hair
that is shoulder length you should use 2 boxes.
I have hair clear down the middle of my back and
have yet to use 2 boxes! Just a way to get you
to buy more uneeded things!
I do all the boys and hubby's hair with clippers.
I save lots of money by only purchasing a $10 to $15
hair clippers and can cut many many of hair with them.