Afterwards we went to Kroger. It was like we all had a free lunch today. First the bowls of chili which they would let you go back and get more. Then Kroger had samples of crackers & dip, cheese cubes, cheese ball and crackers, sausages, raisin & chocolate chip cookies and lastly ham.
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Today we took the kids to see Santa. Oakland nursery had Santa's house decorated in a Sesame Street theme which was very cute. They even had a kettle of chili brewing over a fire for all to eat free while waiting. Photos were free if you brought your own camera. If not they were $5 each.
Afterwards we went to Kroger. It was like we all had a free lunch today. First the bowls of chili which they would let you go back and get more. Then Kroger had samples of crackers & dip, cheese cubes, cheese ball and crackers, sausages, raisin & chocolate chip cookies and lastly ham.

Afterwards we went to Kroger. It was like we all had a free lunch today. First the bowls of chili which they would let you go back and get more. Then Kroger had samples of crackers & dip, cheese cubes, cheese ball and crackers, sausages, raisin & chocolate chip cookies and lastly ham.
12-20-09 SUNDAY
I'm up late. It's 12:39am in the morning. I have 5 days before Christmas to do things. I did sleep in a little late yesterday morning and took a nap, something I haven't done in awhile. So it explains the reason for not being as tired as I should.
I have been working on making a Snuggie. Well I did make one from the directions online but found I did not like it and the way the back bunched up and was open. Plus Snuggies don't stay on you too well.
So for about the past week I have been trying to come up with ideas to make my own. Tonight I sat down and drew up some patterns. I used taped together newspaper and cardboard boxes from pop. I don't have money to waste on patterns from the store as they cost too much. I got the fabric cut out and sewn together. The fabric was a large flannel sheet I purchased at the thrift store for $2.99. I am hoping to get two of my "Snuggies" made from it. I was so amazed at myself that it came together with no problems! I have tried to make clothes before without much luck and that was with a pattern off Ebay. So something is working in my favor and I can't believe it! So here is my idea. I haven't a name for it yet but am trying to think of one. It's part Snuggie, meaning it has room unlike a typical robe, where you are able to lounge around without being bound up. It's part poncho that has a rounded bottom. And I want to incorporate some sleeves into it. I haven't got that part done as kids are in bed and I can't measure the length of the arms for it til later on.
Well I am off to bed. Will get pictures posted when it's all done.
It's now 8pm Sunday evening. Been busy most of the day. I didn't get back to making my robe til this evening. I didn't want it to look too girlie so I added more fabric (light blue and white stripes) to the bottom then added a binding down the front and hood of the same fabric. I made the sleeves but am working on getting them attached. Those also have the same striped fabric around the cuffs.
The blue and white fabric was about .99 cents and I only used half of it so total cost of that fabric in this project would be .50 cents. This fabric was a bed dust ruffle I had in my fabric stash.
1/2 flat flannel sheet $1.50
1/2 a dust ruffle .50 cents
so my homemade snuggie robe cost me $2.00 to make!!
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About Me

- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"