Don't ya hate it when your run out
of ice cubes and you're craving a cold drink!
We don't have room to put pop in our
fridge so we store it on the shelves
and go through lots of ice cubes.
I found a temporary solution to
having a cold pop today with no ice cubes, lol.
I found one of those freezer pops,
the ones in plastic, and put that in my
pop, lol. Hey it worked.
When one side melted I flipped it over.
I've been looking through Meijer's ads online
because I have yet to receive my door ads.
They seem to have allot of good deals this week.
They have lots of items that are
buy 10 for $1.00 each and get the 11th item free.
Some of their $1.00 sales this week.
This week in the Sunday Dispatch
are 4 coupon inserts!!
I haven't looked through coupons yet
to see if there are any match ups.
3 lb. bag of onions
3 lb. bag of carrots
5 lb bag potatoes
8 ounce mushrooms
12 ounce iceberg Dole salad
12 ounce cherry cocktail tomatoes
Armour pepperoni
3 pack Meijer microwavable popcorn
14.5 ounce Red Gold tomatoes
Meijer fruit snacks
Meijer paper towels
50 count Meijer paper plates
Old Orchard frozen juice
My agenda for today,
the last day before everyone
returns to work and school.
-Finish laundry & put away.
-Get kitchen tidied up, wash dishes & put away.
-Sew rip in Tony's jacket.
-clean Christopher's room.
-Give everyone a hair cut.
-Turkey pizza for supper.
Currently working on laundry
& Christopher's room.
Slowly tiring out.
Still in Christopher's room cleaning away
and rearranging furniture.
This day's going by too fast!
Done at 3:45pm! WHEW!
Just got my door sales ads.
In those ads is another Smartsource
coupon insert for a total
of FIVE inserts this week!
Had to go out and pick up some
milk, bread and another water
bottle for the gerbils. The one we bought
at Christmas time did nothing but drip.
At times a full bottle would be empty
within an hour and I would have to completely
clean out the cage and put in new bedding.
This economy must be so bad that people
will steal just about anything.
We were in Speedway tonight and
watched two thefts while the place was busy.
Jonathan saw a girl pocket a 20 ounce
bottle of pop and put it in their pocket
and walk out the door without paying.
I didn't say anything. Why?
Because this husky gal looked tough dressed in
a leather coat, had what
looked like a mean attitude, knew that
Jonathan saw what she did and
was parked next to us further out
in the parking lot. I didn't need any trouble
or her and a truck full of people following us
home causing problems.
Tony saw another person get a hot dog or
something of the like, walk around the store
and eat it and then walk out without paying.
Another time, on yet another busy night,
Tony watched a guy walk out with a
12 pack of beer. And then there was the
time I saw a lady pocket Klondike bars in Kroger.
And lastly while sitting in the truck at another
Speedway a cashier came out and confronted
a guy about stealing candy bars!
Anyone needing laundry soap!
I really do so anyone not using these
coupons please send them my way!
This is from Nickles-n-Dimes
Wisk, $5.00
-$2/1 Wisk Laundry Detergent, exp. 2-13-11 (RP 01/02/11)
Combine this with the current ECB offer to get $10 Extra Care Bucks with you spend $25.00.
Buy 5 at $25.00 total
-(5) $2/1 Wisk Laundry Detergent, exp. 2-13-11 (RP 01/02/11)
-$10.00 Extra Care Bucks
=$5.00 ($1.00 each!) after coupons and extra care bucks
I am willing to wager that CVS is already sold out so here’s my recommendation: RAINCHECKS!
By getting rainchecks, you can go back when it’s convenient for you as long as you make it before the coupon expires on February 13, 2011.
Some coupon match ups
V8 Splash 64 ounce $1.67
x's 3 is $5.01
minus $1.00 off 3 meijer mealbox coupon
Makes it $4.01 for 3 or $1.33 each.
Kleenex .88 cents each
x's 3 is $2.64
minus .5o cent printable coupon
makes it $2.14 for 3 or .71 cents each
New Year's eve 2010, Beebe, Arkansas
1,000 of birds, mainly red winged black birds,
fall from sky, most dead.
The evening is slowly winding down.
I am trying very hard to get everything
on my list, completed for today.
Each weekend I will write
down a list of what I would like to
accomplish each day to try and keep me on track.
I usually get through the list.
But are happy if I complete most of it.
Giving everyone a haircut.
This I usually wait and do at the last
minute so they all can jump in the shower
then into bed.
Got Tony's jacket sewed,
all bills done,
clothes laid out,
breakfast ready to go for tomorrow,
one load of laundry to fold or hang up
and last load to go into dryer.
Yeah I'm getting tired!
No rest for the weary!
Tomorrow I'm going with mom to
the dentist at 10am.
I drive her to and from there since
she can't remember how to get there.
Plus it's nice to have someone go with
you rather than by yourself.
That reminds me, I need to round
up a few magazines to take.
You know how doctor's office
magazines can be!
At least mine will be current, lol.