Vitaminwater revealed as non-healthy beverage by Coca-Cola's own lawyers
If Vitaminwater were accurately named, it would actually be called Sugarwater. Its first two ingredients are, not surprisingly, sugar and water (the sugar coming in the form of crystalline fructose, a processed sweetener that has been linked to health problems)
How much sugar is actually in Vitaminwater? A lot more than you might think: While the label claims only 13 grams of sugar per serving, one bottle of vitamin water is actually 2.5 servings, meaning that you're chugging down 32 grams of liquid sugars with every bottle.
In addition to the sugar and water, Vitaminwater contains a smattering of synthetic vitamin chemicals that any informed health consumer probably wouldn't want to ingest. So in reality, Vitaminwater is really sugar water with the addition of synthetic chemicals that happen to be called "vitamins" (but which are not the natural, plant-based nutrients your body would greatly prefer).
Hemmed up a pair
of Old Navy jeans for Christopher.
Gonna keep a running list
of all the back to school clothes
I find and their approximate value
to see how much I saved by DDn
school clothes for the kids.
I searched these items online.
Old Navy Jeans $19
Hunting T-Shirt $10
Long Sleeve Basic Editions Polo $15
Total saved so far: $44
Got another load of laundry washed
and hung on the line. Thought I was
gonna have to take it all down due
to hearing thunder. But after looking
at the radar I realized the rain
would pass to the South of us.
Who would have ever thought we
would have radar at our fingertips
to see when to be able to laundry, lol.
Getting ready to throw together some
supper. Chinese tonight.
Saute some cut up chicken, onions
green sliced bell peppers, mushrooms &
broccoli in butter and teriyaki
sauce and serve over some
brown rice.
And that's another thing that pisses me off...
I was looking over a letter from our
health insurance company explaining
benefits from a recent doctor's visit
Tony had.
What I don't, and never will understand,
is why when a person doesn't have insurance
and has to self pay is the cost cheaper
compared to when you have insurance.
What I am trying to say is the doctors
will charge the insurance company
outrageous amounts compared to what
self paying people would pay.
It's a no wonder our insurance costs
are so high!!
For example Tony's recent visit to the
family doctor was for some blood work
and a urine sample test.
Between the doctor's
visit and the laboratory blood and urine
work the total cost they charged the
insurance company was $880!!
That is crazy if you ask me.
I was telling Tony of our trash truck
that's been coming around for the past
2 weeks. I said a lot of people would
be pissed of if this thing rolled
through about 6am due to it's
hideous noise it makes. Tony says
but all trash trucks are loud.
I said, oh no, this trash truck
has got them all beat when it comes
to making noise. It squeals, groans
and moans and can be heard streets
away! He didn't believe me til
I showed him the video.
Turn up your speakers to hear this
In the beginning you can hear it
coming up the street before
it gets in camera view.
Have you ever seen Transformers
the movie? Well I was waiting
for this truck to transform into
a monster of some sort, LOL!