Both stores had half off sales.
I guess every Wednesday during the last
week of the month the Ohio Thrift stores
have a half off sale.
Found this pop up play tent for the kids.
They love Star Wars.
Brought it home and set it in the living
room since there is no way to fold it down.
The cat didn't hesitate to go inside it.
Now she thinks she has her own cat mansion!
I got this to use in the backyard for the kids
as a clubhouse during the warmer weather.
It was originally marked $10
marked down to $5
and with the half off sale I got it for $2.50
They go for $38.
I saved $33!!
Next I found an Expedition Haynes manual.
We can't afford to buy these new as I know they
can run $25 to $30 for each book.
This book I got today was marked $2.93
BUT the lady rung it up for only .90 cents!!
I saved $24.19 to $29.10!!!
I found 2 books that I thought were interesting.
They were each 120 years old and looked really good
for their age!
-1001 Gems of Poetry -published 1890
-Tom Brown's Schooldays -published 1891
Paid $1.91 for each one.
And I found Tony a pair of waterproof shoes he's
been needing for work. I'll give them to him
for his birthday. It's hard to find him shoes
in his size and for diabetic feet.
Regular price was $4
half price $2
And lastly I got the kids some more Winter clothes.
Most were regularly .99 cents but got them
for .50 cents each.
Mom took me out to lunch. To save money
on eating out we use coupons for buy 1 get 1 free,
then split a regular fry and a small soft drink since
they are refillable.
I highly recommend buying the Entertainment
Coupon Book. It will pay for itself over
and over again and is so worth it.
Register at Special K
to print out a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free
box of cereal.
Today I was looking up home remedy treatments
for leg cramps aka charlie horses.

I have not tried these yet. Hubby has been getting
horrible charlie horses in the night so will see if
these work.
This is a proven method for stopping those horrible leg cramps or Charley horses as some folks call them. A lot of seniors get these as well, especially at night. I am a registered nurse who has instructed my patients on this simple procedure for their leg cramps. Ninety percent state immediate relief. It is a form of acupressure. Read on to learn more about stopping leg cramps."
People with diabetes can have a deficiency in magnesium.
Leg cramps usually means you are lacking magnesium.
Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium.
Some legumes (beans and peas), nuts and seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.
Refined grains are generally low in magnesium. When white flour is refined and processed, the magnesium-rich germ and bran are removed. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as "hard". "Hard" water contains more magnesium than "soft" water.
You can also purchase magnesium supplements.
FISH OIL- another must for people with Diabetes or Heart Problems!

There seems to be no end to the benefits of fish oils. Not only are they said to boost heart, brain and joint health, but they also prevent cancer, eye disease and bone problems.
Fish oils are a type of polyunsaturated fat - a 'healthy' fat. Unlike saturated animal fats, they don't raise your cholesterol levels, but are known to have a positive effect on health.
Polyunsaturated fats are divided into two groups of what are called Essential Fatty Acids (or EFAs) - omega-3 and omega-6.
Both omegas are essential in helping to regulate blood clotting, body temperature, blood pressure and the immune system; they are also needed to make prostaglandins, important hormone-like chemicals in the body. The only way we can get them is through our diet.
Omega-3 has particular benefits, producing vital substances such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), thought to play a key role in the development of brain and cognitive function, and EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid), vital for brain health.
The richest source of omega-3s are fish oils - salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna and herring.
There have been a number of studies suggesting fish oils boost heart health, but the most compelling evidence was a study last year published in the Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology.
Led by Dr Carl Lavie, of the Ochsner Cardiology Clinic in Louisiana, the study showed omega-3 oils help to prevent blood clotting and regulate or lower blood pressure.
Eating oily fish once a week has been shown to protect against age-related macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in the older generation.
They might also be helpful in the fight against some forms of cancer.
Last year, Professor John Witte, from the University of California, suggested a high intake of omega-3s reduced men's risk of prostate cancer by about 60 per cent. There is some evidence, too, that a regular consumption of omega-3s can help prevent bowel cancer.
Last week researchers from the University of California suggested omega-3s - whether from supplements or fish - helped cells
in the body live longer. When they studied heart disease patients, they found the more omega-3 the subjects ate, the slower the damage to the DNA in their cells.
That, in turn, meant better protection against inflammation and the ageing process.
The best food supply of omega-3s is oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring.
Other sources include rapeseed, evening primrose and walnut oils, fresh seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower, wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals. However, they provide omeWHAT ABOUT COD LIVER OIL?
Cod liver oil does contain some DHA and EPA, but not as much as the oily fish - but there are other reasons to consider it.
It's a good source of vitamin D, and experts are increasingly concerned that in Britain our levels of this vitamin are low (the main source is the sun).
Vitamin D deficiency is now being linked to a range of conditions, including diabetes. The vitamin is also important to prevent the bone disease rickets, which has made a comeback.
ga-3s in a different chemical form which is more difficult for the body to convert into DHA and EPA, so it would be difficult to consume enough.
Many experts think it is better to eat fish to provide the oil, as this ensures you also get other important nutrients and protein, and the suggestion by some researchers to take supplements instead remains controversial.