Free Pyrex Potholder.
Takes 6-8 weeks.
Got me and mom one :0)
During the Winter season
Tony is required to plow and salt
at work so we call him Plow Boy
after this song from Cletus T.Judd.
This morning me and him went
to his work so he could salt with
the plow truck.
The boys are still at their friend's house
til about 1pm.
This morning we had to stop in Kroger.
I needed some nacho chips for
some taco salad and I found a small
container of sour cream for .69 cents.
I browsed the produce section
looking for those orange manager
special stickers.
I got a package of red diced bell peppers
for $1.19,
a package of whole peeled garlic for .99 cents.
They all went into the freezer.

The Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile
will be at the Henderson Kroger
Friday Feb. 25th from 1-4
which sucks because you think
kids would like something like this.
Should of had it on Saturday when
kids aren't in school.
Oatmeal Facial
Pour ground oatmeal into a bowl
and add a little water and apply
to face for about 9 minutes.
Makes your skin feel soft.
You could also add in these other
ingredients you may have on hand:
olive oil,
Oatmeal can be used on its own without any other ingredients to treat acne. Boil 1/2 cup oatmeal in 1/3 cup water and allow it to cool, creating a thick paste that can be applied to any area of skin affected by acne. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Was tired of just sitting around
so decided to go cook supper ahead
of time for this evening and I also
made tomorrow's supper as well.
I made the sauce for the taco salad.
1 pound maple sausage and
2 cans tomato soup.
Then I made up some salisbury steaks
from another package of maple sausage.
I put my homemade bread cubes in the
food processor and ground into
bread crumbs, added a little
parmesan cheese.
My kids wouldn't eat mushrooms or onions
so I threw them also in the food
processor with the bread crumbs
and ground them up really good.
Then put it all in a bowl with
an egg and the sausage and mixed
with hands and shaped into long patties.
I did reserve some sliced mushrooms
for the adults.
I then fried them up in a skillet til lightly browned
on each side
and then put in the fridge for tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will put a couple cans
of mushroom soup with a little water
in the crock then add in the salisbury steaks.
Serve with some mashed potatoes.
Have a house full of kids since
about 12:30. I guess the kids
decided to invite the friends they
spent the night with to our home.
There are two of them added to our two
is four kids running around.
So much for the peace and quiet.
Time to make a run in the near
future to see if the streets need salted
or plowed at Tony's work.
We have to play weatherman and
constantly watch the radar on
I thought of another things to recycle
and save money at the same time.
Each week we get the Sunday Dispatch
and end up throwing it in the trash.
I'm thinking about trying to find
a paper shredder and using the
regular part of the paper
(not the ads or colored parts)
and shredding them up and using
as gerbil bedding.
It would save on the cost of having
to purchase bedding and reuse
what we have anyway.
Just returned home.
Went and checked the streets
at Tony's work. They looked fine.
Then we went around looking for
a box to make what I'll call a
gerbil playpen.
Something where we can get
them out of their cage and
play with them without the worries
of them getting loose.
While on our adventure to find
a box we found an oil heater sitting
next to a dumpster in a shopping
center. Snatched it up and currently
have it plugged in to see if it works.
Then as I was cruising through another
shopping center (Northwest Plaza)
and was checking out the store fronts
I saw that a Volunteers of America
thrift store was moving into
one of them in the near future.
:0) :0) :0) :0)
Another thrift store, I was happy!
Here's the oil heater we found-
Tony's been wanting one of these!
So let's hope it works!
They run about $25 to $40.
Oh, while out driving I
remembered something else
I thought they should invent.
I've had this in the back of
my mind for many years
but just had a brain fart
the other day when being put on the spot
for ideas.
Maybe Jonathan could do it
for his invention convention.
I know I have a hard time driving at
night sometimes, especially on back roads
where there are fewer lights
and during the rain.
I know over the years that they have
used reflectors in the road to help
people but after awhile they have been
known to loosen from the asphalt
and have actually been flung by car tires into other
cars or people injuring them.
My idea was to make glow in the
dark paint to paint the road lines with.
The sun would charge them during
the day to illuminate it at night.
They have glow in the dark paint
that is fade resistant to the sun.
They make glow powder which
can be mixed with the paint
they currently use on the roadways.
Depending upon the strength of
the product the glow time can
last anywhere from 8 hours
to 22 hours.
They do make white and yellow
glow powders which are the
normal colors found on our roadways.
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I also had another idea but
it's something we can't make.
What if they took all these junk tires
accumulating in places, sometimes
causing mosquito infestation problems
along with the risk of tire fires,
and ground them up into fine
particles and somehow use
them in the asphalt in the roadways.
The rubber would flex with
the different road temperatures
maybe causing less cracking.
Another coupon data base
from Stockpiling Moms.
Anyone ready for a laugh??
I have a homemade oatmeal face mask on
at the moment.
Tony came in the bathroom
to see what I was doing
and he jumped when I turned around.
I then went into the living room
and scared the crap outta the kids, LOL!
If ya wanna scare your kids one morning
put on one of these facial masks
then go in and wake your kids up
by getting right in their face, LOL!
Oh yeah, had to make some goofy faces.
This would be so cool for Halloween!
Here goes....



Too funny huh!
The kids keep wanting me
to take it off because they say
it's scaring them.
Now where did all their little
friends go???
Maybe this will keep them away!
I'm still laughing!
Another 15 minutes to go
til I wash off, oh yeah
so loving this.
How's about a kiss?