Well it isn't looking like today will
go as planned. We were planning on having
Tony and his friend work on getting cement
around the posts this evening. Now they
are requiring all employees to have mandatory
overtime today. So who knows.
I am currently working on our bedroom
wiping it out. I am hanging those one
shelves I originally had in the kitchen,
in the bedroom. That way Tony has a place
to put all his car nick knacks.
Not fun at all getting them even
and spaced just right.
Took out a night stand
in there and pushed the bed over more
to give us a little more room
to maneuver around the closet area.
I don't think they designed these bedroom
with a queen or king size bed in mind.
I think a king bed would take up that
whole bedroom!
A lil squishy but tolerable with a queen bed.
Tony and Randy came over to check out the
fence. All I can say is that Dewaine
and myslelf were on the same page.
He understood what I was wanting to do.
I'm about ready to google some do-it-
yourself videos and me and Tony can just
wing it with what Dewaine has told me so far
about fencing. Dewaine probably thought
I was a bother watching him do what he's
done so far but I was learning
as he did it. So maybe between me
and Tony we can do the fence/gate
and posts across the drive way.
Just got done mowing the front and side
yards. Whew it's warming up, but I think
it's just me sweating. I would have mowed
it earlier like I wanted but Tony had
the key on his key chain. Good thing
he stopped by today on his lunch hour
so I could unlock the shed to get the mower.
Working on pulling supper outta
the crock. Put a deer tenderloin,
a can of tomato sauce, 2 packets
of brown gravy and some onion
seasoning in there and have had it
cooking on high for about 5 hours.
Neighbor kids have been in and out
and in the yard most of the day.
Had a teenager kid ask
me if we owned guns because
there is a Rifle Association
sticker on our screen door outback.
My answer was, that's for burglers
to find out. I left the question
up in the air. We have nothing
more than BB guns, baseball bats
and a ferocious dog (LOL) but with a sticker
like that on the door it will make
you wonder. Hey it was a cheap
form of security. I think I got
an advertisement in the mail
wanting us to sign up for the Rifle
Association. Don't know why or how
we got it but inside was a sticker.
I forgot to mention this from yesterday,
We stopped in McDonald's to get a large
pop for a buck. On each cup was a coupon
for a free smoothie or frape!!
Called Kendra at 7PM Dewaine just got
back to his room from recovery.
The novicaine in his face was starting
to wear off and he was feeling
a little pain. But it all sounds
like it went well. Now will start
the healing process. Not sure when
he will be able to come home from OSU.
So far he's been in there 3 days.
Great sale - tons of girls clothing, toys, ceiling fan, paint, household goods and more! Don't miss this one - Friday 8:30-5 and Saturday 8:30-? 241 E.North Broadway, 43214
Part of the neighborhood sale at Shadow Wood Farm
Colony and Hempstead, next to Inniswoods Park
Fri and Sat 30 & 31st
Tons of books, games, shoes, baseball and football cleats!!
Wrestling shoes - headgear
Coca-Cola misc
Antique baby rocker
Lots of cute country decor
Curio cabinet
Much, much more!!!!
HUGE Multi-Family Garage Sale! This FRIDAY, JULY 30th, 9am-4pm. 175 E. College Ave in Uptown Westerville (just east of State Street.) You can park on the opposite side of the street from the house.
5150 Smothers Road
Westerville, OH 43082
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Shadow Wood Farm
Colony Drive off Hempstead Road, just south of Inniswood Metro Gardens
Westerville 43081
Friday and Saturday
July 30 and 31
(Some houses will only be participating one of the two days.)
North Linden Neighborhood Rummage (behind Northern Lights Shopping Center) Sat. July 31st (raindate Aug. 7th). 8a.m. to 5p.m. Too many items to list. Too many families to mention. Stop by 3493 Kenlawn St. to pick up a map of the streets included in the sale.
JULY 30 AND JULY 31 9 TO 5
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"