Off to a rough start this morning.
Boy I could have slept in easily as
my butt is dragging.
So much to do. Clean & tidy up house
for Jonathan's birthday tonight.
Make cake. Wrap presents. Yard sales.
Get car trailer ready for tomorrow.
Picking the car up sometime Saturday.
back from yard sales.
Didn't find much. Got a few books
and a couple glass decorative jars
with peppers in them. The smallest
jar says $25.oo Khol's on the back.
And I'm sure the larger jar was
more expensive when new.
I paid .50 cents each for them.
I'll use these on my kitchen counter
with other jars that I have filled
with pasta.
I picked up a few books for Jonathan's
birthday. I'll have Christopher give
them to him. One is a science project
book, a puzzle book and Charlotte's Web.
He is reading that one in school.
That books says $10 or $11 when new on the
front. I paid .25 cents each.
I also found 3 canning books for .25 cents
each and a curtain making book for .50 cents.
So Christopher didn't feel left out with
all the gift giving I got him a
Weather hard back book for .50 cents.
The Lab book is for mom for Mother's day.
Remember I also got her a necklace that
I gave her already. Then took her out to
lunch one day last week.
Once home I raced to get the cake made and in the
oven. Got the ice cream softening on the counter
to mold into the pan for later on when I assemble
it all. I ended up going with a white cake mix.
I crumbled up chocolate cream filled cookies
and put in the batter.
Ok let's back up a few to about 8:00AM this morning.
Getting ready to pack the kids up in the Explorer,
since Tony took the Tracker to work, when the kids
call out to me and say it was broke into! I knew
this crap was going to start happening again with
the warmer weather. That's the only thing Winter
has going for it, no break ins. And you know what's
funny is just earlier this week I talked to the
neighbor and Tony about getting some wireless
night vision cameras to put outside.
I think I jinxed myself when saying that.
I don't know when this break in happened as
the Explorer has been sitting for about the
past two weeks. The doors weren't locked
because I don't have nothing of value in there.
If someone is going to break in my vehicle
I would prefer they don't break my windows
doing it. Get in, rummage around and move on.
I'm not sure what they are looking for. Drugs maybe
as I found my plastic change section ripped out
of my console as if I might be hiding something
down inside out of sight. In the glove box
is a plastic baggie of quarters (emergency money)
that they left. The CD player and all CD's are
still there. So that's the only thing I could
come up with as to what they were possibly looking
for. They better keep looking somewhere else
cause they ain't finding that stuff here!
Almost to the finish line! Got the cake almost
done. It's baked and I have the ice cream layer
in place. Popped it back in the freezer
so I can frost it soon but don't need ice cream
melting while I do it, lol.
I'll be ready for bed tonight that's for sure.
Been running around here like a chicken with
it's head cut off. Got the house tidied up
enough for company and got birthday
and Mother's Day presents wrapped.
Will be giving the Mother's Day presents
this evening since we won't be here Sunday.
I even managed to plant a bunch of Cucumbers in
the garden today also.
I'm thinking maybe it should be a pizza night
for Jonathan's birthday. Less work for me :o)
Whew it's getting warm in here.
Just checked and it's 82 degrees.
Almost 5PM
I had originally planned to have the
grandparents over for cake and ice cream.
Now at the last sec it's more like grandparents
and a couple of Jonathan's friends.
We will be having pizza then cake and ice
cream for everyone.
I'm not one for hosting parties so
we'll see how this goes.
I see we have a tornado watch for the area
and some severe thunderstorms coming after
10pm. Oh goodie. I don't see much
sleep in the near future with kids
and animals in our room in the middle
of the night.
Well the night is winding down. Party has been going
since 5:30pm and we still have the neighbor and his
3 kids still over. Jonathan had a couple friends over
earlier from school. And grandma and grandpa were
here. My eyeballs are heavy and I can't quit
yawning but trying to sit here and keep company
somewhat entertained. It's been a long couple
of days but it's been worth it with everyone
who has stopped by. The kids should be wore
out and lets hope they sleep pretty good tonight!
ha, ha, ha.
The neighbor and his crew just left.
But just got word that Tony's friend
and his dad,
(who's on call at work and nearby)
is on his way over. I swear there's
a lot of night owls around here.
I'm ready to pass out and people
keep flocking over. Ahhhh!
Since I don't have much more energy and pictures
say a thousand words I'll let them do the rest
of the talking for this evening, LOL.