Here's a video that shows you
a fast and easy way to peel potatoes.
Dawn Wells, aka Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island demonstrates her secret way to peel an Idaho Potato.
Here is one of our favorite
healthy snacks, celery and peanut butter.
My favorite is apples with peanut butter.
Can Help
Reduce high blood pressure
Lower the risk of cancer
My next healthy snack I might try
is tuna mixed with fat free mayo
and relish,
filled celery sticks.
Me and mom went thrift store
shopping this morning.
I didn't find hardly anything
I had on my list but did get
a few things.
I got Christopher 6 pairs of
BVD cotton boxer briefs.
These run $18 for a 3 pack at JC Penny!
($36 for 6 pairs!!)
I paid .99 cents each or $5.94 for 6!
A savings of $30.06.
And they look brand new!
The thrift store had them marked
$1.99 and marked them down 50%
to .99 cents each.
pants for .99 cents
He had a pair of pants
that had to go into the outgrown
pile yesterday that was too tight
around the waist so got him
a replacement pair.
3 pairs of pants.
Some of my pants are looking
stained or raggedy so those
need to go out.
Pink tags were 50% off.
So those .99 cent pants
were only .50 cents each.
And I got another pair for $1.99.
So I spent $2.99 for 3 pairs.
I am also on the hunt for these
items. Not really a necessity so
will wait til I find them for cheap.
-Shower curtain
-large clock for living room
Day 4 since painting 2 walls in the
bathroom. No one has noticed
or said anything about it!
And if ya ask me I think
there's is a big enough difference
between the two wall colors.
Spaghetti & Meatball Garlic Bread Pizza
(something I made up)
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Makes 2 meals
or 10 servings
1 pound of spaghetti - $1.00
1 pound sausage - $1.49
(mark down)
1/2 sleeve saltine crackers - .05 cents
make into crumbs (mark down)
1 egg - .15 cents
1 can 4 cheese spaghetti sauce - $1.00
1 loaf garlic bread - $2.00
2 cups Italian shredded cheese - $1.70
parmesan cheese - .25 cents
Mix sausage, cracker crumbs and
egg in bowl. Spoon half tablespoons
out and roll into balls. Place in skillet
and fry til browned.
Boil spaghetti in pot.
Drain and add a little butter
then the can of spaghetti sauce.
Stir to combine.
Cut garlic bread loaf into thirds.
Place the 6 pieces either in a
large casserole dish or on a cookie sheet.
Top all 6 pieces with about a cup
of the shredded cheese.
Using tongs, place some spaghetti on
top of cheese.
Sprinkle the top of the spaghetti
with remaining cup of cheese.
Cut 18 meatballs in half.
Place 6 halves on each tops of the
garlic bread pizza.
Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.
Bake 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
Take remaining meatballs and
stir into spaghetti for a freezer meal.
Total cost to make: $7.64.
Makes 2 meals or 10 servings.
$3.82 a meal
@ .76 cents a serving.
My Valentine
This is what my honey got
me for Valentine's Day...
And he also gave me this ring.
He said he wanted to get me a ring
and low and behold today he finds
this under a refrigerator in
a vacant apartment!!
It's stamped 14K so it's white gold.
Don't know anything else about it.
It looks like little diamonds on the
bands and around middle stone.
I think the middle stone looks
like a blue topaz.
I have to rank this up there
as one of our top finds!!
Happy Valentine's Day to me :0)
One of my Facebook friends from
high school told me tonight he's
coming to Columbus Thursday.
He was in my graduating class
and my next door neighbor back then.
I haven't seen him in about 22 or so years
since we graduated and he went into
the military over seas. He married
and has lived in Germany most
of this time.
While here he says he wants
to come visit.
Ahhh, time to get this place in shape!!
With the snow melting,
and a yard that had been recently dug up,
the kids got off the bus and left muddy
footprints from the front door
to their bedroom. Sooo I need to
carpet clean also.
Can't wait for warmer weather
to get this carpet out of here!!
We're sitting here watching
Shawshank Redemption.
I probably would have never watched
this movie had it not been for friends
of ours that was in it.
At the moment it's on AMC
and just started at 8pm.
Here's a photo I took of the tv
of our friend Joe, who was in
the movie. We used to work with
him and Brad who was also
in Shawshank Redemption.
Joe is on the right side of the screen.
like the one where he
sang the Tee Jays jingle.