Hit a couple yard sales this morning which sucked!
The only thing I bought was
3 bike tires with inner tubes for $3.00!
Got these to put back for the kid's bikes for spares.
Inner tubes can run $7-$10 each new!
The 3 tires, brand name Tioga Psycho II, runs
from $34 to $54 NEW!!
So you see why I picked these up for $1.00 each,
tire with tube!!
The only thing I bought was
3 bike tires with inner tubes for $3.00!
Got these to put back for the kid's bikes for spares.
Inner tubes can run $7-$10 each new!
The 3 tires, brand name Tioga Psycho II, runs
from $34 to $54 NEW!!
So you see why I picked these up for $1.00 each,
tire with tube!!
I get the kids cheap bikes to ride.
When I only pay $7-$20 for each bike
I'm not spending another $20 or more
on inner tubes and tires for them!
Stopped in Infinity .99 Cents Store
looking for beads. While I found
beads I did not find sizes or colors I liked
and did not get any.
I did get some incense sticks for .99 cents a pack.
Usually I think incense sticks smell like burning
wood but there is one, out of them all, I think
has a really good smell and it is
Gonesh Sticks #8 Perfumes Of Spring Mist.
I also picked up Black Cherry to give it a try.
I also got a bottle of liquid smoke for .99 cents.
Never used it before but have seen it in allot
of recipes so figured I'd give it a try.
I can marinade some of my chicken
in zip bags with a little liquid smoke.
Sounds good anyway. Gives it
a grilled taste.
And I got a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi and Diet Dew
for .79 cents each.
Before coming home we stopped in
Long John Silvers/A&W to eat.
I got a fish sandwich and a
root beer float for $1.59!!
I used my free coupon to get the
$2.19 float free!
Mom also got a free float
with her order of the exact thing also.
Don't know why but I am really tired today.
My eyes are burning and hurting so
definitely getting a nap in today
before the weekend!!
Don't feel the greatest.
Belly has been hurting,
have made 5 potty breaks today
and my hip joints are hurting like crazy
especially when walking.
Along with that I have developed a
rash underneath a boobie
and a couple areas of chest/breastbone
hurt really bad to the touch!
I don't know what all this crap is about
so will try to take it easy tonight.
Just popped a D3 and a couple Ibuprofens.
Boy it sure is windy outside!
Lots of sticks need cleaned up outta the
back and side yards. Not today though!
Got some rain moving in but
it appears to be breaking up once
it hits the outerbelt.
.Get a free sample Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff! Click HERE to get your free sample. Allow up to 4 weeks to arrive..
Free samples of U Kotex
-cleanwear regular pad
-Barely there liner
-Regular tampon
Allow 10 weeks for delivery.
Be sure to pick up an October coupon
booklet from Walgreens.
These coupons can be combined
with manufacture coupons for
even more savings!
I got mine!
This is from Hip2Save:
Moviefone.com has a new Movie Tickets giveaway you can enter. Just play the trivia game here for a chance to win FREE movie tickets! A total of twenty thousand (20,000) Instant Win Prizes (1,000 per day) are available to be awarded, so the potential to win is pretty high! Each confirmed and verified instant win prize winner will receive one e-Movie Cash Certificate, valid for up to $12! All e-Movie Cash Certificates are valid at a network of participating theaters and can be applied towards any movie of the consumer’s choice. For a list of participating theatres, visit http://emoviecash.com/locator/.
UP TO $12.00
Easton Town Theaters is one of the
places I can take it to!
If you win you print out your free movie ticket like I did!
Sign up for the free tub of Pampers Kandoo Flushable Wipes. We will mail you the coupon for you to use at any of the retailers that carry our products . The coupons are limited to the first 10,000 people who sign up, so don't wait.
I checked and saw that Krogers carries these wipes.
If you "like" Family Dollar on Facebook
you can print out a coupon for $5.00 off $25.00.
Go0d 9/24-9/26
Here is another reason for saving left overs
in your freezer, tonight I don't feel like
cooking due to not feeling good.
So tonight all 3 boys can get out
a couple homemade entrees of
goulash or breakfast casserole from
this past week and have that tonight.
Pick N Pull Junk Yard
Look up to see if they have certain vehicles.
Parts list and cost.
Any specials they may have.
This week it's buy 3 tires get 1 free.
20% off complete engines.
Boy those ibuprofen didn't do a darn thing.
Still feeling pain in leg sockets.
Tomorrow I would like to hit a few more
yard sales in search of a wedding gift
for next weekend. Mom said she'd watch the
kids while we attended that in Logan.
Next week will probably have to make
a trip to the thrift store to find something
to wear. My wardrobe consist of casual
wear and nothing fancy. Not even sure
if Tony can fit into his dress pants
or if he'll need another pair
and possibly a dress shirt without stains, lol.
So you see why I get flustered when
people tell us stuff at the last second with
no warning.
Tomorrow I guess Tony told the boys
we'd take them metal detecting.
So might head over to Hoover to do that.
Zoom Panel:
Geesh, some of these surveys I do
could make your eyes cross they are
so long!
I think I just made 150-175 points
from doing a couple.
Still need about 450 points
just to qualify for the el cheapo prizes.
So this survey site sounds like something
I'll just keep doing for awhile and try
to build up the points for something better.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Printable Coupons
.Butterfinger Snackerz.
.Edge Shave Gel.
.Buy one Uncle Ben’s rice, get one free (Enter code: bogowgw) Expires 12/31.
Saw this on Saving In Toledo:
.Meijer is selling Luna Bars for $1.09. Use this $0.50/1 Luna Bar printable (click on printable coupons) to score these for $0.09 each!!.
When I only pay $7-$20 for each bike
I'm not spending another $20 or more
on inner tubes and tires for them!
looking for beads. While I found
beads I did not find sizes or colors I liked
and did not get any.
I did get some incense sticks for .99 cents a pack.
Usually I think incense sticks smell like burning
wood but there is one, out of them all, I think
has a really good smell and it is
Gonesh Sticks #8 Perfumes Of Spring Mist.
I also picked up Black Cherry to give it a try.
I also got a bottle of liquid smoke for .99 cents.
Never used it before but have seen it in allot
of recipes so figured I'd give it a try.
I can marinade some of my chicken
in zip bags with a little liquid smoke.
Sounds good anyway. Gives it
a grilled taste.
And I got a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi and Diet Dew
for .79 cents each.
Before coming home we stopped in
Long John Silvers/A&W to eat.
I got a fish sandwich and a
root beer float for $1.59!!
I used my free coupon to get the
$2.19 float free!
Mom also got a free float
with her order of the exact thing also.
Don't know why but I am really tired today.
My eyes are burning and hurting so
definitely getting a nap in today
before the weekend!!
Don't feel the greatest.
Belly has been hurting,
have made 5 potty breaks today
and my hip joints are hurting like crazy
especially when walking.
Along with that I have developed a
rash underneath a boobie
and a couple areas of chest/breastbone
hurt really bad to the touch!
I don't know what all this crap is about
so will try to take it easy tonight.
Just popped a D3 and a couple Ibuprofens.
Boy it sure is windy outside!
Lots of sticks need cleaned up outta the
back and side yards. Not today though!
Got some rain moving in but
it appears to be breaking up once
it hits the outerbelt.
.Get a free sample Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff! Click HERE to get your free sample. Allow up to 4 weeks to arrive..
Free samples of U Kotex
-cleanwear regular pad
-Barely there liner
-Regular tampon
Allow 10 weeks for delivery.
Be sure to pick up an October coupon
booklet from Walgreens.
These coupons can be combined
with manufacture coupons for
even more savings!
I got mine!
This is from Hip2Save:
Moviefone.com has a new Movie Tickets giveaway you can enter. Just play the trivia game here for a chance to win FREE movie tickets! A total of twenty thousand (20,000) Instant Win Prizes (1,000 per day) are available to be awarded, so the potential to win is pretty high! Each confirmed and verified instant win prize winner will receive one e-Movie Cash Certificate, valid for up to $12! All e-Movie Cash Certificates are valid at a network of participating theaters and can be applied towards any movie of the consumer’s choice. For a list of participating theatres, visit http://emoviecash.com/locator/.
UP TO $12.00
Easton Town Theaters is one of the
places I can take it to!
If you win you print out your free movie ticket like I did!
Sign up for the free tub of Pampers Kandoo Flushable Wipes. We will mail you the coupon for you to use at any of the retailers that carry our products . The coupons are limited to the first 10,000 people who sign up, so don't wait.
I checked and saw that Krogers carries these wipes.
If you "like" Family Dollar on Facebook
you can print out a coupon for $5.00 off $25.00.
Go0d 9/24-9/26
Here is another reason for saving left overs
in your freezer, tonight I don't feel like
cooking due to not feeling good.
So tonight all 3 boys can get out
a couple homemade entrees of
goulash or breakfast casserole from
this past week and have that tonight.
Pick N Pull Junk Yard
Look up to see if they have certain vehicles.
Parts list and cost.
Any specials they may have.
This week it's buy 3 tires get 1 free.
20% off complete engines.
Boy those ibuprofen didn't do a darn thing.
Still feeling pain in leg sockets.
Tomorrow I would like to hit a few more
yard sales in search of a wedding gift
for next weekend. Mom said she'd watch the
kids while we attended that in Logan.
Next week will probably have to make
a trip to the thrift store to find something
to wear. My wardrobe consist of casual
wear and nothing fancy. Not even sure
if Tony can fit into his dress pants
or if he'll need another pair
and possibly a dress shirt without stains, lol.
So you see why I get flustered when
people tell us stuff at the last second with
no warning.
Tomorrow I guess Tony told the boys
we'd take them metal detecting.
So might head over to Hoover to do that.
Zoom Panel:
Geesh, some of these surveys I do
could make your eyes cross they are
so long!
I think I just made 150-175 points
from doing a couple.
Still need about 450 points
just to qualify for the el cheapo prizes.
So this survey site sounds like something
I'll just keep doing for awhile and try
to build up the points for something better.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free Printable Coupons
.Butterfinger Snackerz.
.Edge Shave Gel.
.Buy one Uncle Ben’s rice, get one free (Enter code: bogowgw) Expires 12/31.
Saw this on Saving In Toledo:
.Meijer is selling Luna Bars for $1.09. Use this $0.50/1 Luna Bar printable (click on printable coupons) to score these for $0.09 each!!.