Sitting here looking at next
week's ad for Walgreens.
What is the difference between
a BIG roll of TP
and a DOUBLE roll of TP???
Here's some of the deals at Walgreens next week.
I don't have coupon matchups
at the moment but figured I'd
jot down a few things of interest
so I can check them later on.
NyQuil, Dayquil & Formula 44
2 for $10 ($5 each)
get back $5 in register rewards
so like getting them each for $2.50.
Now's the time to stock up on these
items and have on hand before
you get a cold or flu.
I already stocked up on mine earlier in
the year and have 4 bottles!
Act II Popcorn 4 for $1.00
Need Walgreens coupon from flier.
Cheaper than buying a 3 pack of Kroger popcorn!
Limit 6
Gold Medal Flour 5 pound bag $1.50
Need Walgreens coupon from flier.
Limit 4
Purex Laundry Detergent 32 loads
Buy 1 get 1 free $5.99
Not sure if there is a manf. coupon.
But anyway that makes each bottle $3.00
Rimmel makeup 50% off
I think I've seen these coupons.
One might be in the All You magazine.
Revlon Colorsilk Hair Color $2.50 limit 6
Walgreens Baby Wipes or Diapers
Buy 1 Get 1 50% off.
$7.99 minus $2.00 in store coupon
makes it $5.99.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Nature's Bounty twin pack vitamins
Going to garage sales this morning.
Don't know when I'll have time to
do coupon match ups, maybe Sunday
or Monday.
Pretty busy at the moment til then!
I am getting flustered.
Between yard sales and thrift stores
I have found no other outfit to wear to this wedding.
I guess I'll just hem up this one gray dress
and wear it, BUT not take off the sweater
because the dress is sleeveless and I don't
have the arms for sleeveless things!!
Maybe I could somehow take it in
on the sides also.
I don't know.
You'd think this was my wedding with
the way I'm running around here
trying to get ready for it freaking out!!
I did find a nice crock pot at a church sale,
nicer than mine and I want to keep it sooo bad,
for the wedding. It's a Rival Smart-Pot.
Paid $5.00 for it and it's in it's original box.
Found a new one on Ebay for $54!
I'll get photos later on.
I got other things also but everything is
at moms at the moment.
(trying to remember what I got)
bootie slippers $1
(I think I have a pair just like these
but they are wearing out. Use them
to do laundry in basement in the Winter time
because the floor and basement are cold)
fleece jacket $1
(I love my sweaters to wear around the house
or on a Fall day like today!
foam mattress topper for Jonathan's bed $1
New package of panty hose .50 cents
(need this to go with my dress!)
Taste of Home magazines 7 for .70 cents
Hair gel .25 cents
(need to tame my fly aways!)
And I don't remember what else there was
til later on this afternoon.
Oh I also stopped in Speedway this morning
and got me a 20 oz. pop and 2 butterfingers snackers
for $1.59. I'm assuming they are still free
with the coupon!
Hip2SaveGo here to score a FREE Sample of Vaseline Intensive Rescue Lotion! You do NOT need to be a Sam’s Club member to snag this freebie..
Can you believe it, I'm running around
like a chicken with it's head cut off
and here comes my sales ads for the week
when I have no time at the moment to go through them!
Any other time I sit and wait and wait for them
and they finally show up sometime Sunday afternoon.
I didn't get a nap this afternoon and are
feeling the effects.
I was working on my dress for tomorrow.
I took it from floor length to
knee length!!
Anyone ever invites me to any major events
and only gives me a week's notice,
you better have ear plugs!
This wedding alone has stressed
me out in a week's time.
I thought it was a little disrespectful
to give us (& other coworkers) only a week to prepare for this
while I'm sure other family members
had about a month or so!
Here are the gifts I got for the wedding:
Slow Cooker $5.00
Silver Plated Candle & Flower Holder $2.00
Well my sales ad bag was calling out
to me so I just briefly looked inside.
Meijers has most of their brand names on sale
and Kroger has buy 10 items and
get it for a sale price.
I hate when they do this!!
Don't feel like cooking tonight
so it's gonna be a trip to Taco Bell
for something off the $2.00 meal deals.
I wish it was about 12PM tomorrow already!
Just so the planning and getting ready for the wedding can
be over with!
Me and Tony NEVER EVER get time to ourselves
so to be able to attend a fancy wedding
just the two of us is gonna be different.
Do you know about the only time me and Tony
get some alone time together is to go
Christmas shopping for 1 day!!
That's the only time I ask mom to babysit
unless of course someone is hospitalized
and we visit them.
Those to me aren't really times
of alone time to be with one another,
to go out to dinner, to go to a movie,
to talk a romantic walk.
You know what has me shaking my head though?
This couple has spent $30,000 on this wedding!!
And no that didn't include the $12,000 ring!!
Better be some damn good eats at that price tag!!
Now I have to figure out how to get my housework
for the weekend done in one day. Sunday!
There's no rest for the weary!
Needed a little break so sat
down an did another $3.00 survey.
Just got done with my dress.
Here is a pic of it now.
I won't be wearing the white shirt
as I just tried it on over my clothes.
This was not an easy dress to shorten
as the skirt part didn't go straight down
instead it went into a bell shape.
Oh and I also removed the shoulder
pads from the sweater.
Another survey done.
Now up to $35.50.
Some days are better than others
with getting surveys to do.
While other days I could start a survey
then have it tell me I don't qualify for it.
Got the camera on charge and deleted
pics off camera card to get ready
for tomorrow.
All I need to do now
is mapquest some directions
and take a HOT bath to soak
away all the aches and pains
in my legs and back.
I'll have to remember to take along
some scissors tomorrow.
Will have to stop somewhere to
get some gift wrap & tape and wrap up
this crock pot along the way, LOL.
Because guess what, I don't
have a gift bag that big!
Here's a different twist to making
the traditional fruitcake.
Rice Krispies Fruit Cake
Sitting here looking at next
week's ad for Walgreens.
What is the difference between
a BIG roll of TP
and a DOUBLE roll of TP???
Here's some of the deals at Walgreens next week.
I don't have coupon matchups
at the moment but figured I'd
jot down a few things of interest
so I can check them later on.
NyQuil, Dayquil & Formula 44
2 for $10 ($5 each)
get back $5 in register rewards
so like getting them each for $2.50.
Now's the time to stock up on these
items and have on hand before
you get a cold or flu.
I already stocked up on mine earlier in
the year and have 4 bottles!
Act II Popcorn 4 for $1.00
Need Walgreens coupon from flier.
Cheaper than buying a 3 pack of Kroger popcorn!
Limit 6
Gold Medal Flour 5 pound bag $1.50
Need Walgreens coupon from flier.
Limit 4
Purex Laundry Detergent 32 loads
Buy 1 get 1 free $5.99
Not sure if there is a manf. coupon.
But anyway that makes each bottle $3.00
Rimmel makeup 50% off
I think I've seen these coupons.
One might be in the All You magazine.
Revlon Colorsilk Hair Color $2.50 limit 6
Walgreens Baby Wipes or Diapers
Buy 1 Get 1 50% off.
$7.99 minus $2.00 in store coupon
makes it $5.99.
Buy 1 Get 1 Free
Nature's Bounty twin pack vitamins
Going to garage sales this morning.
Don't know when I'll have time to
do coupon match ups, maybe Sunday
or Monday.
Pretty busy at the moment til then!
I am getting flustered.
Between yard sales and thrift stores
I have found no other outfit to wear to this wedding.
I guess I'll just hem up this one gray dress
and wear it, BUT not take off the sweater
because the dress is sleeveless and I don't
have the arms for sleeveless things!!
Maybe I could somehow take it in
on the sides also.
I don't know.
You'd think this was my wedding with
the way I'm running around here
trying to get ready for it freaking out!!
I did find a nice crock pot at a church sale,
nicer than mine and I want to keep it sooo bad,
for the wedding. It's a Rival Smart-Pot.
Paid $5.00 for it and it's in it's original box.
Found a new one on Ebay for $54!
I'll get photos later on.
I got other things also but everything is
at moms at the moment.
(trying to remember what I got)
bootie slippers $1
(I think I have a pair just like these
but they are wearing out. Use them
to do laundry in basement in the Winter time
because the floor and basement are cold)
fleece jacket $1
(I love my sweaters to wear around the house
or on a Fall day like today!
foam mattress topper for Jonathan's bed $1
New package of panty hose .50 cents
(need this to go with my dress!)
Taste of Home magazines 7 for .70 cents
Hair gel .25 cents
(need to tame my fly aways!)
And I don't remember what else there was
til later on this afternoon.
Oh I also stopped in Speedway this morning
and got me a 20 oz. pop and 2 butterfingers snackers
for $1.59. I'm assuming they are still free
with the coupon!
Hip2SaveGo here to score a FREE Sample of Vaseline Intensive Rescue Lotion! You do NOT need to be a Sam’s Club member to snag this freebie..
Can you believe it, I'm running around
like a chicken with it's head cut off
and here comes my sales ads for the week
when I have no time at the moment to go through them!
Any other time I sit and wait and wait for them
and they finally show up sometime Sunday afternoon.
I didn't get a nap this afternoon and are
feeling the effects.
I was working on my dress for tomorrow.
I took it from floor length to
knee length!!
Anyone ever invites me to any major events
and only gives me a week's notice,
you better have ear plugs!
This wedding alone has stressed
me out in a week's time.
I thought it was a little disrespectful
to give us (& other coworkers) only a week to prepare for this
while I'm sure other family members
had about a month or so!
Here are the gifts I got for the wedding:
Slow Cooker $5.00
Silver Plated Candle & Flower Holder $2.00
Well my sales ad bag was calling out
to me so I just briefly looked inside.
Meijers has most of their brand names on sale
and Kroger has buy 10 items and
get it for a sale price.
I hate when they do this!!
Don't feel like cooking tonight
so it's gonna be a trip to Taco Bell
for something off the $2.00 meal deals.
I wish it was about 12PM tomorrow already!
Just so the planning and getting ready for the wedding can
be over with!
Me and Tony NEVER EVER get time to ourselves
so to be able to attend a fancy wedding
just the two of us is gonna be different.
Do you know about the only time me and Tony
get some alone time together is to go
Christmas shopping for 1 day!!
That's the only time I ask mom to babysit
unless of course someone is hospitalized
and we visit them.
Those to me aren't really times
of alone time to be with one another,
to go out to dinner, to go to a movie,
to talk a romantic walk.
You know what has me shaking my head though?
This couple has spent $30,000 on this wedding!!
And no that didn't include the $12,000 ring!!
Better be some damn good eats at that price tag!!
Now I have to figure out how to get my housework
for the weekend done in one day. Sunday!
There's no rest for the weary!
Needed a little break so sat
down an did another $3.00 survey.
Just got done with my dress.
Here is a pic of it now.
I won't be wearing the white shirt
as I just tried it on over my clothes.
This was not an easy dress to shorten
as the skirt part didn't go straight down
instead it went into a bell shape.
Oh and I also removed the shoulder
pads from the sweater.
Another survey done.
Now up to $35.50.
Some days are better than others
with getting surveys to do.
While other days I could start a survey
then have it tell me I don't qualify for it.
Got the camera on charge and deleted
pics off camera card to get ready
for tomorrow.
All I need to do now
is mapquest some directions
and take a HOT bath to soak
away all the aches and pains
in my legs and back.
I'll have to remember to take along
some scissors tomorrow.
Will have to stop somewhere to
get some gift wrap & tape and wrap up
this crock pot along the way, LOL.
Because guess what, I don't
have a gift bag that big!
Here's a different twist to making
the traditional fruitcake.
Rice Krispies Fruit Cake