I just woke up.
This Christmas is wearing me out!
The older you get the harder it gets!
We went out to eat last night at Taco
Bell because I didn't feel like cooking.
Soon after our return home I went to bed.
It was around 7pm. And didn't get up til now.
That's 14 1/2 hours! I could have very easily
slept til about 11-12 no problem as I am having
a hard time waking up.
We still have 5 gifts to wrap for our parents.
Those are the ones we've been needing boxes for
and luckily Tony found some at work yesterday.
Still have about 5 or so gifts to wrap for the kids.
Oh yeah and Tony's going out today to get
a couple gerbils. So I will have to set up the
cage for them. Will just throw a blanket
over them and considering that the wrap.
I've got in-laws coming over today, I think.
Can't get a definate answer out of them
after asking them for the past week straight.
Tony wants me to start making the ham today
so we can offer them something to eat when
they come. So there's gonna be 2 Christmas
dinners I have to make in the next 2 days.
Well it's almost 10am and Tony just brought
a bunch of boxes in from the truck.
Time to wrap some more stuff, ahhh.
Then get out the video camera and try to get
that set up. Usually Damien does it for us
but he won't be here tonight because
he has to work.
Got one present wrapped and my ham
done up and put in the oven.
I scored the ham in a diamond pattern.
I didn't have any pineapple so used
what I had on hand, some oranges.
I thinly sliced 2 oranges and cut each slice in half
and placed them on the ham with toothpicks.
I then had an extra turkey oven bag,
because they come in packs of two,
and I put the ham inside that.
I'll bake the ham this way until about
a half hour before it is ready. Then
I will remove the bag & orange slices and
mix up some honey mustard, allspice and brown
sugar and put over top for the glaze
and bake the remaining 30 minutes.
Doesn't look too bad for something
thrown together with stuff on hand.

Had I of known before yesterday that
I was making TWO Christmas dinners
I think I would be more prepared and
less stressed out.
And the best part-
I have no clue when or if the in-laws
are showing up!!
No one can give me a time frame.
I still have a couple of their gifts to wrap,
one of which I cannot find and have
ransacked my bedroom trying to look for it!
So word of advice for holiday time-
Please, wherever it is you are going,
whoever's house you are visiting,
be considerate and let them know
when you are coming!!!
My trays I just made,
Still have to make crab wonton cups
and get some chips!
As if I don't have enough to do
or worry about at the moment!!

Tony is currently at the pet
store picking up 2 gerbils.
We waited til the last minute to get
them since we didn't know what
to do with them before Christmas.
Sneaking them down to the basement
til later on this evening.
I still have a box of movies we found in
a vacated apartment for the kids that
needs wrapped. Tony thinks we
should wrap each movie up.
He's funny!!! Or has lost his mind!!
Because my guess is about 20-30 movies!
One go round done!
My brother-in-law and niece stopped by
around 3 unexpected. Then my mother &
father-in-law came over about 3:30pm.
So we had a house full.
Good thing I fixed enough food.
My internet went down for awhile which
was not good because that's where some of
my recipes were!
I made my wonton crab cups and just
started throwing things together without
actually knowing what the recipe called for.
And I am happy to say every raved over them!
My brother-in-law, who is a picky eater said
that of the top 5 things he loves to eat
these wonton cups are one of them!!
So I see I will have a new Christmas
tradition of making them.
Even my mother-in-law said she wants
me to send her the recipe!
That says allot!!
So I will share with you my
Crab Wonton Cups recipe.

24 wonton wrappers
1- 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
1/2 block Swiss cheese, grated fine
1/2 cup mayo
about 1/4 onion, diced small
2 tablespoons dry onion soup mix
1 egg
1 teaspoon lemon juice
season salt
1/2 pkg imitation crab meat, cut up & flaked
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray mini muffin cups with cooking spray.
Place individual wonton wrappers into muffin tin
to form cups, pinch and pleat to make them fit around sides.
Bake just the cups for about 5-7 minutes.
In a large bowl mix everything except the crab
with a mixer. Then stir in the crab meat.
Fill cups with cheese & crab mixture
then sprinkle paprika on tops.
Bake cups another 10 minutes or until
cups start to turn golden brown.
As for my ham it turned out wonderful.
Baked with the orange slices
then removed them when the ham was
almost done and did a glaze of
honey mustard and brown sugar.
Everything complemented one another
really well!!

My brother-in-law
My niece

Oh yeah earlier we had to fight the
crowds at Kroger to get a few things needed.
All the checkouts were open!
Surprisingly I was able to find a bunch
of manager specials while there!
I'd say it was all marked half price or more.

$1.49 sugar cookie egg nog
2 large cans whole tomatoes .49 cents each
2 cans Campbells cream of mushroom soup .49 cents each
1 can chicken broth .29 cents
1 can corn .29 cents
box of chicken stock .99 cents
can of pineapple .49 cents
5 pound bag of flour .69 cents
Merry Christmas to me!
Thanks to my honey,
my favorite drinkee.
Well that and a Red Headed Slut
and wine coolers.
That's a drink for all you perverts, lol.
I'm not a drinker so this is a special treat.
Being a 1 liter it should last me awhile!
Maybe I'll leave some out for Santa with his cookies!

Damien just called and said he was off work.
He wanted to know if he could come up
and spend the night and we said yes.
It's a good thing because I was just trying
to figure out how to set up our video camera
and are not having much luck with getting
tapes to rewind in it to set up to record
tomorrow morning.
Yeah we have an old video cassette recorder camera
that we've been using for almost 11-12 years.
Damien's here now. He got the video camera ready
for tomorrow. Guess I didn't slide a button that
said vcr or camera to set up the tape.
Plus got my camera battery on charge for
pictures and smaller video clips.
One kid is asleep, the other is flipping out
saying he cannot go to sleep.
Still have some gifts to wrap so I guess
I'm back on schedule like all the other years
just not as much.
Got little critters in the basement to bring up.
Tony got them a black and a white gerbil.
They are fun to watch and so much
more energetic than a hamster.
I guess the pet store people said these buggers
could run up to 7 miles a day.
I believe it after seeing how fast they could run
on the wheel. Will have to get a video of it.
After tomorrow I'll have to train them to use
the ladders of the cage. It is 3 stories
and they haven't left the 1st one yet.
They go about half way up the first set
of stairs and use it to jump over to the wheel.
It's almost 1am and I am still up.
Still wrapping the last couple of things.
The big stuff got blankies for wrapping paper!
Still need to haul all the presents up
from the basement and put out then
it will be bedtime. I don't feel too bad
considering I got 14 hours sleep yesterday, lol.
My ibuprofen started wearing off and hands, legs
were a throbbing and hips started hurting.
Got another dose and are feeling better.
Well time to set gifts out. I sent Tony
and Damien downstairs to get them all, lol,
I said I wrapped them all, ya'll can bring them up.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
I just woke up.
This Christmas is wearing me out!
The older you get the harder it gets!
We went out to eat last night at Taco
Bell because I didn't feel like cooking.
Soon after our return home I went to bed.
It was around 7pm. And didn't get up til now.
That's 14 1/2 hours! I could have very easily
slept til about 11-12 no problem as I am having
a hard time waking up.
We still have 5 gifts to wrap for our parents.
Those are the ones we've been needing boxes for
and luckily Tony found some at work yesterday.
Still have about 5 or so gifts to wrap for the kids.
Oh yeah and Tony's going out today to get
a couple gerbils. So I will have to set up the
cage for them. Will just throw a blanket
over them and considering that the wrap.
I've got in-laws coming over today, I think.
Can't get a definate answer out of them
after asking them for the past week straight.
Tony wants me to start making the ham today
so we can offer them something to eat when
they come. So there's gonna be 2 Christmas
dinners I have to make in the next 2 days.
Well it's almost 10am and Tony just brought
a bunch of boxes in from the truck.
Time to wrap some more stuff, ahhh.
Then get out the video camera and try to get
that set up. Usually Damien does it for us
but he won't be here tonight because
he has to work.
Got one present wrapped and my ham
done up and put in the oven.
I scored the ham in a diamond pattern.
I didn't have any pineapple so used
what I had on hand, some oranges.
I thinly sliced 2 oranges and cut each slice in half
and placed them on the ham with toothpicks.
I then had an extra turkey oven bag,
because they come in packs of two,
and I put the ham inside that.
I'll bake the ham this way until about
a half hour before it is ready. Then
I will remove the bag & orange slices and
mix up some honey mustard, allspice and brown
sugar and put over top for the glaze
and bake the remaining 30 minutes.
Doesn't look too bad for something
thrown together with stuff on hand.
Had I of known before yesterday that
I was making TWO Christmas dinners
I think I would be more prepared and
less stressed out.
And the best part-
I have no clue when or if the in-laws
are showing up!!
No one can give me a time frame.
I still have a couple of their gifts to wrap,
one of which I cannot find and have
ransacked my bedroom trying to look for it!
So word of advice for holiday time-
Please, wherever it is you are going,
whoever's house you are visiting,
be considerate and let them know
when you are coming!!!
My trays I just made,
Still have to make crab wonton cups
and get some chips!
As if I don't have enough to do
or worry about at the moment!!
store picking up 2 gerbils.
We waited til the last minute to get
them since we didn't know what
to do with them before Christmas.
Sneaking them down to the basement
til later on this evening.
I still have a box of movies we found in
a vacated apartment for the kids that
needs wrapped. Tony thinks we
should wrap each movie up.
He's funny!!! Or has lost his mind!!
Because my guess is about 20-30 movies!
One go round done!
My brother-in-law and niece stopped by
around 3 unexpected. Then my mother &
father-in-law came over about 3:30pm.
So we had a house full.
Good thing I fixed enough food.
My internet went down for awhile which
was not good because that's where some of
my recipes were!
I made my wonton crab cups and just
started throwing things together without
actually knowing what the recipe called for.
And I am happy to say every raved over them!
My brother-in-law, who is a picky eater said
that of the top 5 things he loves to eat
these wonton cups are one of them!!
So I see I will have a new Christmas
tradition of making them.
Even my mother-in-law said she wants
me to send her the recipe!
That says allot!!
So I will share with you my
Crab Wonton Cups recipe.
24 wonton wrappers
1- 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
1/2 block Swiss cheese, grated fine
1/2 cup mayo
about 1/4 onion, diced small
2 tablespoons dry onion soup mix
1 egg
1 teaspoon lemon juice
season salt
1/2 pkg imitation crab meat, cut up & flaked
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray mini muffin cups with cooking spray.
Place individual wonton wrappers into muffin tin
to form cups, pinch and pleat to make them fit around sides.
Bake just the cups for about 5-7 minutes.
In a large bowl mix everything except the crab
with a mixer. Then stir in the crab meat.
Fill cups with cheese & crab mixture
then sprinkle paprika on tops.
Bake cups another 10 minutes or until
cups start to turn golden brown.
As for my ham it turned out wonderful.
Baked with the orange slices
then removed them when the ham was
almost done and did a glaze of
honey mustard and brown sugar.
Everything complemented one another
really well!!
Oh yeah earlier we had to fight the
crowds at Kroger to get a few things needed.
All the checkouts were open!
Surprisingly I was able to find a bunch
of manager specials while there!
I'd say it was all marked half price or more.
$1.49 sugar cookie egg nog
2 large cans whole tomatoes .49 cents each
2 cans Campbells cream of mushroom soup .49 cents each
1 can chicken broth .29 cents
1 can corn .29 cents
box of chicken stock .99 cents
can of pineapple .49 cents
5 pound bag of flour .69 cents
Merry Christmas to me!
Thanks to my honey,
my favorite drinkee.
Well that and a Red Headed Slut
and wine coolers.
That's a drink for all you perverts, lol.
I'm not a drinker so this is a special treat.
Being a 1 liter it should last me awhile!
Maybe I'll leave some out for Santa with his cookies!
Damien just called and said he was off work.
He wanted to know if he could come up
and spend the night and we said yes.
It's a good thing because I was just trying
to figure out how to set up our video camera
and are not having much luck with getting
tapes to rewind in it to set up to record
tomorrow morning.
Yeah we have an old video cassette recorder camera
that we've been using for almost 11-12 years.
Damien's here now. He got the video camera ready
for tomorrow. Guess I didn't slide a button that
said vcr or camera to set up the tape.
Plus got my camera battery on charge for
pictures and smaller video clips.
One kid is asleep, the other is flipping out
saying he cannot go to sleep.
Still have some gifts to wrap so I guess
I'm back on schedule like all the other years
just not as much.
Got little critters in the basement to bring up.
Tony got them a black and a white gerbil.
They are fun to watch and so much
more energetic than a hamster.
I guess the pet store people said these buggers
could run up to 7 miles a day.
I believe it after seeing how fast they could run
on the wheel. Will have to get a video of it.
After tomorrow I'll have to train them to use
the ladders of the cage. It is 3 stories
and they haven't left the 1st one yet.
They go about half way up the first set
of stairs and use it to jump over to the wheel.
It's almost 1am and I am still up.
Still wrapping the last couple of things.
The big stuff got blankies for wrapping paper!
Still need to haul all the presents up
from the basement and put out then
it will be bedtime. I don't feel too bad
considering I got 14 hours sleep yesterday, lol.
My ibuprofen started wearing off and hands, legs
were a throbbing and hips started hurting.
Got another dose and are feeling better.
Well time to set gifts out. I sent Tony
and Damien downstairs to get them all, lol,
I said I wrapped them all, ya'll can bring them up.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!