yesterday. Today I can feel more relaxed.
I don't think it will be so hot or humid
today so I might clean the carpets
and clean up any aftermath from yesterday.
We might do a little fishing this evening
after Tony gets home from work.
I need to restring my fishing poles.
When cleaning out my coat closet I
just so happened to of found some
30 pound fishing line. Your typical
fishing pole you buy from a store
has about a 6 pound line. I'm so tired
of my line breaking when reeling in a
whopper, lol. I have many stories about
the one that got away because of it!
Here's a different recipe for ya.
It's a dough ball bait for catfish or carp.
1 sm. box peach or strawberry Jello
2 c. yellow cornmeal
1 c. flour
3 c. boiling water
In bowl mix flour and cornmeal. Bring water to boil. Add Jello. Slowly add the flour and cornmeal mixture. Turn down heat and stir while cooking for 5 minutes. Cool completely. Refrigerate in plastic bag. Great for catching carp and catfish!
1 tbsp. vanilla
2 tbsp. sugar
1 small pkg. strawberry Jell-O
1 pint water
1 cup flour
2 cups cornmeal
Boil vanilla, sugar and Jell-O in one pint of water. While this is simmering, mix flour and corn meal. While the liquid is boiling, mix the dry ingredients in slowly. Stir for two minutes then remove from heat. Keep in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Pinch off enough to make a ball of bait as you fish.
1 8oz box yellow corn muffin mix
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup oatmeal
3 Tablespoons waffle syrup
Mix in medium bowl with enough water to make sticky(1/4 cup) cook on low
heat 10 min. (stirring constently) let cool then rool into balls and put in refrigerator.
You should make these the night before you fish or else they are to soft
4 to 5 cups of crushed corn flakes.
1/4 cup vanilla abstract
(I just copied and pasted
when looking for bait recipes. I saw abstract instead of
extract, LMAO, has to be a man's recipe, LOL!)
1 cup Big Red (or any strawberry soda)
Mix the crushed corn flakes and ingredients into a microwavable bowl and microwave for 6 minutes.
Let stand for 10 minutes.
Mix well and make into small balls.
Note: If mixture is not firm enough to remain on a treble hook, add more crushed corn flakes.
Corn Flakes
cheese powder from Mac and Cheese mix
creamy peanut butter
Take the Corn Flakes and add water and smash it together with a fork.
Let it sit for 5 minutes than add the cheese powder and mix.
Then add the peanut butter and mix and mash very well.
Freeze it until you are ready to fish.
* 1 Slice of White Bread
* 1 8oz Box of Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
* Cream Corn from a Can
Tear the bread into small pieces. Add the Muffin mix and mix well. Add just a hint of cream corn. It's very important to understand a "hint". Add more of the cream corn until you have a thick dough. Might be a little sticky. Us in California have caught some 30+ Lb. Carp with this mixture.
Got the living room and most of the dining
room carpet cleaned. Still have the hallway
to do.
I've been sitting here looking through
vinyl contact paper to do the cupboards
with. I'm tired of looking of white cabinets!
I originally wanted cherry wood but don't
know if that would be too dark in our kitchen.
Would love to get the vinyl contact paper
to do the counters to look like granite.
I'm still liking the color of the cherry
and it would go good with the other
red colors in the living room
and the cherry dining table.
It would probably cost $100
to redo the cabinets and countertops
so I will at the moment just think about it.
Just finished making my homemade dough ball
for fishing this evening.
I mixed a pouch of
cornmeal muffin mix
1 small box strawberry jello
about 3/4 can of creamed corn
together and put in a quart zip bag.
I have it in the freezer until later.
Dollar Store Kitchen Makeover for $15.
Back from fishing at Hoover about 9:30.
Fishing sucked but the weather was
nice and it was quiet.
Tony just got back from Speedway.
He had to go to two Speedways actually.
He said he went in our Speedway to get
some beer and while in line about
7-8 punks walked in the store and
the cashier and them were having
words and a screaming match. I guess
they were known to steal things from
this store. I guess it was a pretty
scary situation as Tony put the beer
down where he stood and walked out.
You see too many things on tv,
shootings and robberies to want to
stick around and see what happens.
I hear a tapping at our door and I thought
it was Tony coming back from the store.
It wasn't. It was the neighbor wanting
to know if I could babysit tomorrow.
Ya know asking me at 11:30PM last
night was bad enough but he's been
home since 7AM this morning and
has had all day to ask someone.
Why in the world would you try
to find someone to babysit again
at 10:30PM??? This is getting old
and yes I turned him down.
I do have plans for tomorrow.
Me, mom and the boys are going to
garage sales like we do every Friday.
OK well I am a little behind and still
need to make up my yard sale map
so we know where we are going tomorrow.
This Sunday we are heading up to the lake
to see Tony's step-dad for Father's Day.
Which reminds me I need to find something
tomorrow for my step-dad at a yard sale.
I already got Tony the Avatar DVD he's
been wanting so that's been taken care
of for the past month. I can't get ahead, lol.
I think I'm doing good but I always forget
something at the last minute.