Sun-maid Chocolate Covered Raisins
Recipe Contest
Contest ends April 30th, 2011.
Enter an original recipe.
grand prize
second place
Kitchenaid 5 qt artisan stand mixer ($300)
5-3rd places
a year's supply of Sun-maid milk chocolate raisins ($100)
Currently working on
getting some more cupcakes baked-
dozen mini & regular
and a couple jumbos.
Winter Storm Warning for Tuesday
from channel 4
Several weather bulletins will go into effect after midnight tonight. Here in Columbus we will be under a Winter Weather Advisory starting at 3am and continuing through the day tomorrow. Just south of Franklin County a Winter Storm Warning will be posted for the same time period.
Models that take the storm from western Kentucky into eastern Ohio would give us 2-4 inches of snow across Columbus. Pockets of heavier snow, on the order of 3"-5", are possible just southeast of I-71 with lesser amounts around 1-3 inches to our north and northwest.
Buy 1 get 1 free
breakfast sandwich at White Castles!
Get 2 medium fries with purchase
of 10 White Castles.
Combine with in store 2 free fry offer
with purchase of 10 White Castles
for a total of 4 free fries!
Tony just called. He said he went to go
into a vacant apartment to start working on it
and he unlocked the door only to find the chain
was on the door, hmmm. He shut the door
and went to the office to tell them. He returned to
the apartment with a lady from the office
and another maintenance guy.
By this time the chain was off the door
and they entered and found a homeless guy
living in the apartment.
He said someone had given him a key.
So that still remains a mystery as
to where he got it from.
Tony's comment: this guy was scary
looking, scraggly with dread locks in his hair.
Not someone you would want to meet
in a dark alley!
I remember those days of homeless people
staying in the hallways of the last apartment
complex I worked at! Never actually saw
any of them but the remains of things
they left behind under stairs would be there.
They would even go as far as crapping and
urinating on the floor!!
Sad but gross thought!
Tony's funny. We were talking about
the possible snow storm coming tomorrow
and he asked if we had enough of certain food
items in the house to get by on.
I don't need any store, I shop my basement pantry.
Bet the stores will be packed tonight!
That's the great thing about having a stockpile
to eat from in case you get snowed in
or roads are too bad to travel on.
And if you would happen to lose power
for several hours/days put your freezer/fridge
items outside in a cooler or box
to keep animals out.
Another Jelly Belly Cupcake creation,
Sweet Cherry Pie Cupcake.
Tooo funny, I've already got a request to
make some Baby Bassinet Jelly Belly Cupcakes
for a baby shower in April!
and got a free bottle of Tide Stain Release.
I got this from their Facebook page
when they gave out 5,000 bottles!
Woo Hoo!
I wasn't lucky enough though yesterday
to get the Tide To Go.
Well I'm gonna go and work on supper.
Took my cheesy potatoes out of the freezer
I made up ahead of time. Plan to
cut up some Italian sausage and add to it.
Cheesy Potatoes: $1.73
Italian Sausage $1.40
Serves 5 @ .34 cents a serving.
Had to make a run to Kroger to pick up
Tonys meds. He had a doctor's appointment
today and the doctor called them in to the pharmacy.
He got 4 but didn't get pain pills or
diabetic testing strips. The doctor
was supposed to of called them in
but obviously failed to do so.
Tony will have to ask him about it
tomorrow morning when he goes
back to the doctor to have blood work done.
I bet they charge him another copay
for a continuation of today's visit.
I don't know why they just couldn't
have done that today during his visit!
I'm not one for doctors.
And you can see why with all this crap.
Tony brings home a paper from his doctor
about getting his eyes checked. His doctor
said, you need to do this within the next
two week or the doctor said he would
get in trouble. When Tony told me that,
it pissed me off! If any doctor told me
I needed to do something so they didn't get
in trouble I'd tell them this.
I am the patient and I have my rights
to deny any health services!!
I'll do what I want to do whether you
like it or not! And it's not right
to have a doctor tell you they would
get in trouble if you didn't do something!!
Hell if I am in a hospital admitted
awaiting an operation and I decided
I wanted to get up and leave my hospital
bed and the hospital, that is my right!
We were already planning to have
Tony's eyes checked when we get our
tax refund. If that had been me in that
doctor's office and the doc said I needed
my eyes checked within two weeks
I'd of held out my hand and said are you
paying for it??!!
We had to stop in Speedway to get gas
before the snow storm tomorrow.
The truck was in the red on the gas gauge!
I sat in the truck while Tony went in and
paid then pumped the gas.
After he filled up and started to get in
the truck the employee comes over the
intercom and says, sir you need to pay
for your gas!!
This station was on Kenny Rd.
and there was only a handful of cars there
at the pumps.
Tony stomps back inside the station
and told them he was just in there and paid
for his gas. Boy people have a short
term memory I swear.
Gonna try and get us for a paid drive off!!
Tomorrow I might try my hand
at making some French bread
and using it to make
Mushroom Swiss Bruschetta.
I have made neither before so this
will be interesting!
Maybe make pasta & sauce to go with it.
How is it Columbus City Schools
can send out a recorded telephone
message and say there WILL be school
tomorrow? The snow is not here just
yet to make that call!
Boy wouldn't they feel stupid if
it snow many inches overnight
and had to call off school!