Found a few garage sales this morning.
Didn't buy much, an outdoor frog statue
for a buck and a hair coloring for .25 cents.
I think it's unusual finding yard sales
on Thursdays but I'm seeing more and more of them.
At least the sun is shining today
and it's not raining.
Went out to inspect the garden this morning.
I thought onions would keep squirrels out.
WRONG. They are digging some of the bulbs up!
Ok back to reading about keeping squirrels out.
And here are some more ideas. This will look
like FORT LEE GARDEN by the time I am done
with barricading it from critters!!

I got the little pinwheels in the garden this
morning so maybe that will help.
Thinking maybe also about cleaning
my brush out and putting my hair
or hair clippings from hair cuts
around the garden. Human scent
might keep them out.
Fake snake.
Someone stated they eat your garden plants
because they are thirsty so put out a bird
bath for them to drink from.
Use hot pepper. Buy a container of ground cayenne pepper in the spice section at your local dollar store. Sprinkle it all over the plants and also all along the top of the soil and around the base of the stems. The squirrels can't stand the smell and it makes them sneeze.
Unfortunately, when using this method, you'll have to re-apply the pepper after heavy wind and rains.
Used cat litter.
Moth balls.
Make a spray by soaking several cut up jalapeƱo peppers in water and vinegar in a spray bottle. This was used to spray the perimeter of the garden to keep squirrels out.
Coffee Grounds.
Cover plants soil with old garlic cloves cut and chopped THEY HATE THE SMELL OF THEM.
Hang rags soaked in vinegar and stapled onto small wooden stakes or dowels near you plants. Most rodents hate the smell even when dry. Re-soak each rag in about a week.
You can also mix up some regular cheap liquid soap with some ground red hot chili pepper powder and pour that around the base of your tomato plants.
Got a dog? Then when you sweep up their dog hairs when you brush them, do not throw the dog hair in the garbage. Simply sprinkle it around your tomato plants and that will also work.
* 1 1/2 Gallons of Water
* 8 Caps of Murphy's Oil Soap
* 3 Tablespoons of Cayenne Pepper
Get a large container that you can put 1 1/2 gallons of water in. If you can't find one, just simply use a milk jug.
Once you have your water, add in the Murphy's oil soap and pepper. Be careful when adding the pepper as the wind may blow it towards your eyes if you're doing this out.
Once you have all of the ingredients mixed together, shake up the jug and pour into a bottle with a spray attachment. Proceed to spray the mixture all over your plants and even the soil. This will not hurt the plants, the goal is to keep the squirrels and other animals away.
Today I made Pop Sorbet.
I mixed a can of sweetened condensed milk
with 2 1/2 cups of Big K Strawberry Kiwi
in a large butter bowl with lid.
I then poured more "pop" in until it
was an inch or two from the top of the bowl
and stirred some more. I just popped it in
the freezer. I'll stir it every couple of
hours to keep ice crystals from forming.
Today I bought 12 half pint canning jars.
So I see some kool aid and juice jelly in the
near future. The jars I had were just too big
to go through that much jelly at once so
needed some smaller jars.
I am currently trying the dog hair method in
the garden to keep squirrels out.
I took the dog outside and combed her all over
to the point of her drooling.
My thanks for that, pissing on the carpet
and getting into the bathroom trash can
leaving a mess!!
Dog is now back to being confined to the kitchen!!
Supper- Stuffed Pork with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
What I thought was chicken breasts is I think
boneless pork ribs.
I pounded them out flat with a mallot.
Then made up some stuffing.
Starting at one end of the pork chop
I put a squished up ball of stuffing
then rolled up the pork.
I then rolled the pork in a mixture
of a beaten egg and Italian dressing.
Then rolled in Italian bread crumbs.
I then took a can of cream of chicken
and mixed it with cream and milk.
Poured some over top the pork and
along the sides.
Sprinkle parmesan cheese, garlic
and sea salt grinder and pepper on top.
Serve with mashed potatoes.
Pour gravy on top.
It is now in the oven at 375 degrees.
Here it is just going into the oven.
And here it is just before going into tummy.
Went out to Blacklick this evening to pick
up a Trans Am hood and a couple tires and rims.
On the way back we stopped in Speedway to get
the boys each a slushie. I noticed on their
2 liter bottles of Pepsi there is a .50 cent
coupon off the purchase of 2 bottles.
I snatched a few.
At Kroger this week if you buy 6 bottles
of Pepsi 2 liters they are .84 cents each.
.84 cents times 6 is $5.04
use 3 of the above coupons doubled to make
all 6 bottles $2.04 or .34 cents each!!
Just my 2 cents...
I see that Scioto Downs horse track is in jeopardy
of possibly closing in the near future.
So if this is a place to go and bet on horses
and it's not doing so well,
what makes the city think it can bring a
Casino in. We are still not out of the recession
and bringing in a casino to me is not the answer.
Just spells out Trouble with a capital "T"!
If people are losing jobs, business closing down
and people can't afford their
homes and bills, what makes them think they can
afford to blow money on slot machines and what not.
Well I think we have decided where we are going on
vacation, Hocking Hills with Old Man's Cave,
Lake Logan, Lake Hope, Cedar Falls and so on.
It's a place we love
and have vacationed there a couple times before.
They were really quick with getting out the
free Hocking Hills Guide. Only took a day or two
to get. I think we'll stay in the same hotel
as before in Logan. We did camping in a tent
one time and a hotel the other.
For those that are unfamiliar with
Hocking Hills here are a few photos
to show you what it is all about.