marked down to 75% off.
I'm going to start buying Christmas things throughout
the year this year, or even birthday gifts.
A 2 liter bottle of pop fell off the conveyor belt
and popped me in the ankle.
Then when I got home I slipped on the step getting
in the door falling into the house banging my shin.
Almost fell on my mom's deck but caught myself
before going down.
So be careful out there today, it's very slippery!!
After purchasing everything below I got a $5.00
catalina off of $25 general merchandise. Wish I had
one of those before buying all this!
I spent $80 today which seems like a lot for me.
But when you break it down as to what I got
it looks better.
-2 birthday gifts for 2 different birthdays.
-5 Christmas presents to put back for 2010 Christmas
-2 pairs of Skecher tennis shoes
Plus whatever groceries I bought below along with:
gallon of milk
8 two liters of pop
tub of frosting
1/2 gallon of ice cream
betty crocker sugar cookie mix
Betty Crocker's cookie contest has started. Seems
they have changed a few things. I'm reading the
contest starts today and runs til the end of the month.
I thought in the past they ran it a couple months.
Now it says:
10 honorable mentions get $100
4 runners up gets $500 (in the past it was 15.
I know I was one of them)
1 grand prize is $5,000
Need ideas quick! Having brain fart!
Oh yeah my Betty Crocker recipe from 2008
Here are my deals found today...
10 pound bag potatoes
regular $3.00
sale $1.49
Tony and Damien love BOD body sprays.
These were included in the 75% off sale!
I bought all they had to put back for their birthdays
and Christmas.
There was actually another set of BOD
that was missing a bottle. I asked a salesperson if
they could mark it down even more due
to the missing bottle. I was told they
could not sell it that way and never saw
the set again. Told mom it will probably
end up in the mark down bin tomorrow or
be thrown away!
Regular price for all cologne sets
bought today was $42.00!!
I paid $10.50
saving $31.50!!
BOD man cologne set
-Fresh Blue Musk body spray 3.4 oz
-Fresh Blue Musk deodorant spray 4 oz
-Fresh Blue Musk body wash 5 oz
Regular price $9.00
75% off price $2.25
I saved $6.75
BOD man cologne set
-Black body spray 1.8 oz
-24K body spray 1.8 oz
-Really Ripped Abs body spray 1.8 oz
Regular $7.00
75% off price $1.75
I saved $5.25
BOD man cologne set
(bought 2 of these sets that's why there
is a double listing)
-Black body spray 1.8 oz
-24K body spray 1.8 oz
-Really Ripped Abs body spray 1.8 oz
Regular $7.00
75% off price $1.75
I saved $5.25
BOD man cologne set
-Black body spray 1.8 oz
-Really Ripped Abs spray 1.8 oz
-Fresh Blue Musk spray 1.8 oz
Regular $7.00
75% off price $1.75
I saved $5.25
BOD man cologne set
-Black body spray 1.8 oz
-24K body spray 1.8 oz
-Really Ripped Abs 1.8 oz
-$$$ body spray (new scent with dollar signs) 1.8 oz
-Fresh Blue Musk body spray 1.8 oz
Regular $12.00
75% off price $3.00
I saved $9.00
4 bags Cinnamon Imperials
regular .99 cents each x's 4 is $3.96
75% off .25 cents x's 4 is $1.00
I saved $2.96
4 Meijer Candy Cane Chocolate Cremes Cookies
Regular $2.38 each x's 4 is $9.52
75% off price .59 cents x's 4 is $2.36
Then I found these girlie items for 75% off.
Picked these up for the bosses daughter for next Christmas.
2 sets beaded pony tail holders
regular $2.oo x's 2 is $4.00
75% off .50 cents x's 2 is $1.00
I saved $3.00
Cupcake Bake Shop Lip Gloss
was $3.49
75% off .87 cents
I saved $2.62
Found these items in the scratch and dent bin:
Betty Crocker Pumpkin Spice cookie mix
29 oz can Yellow Cling Peach Slices
.97 cents
Meijer New England Clam Chowder 18.5 oz
.94 cents
Progresso New England Clam Chowder 18.5 oz
Campbells Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder 18.8 oz
Meijer Naturals Italian Style Stewed
Tomatoes with oregano and basil 14.5 oz
.58 cents
And found these items marked down in the produce:
Large bowl of mixed melon chunks
regular $4.90
marked down to $2.94
I saved $1.96
1/2 Watermelon
regular $2.16
marked down to $1.30
I saved .86 cents
There was clothes and shoes marked down everywhere.
I got 2 Sketchers Tennis shoes for the boys.
Well one will be considered a birthday present.
Was $30 x's 2 is $60
marked down to $15 x's 2 is $30
I saved $30 on 2 pair shoes
Anyone seen the Pepsi Throwback on the shelves yet?
It's Pepsi and Mountain Dew that has real sugar in it like the past
instead of corn syrup. I haven't tried any yet.
It says they will start coming out May-June this year.
I know I saw it at Speedway already but couldn't remember which one.
It was sometime this past weekend so had of either been in Hillard
or one on Cleveland Ave.
It will only be out in 20 ounce bottles or 12 packs from
what I read about it. What I saw was the 20 ouncers.

I think tonight I will make goulash for supper.
I haven't had that in awhile and it's easy enough to make.
Well at least my version is.
Macaroni and cheese,
diced tomatoes,
diced onions
and ground meat
Then I picked up 4 pounds of deer burger from mom's.
Going to make some more jerky. This time
around I am going to use teriyaki with garlic
instead of the soy sauce.
I'm sure you can make it different ways.
I also thought about hot sauce and bbq sauce versions.
I think I have some hickory powder somewhere I could
throw in also to give it a smoked flavor.
You could also add in worchestershire sauce.
Woo Hoo! Today I got my $20 rebate from Kraft in the mail.
I like those days when I get other things in the
mail besides bills!
Need to head to the bank tomorrow to deposit my
rebate check and other checks from surveys.
It's a good day!
Last week I bought one of those bags of cinnamon
pine cones from Kroger when they were discounted.
I love the smell of them but don't like the
price of $5 for them at Christmas so wait til
after Christmas to buy a bag cheaper.
They kind of lost the strong smell of cinnamon.
I put the whole bag on one of the registers
and now when the furnace kicks on it blows hot air
into the bag heating up the cinnamon and scenting the air.
It smells real good in the bathroom since
it's a small space!
Due to the dry air in the house I have 2 vaporizers running.
Helps keep the house humid and warmer.
A good way to maintain them and keep them clean and
disinfected is to pour about 1/4 cup vinegar in them
and run them.
Sometimes I like to spray a few pumps of a
smelly body spray in the water to give the
air a smell.
If I have no perfume then I have poured a tablespoon
or two of vanilla extract in there. Or what
about a small amount of liquid potpourri.