This is ridiculous!
We had our blue Trans Am pulled out in the
drive way as we were considering cruising it
sometime this weekend. Tony had it all
cleaned up and even vacuumed it.
I went out to our truck this morning
and noticed when I passed by the TA
that the console and glove box was
hanging open and what little contents
there was, was in the passenger seat.
I knew Tony didn't leave it like this
after cleaning it! Our truck was unlocked
and windows down all night and nothing
was touched in it which makes me wonder
if someone was in the car last night
when we were gone. While nothing appears
to be missing it still pisses me off they
were Fn' with our stuff!!
You know another thing that doesn't make
sense is that I don't think anyone has ever
messed with the red TA in 11 years but this
blue TA has had seat covers stolen, back
wheels stolen left on blocks and
now this.
We had the bicycles in front of the shed door.
They were out of site from the road and driveway!
Whoever it was had to of come down our driveway
and into our yard.
We might still be interested in getting that fence up now!
We are tired of shit getting stolen all the time.
I have lost count of how many bicycles have been stolen
and how many times cars have been rummaged through.
Considering taking the garden out and putting a parking
area in it's place behind fenced gates to further
protect the cars. Also would like to figure out
how to continue the fence across the driveway
and make it into a gate also.
With what little money we have we cannot afford
to have people shopping at our home for freebies
in the middle of the night or after dark!!!
You try to put stuff outta sight but they are now
coming into our yard!
I know we are being watched.
They know when we leave and are not home.
And I am pretty sure this latest incident
didn't happen when we were in bed but
when we were gone last night.

The day is just flying by. Went to Home Depot
and Lowes to price items for a fence.
All I can say is there goes any bonus
Tony gets. We were thinking about
getting rid of the Explorer and Tracker
and finding another decent running Explorer
with his bonus money. Not this time
around :0( Will have to keep limping
vehicles around instead.
And now Tony's feet has worsened where
he can hardly walk! Need to get him
a family doctor's appointment then
get a possible referral to a specialist.
So there's more money out of our pockets.
When it rains it pours!!
Stopped by McDonalds to get a bite to eat.
Why is it every time we go there they get
a delivery semi truck in there to block the
parking spots???!!! I'm tired of being
asked to move our vehicle after we've sat
down to enjoy our food. I just grabbed
my food and left. They had cones
in the parking lot where the truck was
blocking off areas. Cones? What cones?
Thump, thump, thump they go under our
truck tires (EVIL LAUGH)
I was worrying that to put up a fence we
would need a permit. I located a file
online that doesn't look like we will.
The fence will only be 6 feet high.
Anything over 6 feet is considered
a structure and would require a building
FENCES in Columbus
You ever just have one of those days?
Well that feels like today.
Tony called the transmission guy about
the problems with the shifter cable
that the guy goofed up. We originally took
the TA to the guy because it had a transmission
leak, and after him so called fixing it,
it now has THREE leaks!! Don't go to the
transmission shop on Main St. in Reynoldsburg!
Anyway the guy said to bring it back and he
would fix it.
This is the guy that Tony painted the inside
of his house and said he would pay him and
never did.
Now this guy asks Tony tonight if he wanted
to do more work around his house.
Some people got balls let me tell ya!!
Heck I ain't been paid for babysitting
3 kids the one day.
Then this eve we return home from Kroger
and one of the neighborhood kids asks the
boys if they could spend the night with him.
The funny part is, is that he is a colored boy
and he told us his mom said they could spend
the night and have a "WHITE NIGHT"!
What the hell does that mean, LOL!
I have never heard of that before.
I am just in one of my moods today.
When we came home from Kroger we found
that the dog decided to use our carpet
as a potty. GRRRRRR! This is a dog that
you let out constantly and she'll forget
what she's outside for. And most of the
time you have to tell her to go poopie
or she'll forget that too.
So anyway the dog was booted outside for the
night. Maybe she'll chase away any
burglars, LMFAO!! She'd help them!

And talking of dogs and carpets...
We stopped in Ollie's today for the first
time. It's sort of reminded me of Big Lots.
They claim to have really cheap prices
and to me they are no different than
other stores I shop.
Ollie's does carry HUGE rolls of carpet.
Which we checked out for maybe a future
project of changing out our carpet
in our home. First of all I can't stand
the light color and second, with animals,
it really needs changed out!
For a 12 foot by 21 foot roll was $174.
That covers 252 square feet. So what's
that about .69 cents a square foot?
Lowes wants $1.69 a sq ft. according
to their website for the cheapest carpet
so that would be $425.88.
I think I would like to save $251.88
if I could :0)
The brand at Ollie's was Natco.
I did a little research and found that
Home Depot sells Natco area rugs.
I was concerned about the quality
of the carpet and this was all I could find.
Well the evening just got better and what a way
to wind it down.
"White Night" ain't happening at the friends
house due to Christopher acting up and
now both of them are back home at 10PM.
I swear what the hell else????!!!!!
Just having a lovely day.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store.