to pick up dog and cat food. While
there I got some more flower and
veggie seeds. Meijer's is the place
to go for seeds!! Walmart- NO!
I never have the camera around when I need it!
Remember me telling you I saw pig heads
at Kroger a couple month back? Well today
at Meijer I saw lamb heads! Talk about gross
looking. Still had the eyeballs and teeth!
I don't want to know who buys this stuff
and what they do with it!!!
This here is about what it looked like.
Imagine strolling along the meat section
looking for deals and you see this thing
looking back at ya! GROSS!
Got the potting soil into the seedling
containers and this morning planted:
-Crackerjack Marigolds
-Garden Beans
-Enchanted Rose Zinnias
Like my idea? I didn't have enough
shelves in the greenhouse so I put
a wired baking rack inside to hold
more seedlings.
I still have many trays to put seeds into.
I was also able to find a spot this
year to finally transplant the Concord
Grape plant into the ground.
I put it in the back of the garden
along the fence.
I saw that my Strawberry plants
are making a come back from last year.
Hoping to get them out of the basket
from last year and into the ground.
Gotta love it when hubby calls and says,
"you still love me don't ya?"
Ohhh I know something's up! LOL
So here's the scenario he ran by me today.
Cause he knows to run stuff by me first before
doing something or it could be a loooong
miserable week, LOL.
We bought a motorcycle I'd say a couple months ago.
I was worried that Tony wouldn't be able to ride a bike
with his nerve damage from diabetes. And I was right
but had to let him figure this out for himself
by letting him get the bike, because you know
guys, they can be stubborn headed and us
women just have to deal with it.
He's rode it only
a couple of times and complains it's hard for him
to hold the bike up and his hip joints hurt him
so bad.
So what to do. Do we list the thing on Craigslist
and deal with all the buttheads on there?
I wasn't ready for that again so soon.
So we had just let it sit for now until today.
So here is the deal he want to make with a guy
at work for the motorcycle...
The guy wants to trade back our 79 Trans Am
we sold to him about 4 years ago for the bike plus $200.
HECK OF A DEAL!! And Tony was worried I wouldn't go
for it.
Check this out.
Bike cost $1,200.
We sold him the TA for $2,500
plus sold him a set of tires and rims for about
another $200.
So all together made $2,700 on the car.
The guy replaced the hood on it,
fixed the passenger door which broke when
we owned it and it would not open PLUS
it comes with a set of honeycomb/snowflake rims.
Helloo, for someone like me who knows about
Trans Ams knows that those rims aren't cheap!!
They run about $500 to $2,000+ for a set of 4!!!
So if this situation goes through it will
feel weird actually owning this car again
after selling it 4 years ago.
We were in a delima though.
We lived in an apartment complex and they
complained we had too many cars so we
had to sell one of the two TA's we owned.
Plus the money was good to have at the time.
Anyone remember "Blue Thunder" our 79 TA?
Here's a photo to jog the memory.

Tonight's Supper
leftover baked mashed potatoes from mom (free)
1 onion .10 cents
5-6 potatoes .50 cents
1/2 pound bacon .90 cents
1 pound roll maple sausage $1.50
"velveeta" cheese .25 cents
butter .10 cents
flour .05 cents
milk .25 cents
season salt, pepper, garlic & sea salt blender
serves about 8 @ .45 cents a serving
Tonight I was sitting here watching
Most Amazing on TruTV.
They had different segments from
all over the US. To our surprise
they showed a little market on there
that is about a block from here.
Ain't it amazing at what you see on tv?
At 9pm two would be robbers came in the
store with a gun drawn. The store clerk
took out a pistol and fired at them.
That sent the robbers running.
We don't take no crap here in Columbus.
I consider everyone armed and dangerous!
There was another clip of another store
from Columbus where a female clerk shot
a robber, who also had a gun, in the shoulder.
Well crap it looks like Columbus ain't the
place to be. There's yet another clip on
this show from Whitehall, Ohio, with yet
another robbery.
This ain't fair. When I asked the kids if they
had homework tonight, Jonathan says, " I don't,
but you do!". He thought that was funny.
I have to write out a favorite recipe so it
wasn't all that bad. My hand keeps going
numb from carpal tunnel though. I might
get through this, lol.
Here is one of my favorite recipes,
a non traditional green bean casserole.
I have been making this for years for
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
Serves 10
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon white sugar
* 1/4 cup onion, diced
* 1 cup sour cream
* 3 (14.5 ounce) cans French style green beans, drained
* 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
* 1/2 cup crumbled buttery round crackers
* 1 tablespoon butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir in flour until smooth, and cook for one minute. Stir in the salt, sugar, onion, and sour cream. Add green beans, and stir to coat.
3. Transfer the mixture to a 2 1/2 quart casserole dish. Spread shredded cheese over the top. In a small bowl, toss together cracker crumbs and remaining butter, and sprinkle over the cheese.
4. Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the top is golden and cheese is bubbly.
6:00 to 7:30pm
This evening we got the iron panels
(saved from the gazebo) trimmed down
and hung on the fence along the driveway.
Looks nicer than a bare fence and hey
it was FREE materials!
Flying Saucer Morning Glories are starting
to come up already. In the near future
those will get planted along the drive way
and use those panels to climb upon.
Had to run to Kroger and get some pop.
While there I picked up some oreo type
cookies and some frosting for Jonathan's
birthday Friday.
I plan to make him an ice cream cake filled
with cookies and cream ice cream.
Then top it with cream cheese frosting
with crumbled up oreo cookies on top.
It's 10pm and I just got done making a bunch
of breakfast sandwiches with egg
cheese and maple sausage patties.
About 5pm I started
the dough for the rolls. Ended up with 24
sandwiches which I packed up for the freezer.
So nice and convenient in the mornings.
Just pop in the microwave!