This coupon is for 20% off your entire purchase! And from reading the fine print, it looks like it works on both sale and clearance! Yay! This coupon is good starting today, October 6th – October 9th.
You will also need to become a member of the BuzzClub to use this coupon, PLUS you will get future coupons and deals!
from The Thrifty Couple
---------------------------------------------------------------------What's with Walgreens recently?
Yesterday I got the Reynolds aluminum foil
and had a Walgreens coupon out of the paper for a 20 ft roll.
They didn't carry 20 ft rolls so they had to
do the 25 ft rolls for the same price
which was all good.
Then I wanted the Quakers rice cakes.
Couldn't find them anywhere in the store so asked
someone where they were. They told me they didn't carry
them in that store. I said even though you have
them advertised in the paper you don't carry them?
That to me is like false advertisement to lure
you into their stores!
She said some stores don't carry certain items.
Yeah but this is getting ridiculous because
just last week I went in for the Goya beans
and had printed a Walgreens coupon for them
and they told me the same thing,
they didn't carry them.
Why advertise items if only some stores have them???
I'm not running around town to figure out
which stores carry these items.
Every now and then I have to shop at
Walmart to be reminded of why I don't
like to shop there.
1. store is too confusing and too big.
toiletry and food items are on opposite ends of the store.
2. they never seem to stock the shelves
for the things I need to buy.
3. they don't double coupons
4. I can get better deals with coupons elsewhere.
My groceries were $3.68,
that was out of my grocery budget.
I got
4 bottles soy sauce $2.84 for all (.71 cents each),
2 bottles stir fry sauce .84 cents (.42 cents each),
3 reach dental floss- free,
2 Tucks to go pads- free
I actually had another reach floss
and coupon and they would not take
the coupon so I had them take the
floss off my bill!
Don't know why as is doesn't have
a limit stated on their coupon policy
other than 1 coupon per item.
I didn't argue with them about
it and said I don't want it then!
I had many other coupons I didn't use because I either
couldn't find things, they were out of stock
or they were higher prices than what
I posted yesterday.
I also got these items which
are not part of my grocery budget
so they are not included with the grocery totals
for the week.
Tennis shoes for Tony $12
and the kids told me this morning
they needed school boxes-
found them for .25 cents each and got 4 for $1.00.
I got them each 1 box for home/book bag and 1 for school.
Last night I took a bunch of meat out
of the freezer and put in the fridge to thaw for upcoming
meals or cooked meat for the freezer.
10 lbs chicken leg quarters-
will get skinned then go into crocks to
cook with water & chicken boullion.
Then will remove chicken from bones
and pack into freezer bags.
Ideas for some recipes:
-chicken tacos
-chicken stir fry
-bbq chicken pizzas
-chicken salad sandwiches
-chicken pasta salad
1.5 lbs. chicken breasts
Might also do in the crock
with some water & chicken boullion
then pack cooked meat in freezer bags.
1.5 lbs. hamburger
plan to make some crock pot chili today.
2 cans kidney beans $1.18
1 large can tomato puree $1.00
1 jar chunky mild salsa .67 cents
hamburger- free
chili seasoning mix .50 cents
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese .50 cents
2 can diced tomatoes- free
Serves at least 9 @ .42 cents a serving.
I ended up putting 2 containers
of chili in the freezer for another day
on top of 4 meals tonight for supper
and a lunch for Tony tomorrow.
By the way the kids said their sandwich wraps
worked today.
They said it kept their hot pockets warm!
This was on Bounce's Facebook page:
Bounce Cold morning? Toss your jeans in the dryer for a few minutes with a Bounce sheet so they're all nice and fresh and toasty... ever tried it?
but I haven't done jeans. I sometimes
like to throw jackets
in the dryer on a cold Winter's day
to warm them up before heading out!
Also the night before I would place all boots
(sometimes hats & gloves if they were wet)
on the register so they would be dry & toasty warm
the next morning.

Sign up as a Gerber Preferred Parent to be able to print out these coupons:
- $2/2 Gerber Blanket Sleepers, Cotton or Thermal PJs
- $1/1 Gerber Bedding or Apparel Product, any
- $2.50/2 Gerber Onesies Product
from DealSeekingMom
If you're already planning to head to Target this week. Target carries the individual Kraft String Cheese packages for $0.50, making two FREE after Target store coupon!
Individual Kraft String Cheese, $0.50 (TPC)
$1/2 Kraft String Cheese Item Target printable
2 FREE after coupon!
Kept hearing this noise outside
and after a few seconds I knew what it was.
When we lived near Upper Arlington
we'd see and hear it all the time considering
it docks at Don't Scott Airport.
Wonder why it was flying by today?
Test Your Weather Lore Knowledge!
from Farmer's Almanac.I got 6 out of 10 right.
How a Full Pantry Saves Money
---------------------------------------------If you want snag some cheap artificial nail products, check out the Facebook coupons available…
* Head over to the Broadway Nails Facebook page, “like” them, and then click on the Offers tab (found in the drop down menu)…you’ll be able to print a coupon good for $2/1 Broadway Nails Artificial Nail Product (excludes Nail Art, Nail Paint, Glue and Nail Files).
Click the arrow after the tab called Showcase to find the Offer tab!
* Head over to the Kiss Nails Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the Offer tab…you’ll be able to print a coupon good for $2/1 Kiss Artificial Nail Product (excludes Nail Art, Nail Paint, Glue and Nail Files)
Rite Aid has artificial nail products on sale Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off this week (through October 9th)…use 2 $2/1 coupons and you should be able to score a sweet deal (consider buying artificial nails to dress up a Halloween costume and/or to use as a stocking stuffer for the little girl in your life).
from Hip2Save.
Free Sample of Woolite Dry Cleaners Secret
Free sample: An ALL YOU exclusive—get a free sample of Woolite® Dry Cleaner's Secret®.How to get it: To request your free sample of Woolite® Dry Cleaner's Secret®, click the "Get Free Sample" button and fill out a short form on
* Request your free sample of Woolite® Dry Cleaner's Secret® now while supplies last!
* Get daily sample alerts when you "Like" ALL YOU on Facebook. .
Got mom one also.
If and when possible I'll get 2 samples
and have one sent to mom.
FREE Nursery® Bag
Free bag only 100 to give out daily!
from Nursery Water
Every day at noon they give away 100 bags!
Woo Hoo just got another one!
This time I put mom's name and address.
I don't know if you can get more than one
with the same name and address.
I wasn't taking any chances since
the bags for today were dwindling down!
There was only 2 bags left at 12:20pm.
12:21pm- all bags are now gone so try
back tomorrow!
Free Waffle at Waffle House.
Limit one per customer.
Expires 11-1-10
- 1 lb box elbow macaroni
- 1 lb extra sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
- 1/2 lb butter
- 1 qt milk
- salt
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Boil macaroni until it is fork tender and drain.
Grease a 2 quart baking dish. Place a layer of macaroni. Cut butter into small pieces and place some on top of macaroni followed by a layer of cheese.
Continue until your dish is full. Pour milk on top and bake for 1 hour.
. has added 2 new coupons that even the guys will like…
$1 off any STP product and $1 off any Armor All product
Try Family Dollar or possibly Dollar General for these items.
I also found that if you sign up at STP
they will send you a $2.00 coupon in your email
to print out!
Well that's a crock of you know what!
I pulled up my email that said I could
print a coupon and clicked the link.
It said, this coupon is no longer available!
Then why in the world send me an email then about it!!!
Sandwich Offer
Woo Hoo I got another one
but sent this one to mom as
it limits it to one email address and address!
Special Free DVD
Over an hour of hands on instruction, demonstration, tips, and techniques.
$12.95 retail value Free While supplies last! Order Now!
Join David & Larue Howells as they demonstrate numerous delicious recipes cooked with the power of the sun. Learn how to never have to worry about burning dinner again. Discover how to use a SUN OVEN to naturally dehydrate fruits and vegetables, and enhance winter sprouting. Find out how to reduce your utility bills and the amount of fuel you need to store for emergency preparedness.
Learn how practical and easy it is to cook in a SUN OVEN and the many economic, health and environmental benefits of cooking with the sun.
What's on the DVD?
- Setting up your SUN OVEN
- Baking Bread
- Gumbo, Corn, Eggs, Potatoes
- Drying & Sprouting
- Cookies & Rolls
- Pots & Pans
- Tips & Tricks
- Water Pasteurization
One entry per person per week.
Winners will be notified using the contact information
provided on the sweepstakes entry form.
Family Dollar Printable Coupons
from Dollar Stretcher
What's on Sale & When
Different times of the year
certain things go on sale.
Check out this video from Dollar Stretcher.
Got a blanket hung up on the clothesline
and 2 more in the washer.
Got chili going in a big pot.
I changed my recipe a smidge.
I added a can of diced tomatoes,
about a teaspoon of cinnamon
and about an ounce of finely grated up
chocolate to add to the pot also
with the rest of the ingredients
I mentioned earlier.
This is called Cincinnati Chili also known as Skyline Chili.
But this is my version of it as other recipes
may have additional ingredients.
I've been keeping an eye out for another
internet, phone & cable company
since ours goes out many times a week.
I see an ad on tv for AT&T
and decided to check it out.
I had them years ago and didn't like
them but maybe they've changed since then.
I jotted down the web address from
the commercial to be able to read
all the fine print that came along
with the offer and know what?
It said Page Not Found!
Go figure!
Getting all the bedding cleaned.
Just brought in 2 blankets off the line,
1 is still drying, 2 more are in washer
and I have 2 pillows in the dryer.
People look at me like I am crazy
when I say I wash our bed pillows.
What's wrong with that?
I do it all the time!
I like sleeping on clean pillows
that have less germs and a little
less drool and they smell good too!
I'm tired, especially from running up
and down the basement stairs washing bedding
and putting things away in the pantry so am
thinking about retiring to the bedroom
and watching my Ghost Hunters.
As far as I know I don't have plans
to go anywhere Thurs or Fri so might
work on getting all this chicken
into crock pots and get them cooked up.