For anyone interested in giving square foot
gardening a try I saw that Lowes
sells raised garden beds.
They come in
4'L x 4'W x 9"H $69.00
4'L x 6'W x 9"H $79.00
Made of rot resistant cedar.
Slide and lock brackets make assembly
quick and easy.
Square foot gardening is being able to plant
many things in a small space.
So let's look at the dimensions above.
for a 4 x 4 bed you get 16 squares of planting
and a 4 x 6 bed you get 24 squares of planting.
Depending on the mature size of the plant
you can plant anywhere from 1, 4, 9 or 16
seeds per square foot!
I'm sure you could make your own square
foot garden cheaper without buying a kit.
Be sure to buy untreated boards though.
Here's a pretty simple guide of how
to build your own from Frugal Dad.
I'm getting excited with garden season
coming up as if you couldn't tell, lol.
I've always wanted to try the square foot gardening
technique. Last year I went with a hanging
garden and while it did produce fruits
and vegetables it was too hard to keep
watered constantly.
My money saving tip for today...
My mom came for a visit today and told me
they were getting Direct TV. My jaw about hit the
floor! She said it was so they could cut back
and save money. My first reaction was ohhhh
you aren't gonna like it and it won't be saving
you money at all. Actually you could be paying
more!! She originally had Wow advanced phone
and basic cable.
Direct TV also wants a 2 year
contract so they can suck you in at an excellent
price for the first year then double it the next!!
So for 2 years contract would cost
$34 a month for first year
then $68 a month for second year.
They you would have to add an unlimited
long distance phone plan by another
company that costs $55.
So now we're looking at
$89 a month for direct tv and a phone
for first year
$123 a month for second year
They currently pay $92 a month
for advance phone and basic cable bundle.
There is no savings by switching
to Direct TV and I am soooo
glad they were able to get out of
ordering it!!!
With a wow bundle you get unlimited long distance,
with an independant phone service it could
cost you upwards of $55 for a plan with
unlimited long distance.
Luckily for my parents they were able to
call and cancel their order for Direct TV.
My advice to help them try to cut back with
their cable and phone was this...
1. Call your cable company and tell them
you are unhappy with their prices for basic
cable and phone. Tell them you are considering
switching providers and see what they say.
Sometimes they will lower your bill to keep
you as a customer!!
Heck I pay $30 more on my cable bill
and receive digital cable, advance phone,
internet and dvr. I would think
they could give them a cheaper rate
for some basic things and for being
an excellent customer with no
late payments!!
2. If you haven't been with another cable
company for awhile give them a call.
You would be considered a new customer
and get new customer rates!!

Got the Suburban Newspaper today and am
looking forward to the first yard sales of the year!!
Wooo Hooo. I love church sales the most
and see one going on this weekend.
I think I will add a garage sale section on
my blog for my friends in Columbus
that might be looking for some good deals.
I'll post what sales I am able to find.
Most will be from North, Northwest and
Northeast Columbus area only though,
maybe add in some Gahanna and Westerville
from time to time.
Friday April 9th 9-5
Saturday April 10th 9-12am $2.00 a brown bag Sat. only
Maize Manor United Methodist Church
3901 Maize Rd.
Tree Of Life Christian Schools
Community Garage Sale
Sat. April 10th 8-3
935 Northridge Road
Cols,Oh 43224
These sales are just down
the road from the church sale above.
Huge Multi Family Garage Sale
Sat. April 10th 9-2
67 East Pacemont
Clintonville 43202
4 blocks south of EN Broadway
East of High St.
Saturday April 19
9am - 4pm
(161 & Karl Road)
I am still working on my Spring cleaning.
I find that these little tips helps get
me through it...
1. Take small breaks.
2. It's easier to throw out or donate
things rather than finding a place to store
3. I find it easier to get rid of things
knowing I am donating those items rather
than letting them go to waste by throwing
them out.
4. Less things in your home means less
clean up!
5. A less cluttered home is less stressful
and more relaxing!
I have a question. Please help me figure this out.
If you purchase a sofa and get the warranty
and have it treated, how do you know if they
actually treated the couch with Scotchguard
or whatever it is they use???
Value City screwed me around with the purchase
of my sofa and now I want to know if it
actually got the treatment on it.
I don't know how to tell or what to look
for. So how does one know if they've been
screwed out of money or not.
How do I know they just didn't pull the couch
out of the showroom and put on a truck
and bring to my house????
Christopher slopped a little juice on a cushion
and before I could get a rag it soaked up
into the couch. Shouldn't scotch guard
make the liquid sit on top of the fabric
long enough to grab a rag.
I did do a test spot with drops of water and
it seemed to sit on top for a few seconds.
But when Christopher spilled his juice it
sure didn't give me enough time to grab
a rag before soaking in.
Oh well with microfiber it seems to clean up
well once dried so maybe I shouldn't worry too

Still car shopping. Don't rush it that's for
sure or you'll be unhappy.
I recommend you research any and all cars
you are interested in. It has helped me
tremendously when looking at cars and making
decisions. If I like a car I will go home
and think it over. I won't make a decision
on the spot! Car salesmen don't like it
but who gives a hoot! If I go back to purchase
something and it was sold, oh well, it wasn't
meant to be. There are millions of cars
in this world.
I recommend this site when researching cars
as it gives reviews from everyday people
like me and you.
So far Toyotas and Hondas seem to be the best.
Ok that doesn't include the ones they recalled
with a sticky gas pedal.
Here are some cars I have researched.
I will add to the list as I research
certain cars. That way I along with
others can always use this list in the future.
Maybe some years are better than others
I don't have time to research all years.
I don't recommend buying a car the first
year it came out on the market. It will
be known for all kinds of bugs the
manufacture hasn't been able to work out yet.
NOT Good...
Chevy Malibu
Kia- many have replaced it's engines!
Dodge Caravan- transmissions & misc.
Ford Escort
Ford Taurus
Volkswagon Jetta
Pontiac Grand Am
Ford Expedition- electric problems, can't work on
yourself, costly repairs, fuse and GM box goes bad.
2000 Pontiac Montanna- manifold gaskets, electrical problems
So So cars...
Explorer- I love mine, but there seems to
be lots out there with transmission problems.
Choose wisely.
Chevy Corsica
Chevy Suburban