back the old logos and made with real sugar called
Pepsi Flashback.

I just got word from PSST that starting tomorrow, February 14th,
Target stores nationwide will have five limited-edition General Mills cereals featuring fun “retro” package designs and premium offers from the 60s and 80s. The promotion will run for a limited time through March 7.
I just thought it was neat if you were an 80's
person like myself.
Took the kids to the Great Train Expo at the fairgrounds.
I try to prepare ahead of time so I don't have to
buy expensive refreshments at events like these.
Stopped in Speedway before going there and bought
4 twenty ounce bottles of Pepsi Max for everyone.
Was $4.44 and used four $1.00 off manufacture coupons.
I paid .44 cents for 4 bottles plus got 400 rewards points!!
Woo Hoo! That was .11 cents a bottle!! Can't beat that
at any convenience store.
Total cost to get in the train expo was $19.
$14 admission for me and Tony plus $5 to park.
No handicap parking as that was filled up.
And we had to park in a back parking lot
as the others were filled up. That sucked!
Should've been like $2 for back lot parking
for having to walk farther in the snow and slush!
Stopped by Kroger on the way home because I needed
pop. I took a quick gander at their mark down carts
and found a 36 pack of Kroger brand pop tarts for
$2.89. That's .08 cents a pop tart.
I think a pack of 8 count Kroger pop tarts
run around $1.50 so this was a very good deal!!
Pop tart brand can start around $2 on up!
Once home I started lunch.
Since not feeling well I have a fridge full
of things needing used up.
I made Pizza Pinwheels.
On a cookie sheet I spread out a can of
pizza dough. Then opened up a can of
6 cheese spaghetti sauce and used a little
of it to spread on the dough.
Topped it with pepperoni, bacon and taco
flavored cheese.
Next I took kitchen shears and cut the dough
into strips starting at the smallest width
of the dough. Each piece I rolled up like
a cinnamon roll.
The house smelled sooo good and they were delicious!
Well I just got The Bag, paper ads, soon after
returning home. Will sit down and go through
them to see what bargains I can find.
Hamburger Helper $1.00 each
$1.00 x's 3 is $3.00
minus $1.50 (double) manufacture coupon or this coupon
makes it $1.50 for 3 or .50 cents each
Use 2 coupons to get 6 boxes.
Meijer's will only double 2 like coupons
for the same product.
Any coupons after that for the same
product are at face value.
I'll have to brain storm on this next deal
to see how it will work out.
Buy 3 Hershey bars get 1 free sale
I have a buy 1 get 1 free manufacture coupon.
I know if you use a buy 1 get 1 coupon
on a buy 1 get 1 sale it makes both items free.
So maybe this deal would allow you to
buy 2 get 2 free.
So if I had 2 coupons:
(brain is hurting thinking!)
I need help on this one as I am so confused
trying to figure this out!!
Will ask one of my yahoo groups to see
if I can get an answer.
Will post if I get one.
Betty Crocker cookie mixes $1.50
minus .80 cent coupon
makes it .70 cents
Betty Crocker warm delights $1.50
minus $1.00 coupon or use this coupon
makes it .50 cents
Chex Mix snack $1.00
$1.00 x's 2 is $2.00
minus $1.00 off 2 manufacture coupon
makes it $1.00 for 2 or .50 cents each
Green Giant frozen boxed vegetables $1.00
$1.00 x's 3 is $3.00
minus $1.20 off 3 is $1.80
When you buy 5 boxes of green giant frozen veggies
you get a box FREE (meijer sale)
So total breakdown is
7 boxes of Green Giant frozen veggies
for $3.60 or .51 cents each
$4.00 minus (2) $1.00 coupons
makes it $2.00 for 4 or .50 cents each
Cheerios $1.99
minus $1.00 coupon
makes it .99 cents
Betty Crocker muffin mix $1.67
minus $1.00 coupon
makes it .67 cents each
Betty Crocker frosting $1.29
minus $1.00 coupon
makes it .29 cents
LaChoy Creations 25% off
Don't know price.
I think I saw them at kroger for about $4
so will use that price.
$4.00 minus 25% off is $3.00
minus $1.50 off manufacture coupon
Could make it $1.50
(just guessing at this one)
Been sorting through items in my fridge that is
packed full. In the last week I have not been
in a cooking or baking mood due to not feeling well.
I gathered up a few things out of the fridge today
and things I found in the mark down bin recently
at the store and decided to throw together a couple
peaches and cream pies. Throw together meaning
I used no recipe. I made it up.
1- 8 ounce cream cheese, softened $1.00
1/3 cup sugar, free
2 eggs free (buy 1 get 1 free coupon)
1/3 heavy whipping cream .50 cents
1 large box vanilla pudding .25 cents
1/3 cup reserved peach juice
1 large can peaches, drained, reserving juice .97 cents
1 pillsbury double pie crust .50 cents
Whip together the first 6 ingredients in a medium bowl.
Unroll pie crusts and place each one in a pie pan.
Divide large can of peaches between two pie pans
and arrange in bottoms.
Divide up creamed mixture between 2 pans
and spread evenly over top of peaches.
Combine a couple tablespoons of sugar
and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a small bowl
Sprinkle over top of the pies.
Bake 35-40 minutes.
Allow to completely cool or refrigerate
before serving to allow to set.
$3.22 for 2 or $1.61 each.
I think this is the most quiet the kids have
played in a long time. They went treasure hunting
in the basement and found a box of Legos that was
long forgotten about. It was like a new toy to them!!
They also found our first Playstation 2
that we bought about 3 years ago off Craigslist
for $50. We could never get it to work as it
kept reading disc error. They brought that thing
out of the basement, plugged it in and it worked
like nothing was ever wrong with it!!!
Me and Tony just looked at one another like
what the bleep.
It goes to show that it does pay to hold onto
things and not throw them out.
I am sure at one point Tony wanted or may have actually
thrown it out and I rescued it and stored it ever since.
It's a good day!!
Tomorrow for breakfast we will have Cinnamon Rolls.
Made from canned refrigerated pizza crust.
I got them made up tonight and ready to go
for tomorrow morning.
This past week at Meijer I got 4 cans of Pillsbury
pizza crust on mark down and used coupons. (.55 cents each)
I discovered you can't free the pizza dough in the can.
I tried it once and was never able to get it unrolled.
It was a huge mess.
You can freeze canned biscuits though.
So these cans of pizza crust sit in my fridge at the
moment looking for ways for me to use them up and
get creative.
I also found tucked in the back of
my fridge a half tub of cream cheese frosting.
I'll use that for the glaze on the cinnamon rolls.
Ok ya know what's funny is that I already had plans
of making the cinnamon rolls but never told anyone
about it. Just moments ago Jonathan says, "can you
make some cinnamon rolls?" This is not something
I make all the time around here.
So I thought that was weird.
He says he smelled the cinnamon from the pies
and it reminded him of cinnamon rolls.
With tomorrow being Valentine's day, hubby says
he needs to step out in a little bit.
I know what he is up to wanting to buy me
a Valentine's day gift.
I say you don't need to spend a whole lot
on me, but if you insist on buying me something,
here is a couple coupons for Walgreens, LOL!
I handed him a Walgreens coupon for
Whitman's Chocolate on sale for $4.99.
Next I hand him a manufacture coupon
for $1.00 off Whitman's chocolate.
The candy sampler should be $3.99.
He left out of here looking paranoid as
hell with those coupons, LMAO!!
You'd of thought I handed him a ticking
time bomb.
I gave him $4, money I found in his shirt
pocket when I just put a load of laundry in.
I said this is all you are allowed to spend
on me since it is found money, LOL!
I'm sure he had change in his pocket if
he needed extra.
He is freaked out thinking he needed more money
for that chocolate! (maybe for tax)
He starts with the what if's.
What if they don't take both coupons?
What if they say I can't use any coupons?
What if I don't have enough money?
I am still laughing inside!!
It's time for the little birdy to
fly the coop on his own
and learn how to use coupons.

If you missed out on the Entertainment Coupon Book
deal at Walgreens before Christmas the
Entertainment book website is now offering a $14 discount.
They are currently $21 compared to $35 and
that includes FREE shipping.
Hurry because it is only a 3 day Valentine's Day sale!
Target Deal
Buy 2 trial-sized Right Guard deodorants at $0.99 each
Use $2/2 coupon here
Free after coupon
You can use coupons on trial sizes
as long as the coupon does not specify
excludes trial sizes.
Hubby has been making fun of me all day
about this incident.
I always get a sweet tooth in the middle
of the night or first thing in the morning.
Well last night/early morning, as we were in
bed asleep when it happened, I must
have gotten up and got a couple
double stuffed Oreos. This morning
he found a half eaten Oreo cookie
in bed with us, LOL! I said I probably
got up for a snack in the night.
Then he has to act out this part like
something off of America's Funniest Videos.
He shows me eating a cookie half asleep
taking little bites here and there, then falling
asleep dropping the cookie in the bed.
Here lately I have been known to sleep walk
or run, LMAO. One night I must have jumped
outta bed and ran to the kitchen, literally. Tony said
I woke him up and he wondered what in the world
I was doing! By the time I got to the kitchen
I kinda woke myself up wondering why I was there.
I slowly went back and crawled into bed hoping
no one saw me. I was busted though. Still
don't know why I was in the kitchen.
He says I all the time laugh in my sleep.
Wish I knew what I was laughing about, lol.
My mind runs constantly with things I have
to do or get done so it's a no wonder I sleep
walk at times. I need to teach myself
how to sleep clean. That way I could get
up in the morning and wonder how my housework
got done, LOL.
Been trying to scope out the Walgreen deals
for next week.
Air Wick i-Motion or Freshmatic Products, 50% off
$4/1 Air Wick Kit printable
$5/1 Air Wick Ultra i-Motion Kit, exp. 3-21-10 (SS 02/07/10)
$4/1 Air Wick Compact i-Motion Kit, exp. 3-21-10 (SS 02/07/10)
Final price varies
The other day while in Target I found a
hang tag coupon for Purex fabric softener.
laying in the bottom of the shopping cart.
A hang tag is a coupon found around the
neck of a bottle so be on the look out for them!
This wasn't really a coupon but a form
to fill out to get a refund up to $4 on a bottle of
Purex fabric softener. I'm sure Purex
goes on sale and there are coupons for it.
Keep your eye out for those hang tags on Purex!