They are an elderly couple, retired.
He came and got the car this morning
and took it over to a dealership to
get it looked at before purchasing.
Even with any repairs that came up he
still said he wanted it. He even left the
car at the dealership to get repaired!
The trunk to this Cadi wouldn't open for
us after we got it and we never bothered
with it. This couple is going to pay
the dealership $700 to put in a new
cable and repair it!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???
I about fell over. $700 for a trunk cable!!!
I still am having a hard time with that one
and am in shock. I said it must be nice
to have that kind of money to invest into
that car. He said, when I get it all done
it should be a very good running and dependable
car and I won't have car payments. He's got
a point there. I too don't want car payments
either. I guess at the moment they own a
1988 Cadillac that's getting tired. So they
must have a love for those cars to get another
one that's 11 years newer.
Oh yeah and I want to add that they didn't haggle
over the price, NOT ONCE! We upped the price for haggling
and we're actually getting the price we posted!!
That's good because I can use that extra money
to get some tires for the Tracker.
We can't afford new tires and go to Steve's used
tires or find some off Craigslist. They are sooo
much cheaper than new and are just as good.
We got a set of 20's for our Expedition at Steve's
for $200!!! Dare ya to price those new!!!
More like $200 to $300 PER TIRE!!!
Spent $120 for a set off Craigslist for our
Explorer. Still had the nubbies on the tires!!
And they were more like off road with deeper tread
which would have cost more if new!
Whew am I glad that this car selling thing
is over with for the time being! I get so nervous
trying to sell cars. Buying them is a whole
different ballgame as the nervousness goes
out the window and the monster comes out!
This 74 year old man is
as happy as a lark with his new toy. Boy he
sure reminds me of my step-dad. Is that even
possible to have two of them running around
in this world??? Scary thought!
But anyway we got the title notarized and
the car is out of my hair.
Good thing is I can now use the Cadi plates
to put on the Tracker. So that'll
save me about $60!
So much for nap time today. Looks like
an early bed time for me tonight.
Tonight's supper will be something simple
Thinking along the lines of grilled fried
bologna sandwiches with a side of fries.
I need to stock my meat supply once again
and start looking for some manager specials.
Kroger used to mark meat down half price
but I've noticed lately it's only been
about 30 to 40% off. Maybe I need to make
a trip to Aldi in the near future.
Been eating from the freezer and the stockpile.
But eventually it starts to dwindle down.
I'm good with the cupboard items
so need to work on meat.
I'm still not in the mood to make a big
grocery trip or do the coupon thing.
Got too much going on elsewhere to put
my mind to that.
Mom and I did stop in Walgreens this morning
to get her prescription. I saw they had
Easter candy 75% off. I got a variety
of Cadbury eggs for .12 cents each.
Putting that in mommmy's stash. Kids
don't know about that! Chocolate is chocolate
whether it's in the shape of a bunny, egg,
bar or heart. All tastes the same.
I am back on the air again with another cell
phone. Got a phone off a friend and got
it activated this morning. Still have
the same number and all that jazz.
Sprint wanted $50 to $60 to fix my other phone
and I thought they had lost their mind.
The other phone was $50 with a $50 rebate.
I'll stick with the $5.00 phone I have now.
Mental note, take $5.00 out to give to Kendra
for her phone before I forget again.
Memory is growing shorter every day!!
Also stopped in Dollar Tree and found some
pictures for the living and dining room for
a buck a piece. How did that happen as I have
been all over looking for pictures that were stupid
money. I actually found 3 Tuscany pictures
I hung up in the living room. These have a
tin look to them. And other pictures
that I thought were really neat. Holographic
that looks 3 dimensional. Some of seagulls and some of flowers.
Is there even seagulls in Tuscany?
If not there is now in my living room!
It's been fun trying to find pictures
with golds, yellows and reds in them.
Never mind that the wall hasn't been painted
yet and is still a beige color. Haven't had
time to get the hallway done.
I also stopped by the library, almost forgot!
Picked up my reserved book called Clara's Kitchen.
It's about a 94 year old woman who talks about
living through the depression and she shares
Not sure if I like this group yet.
But hey it's something.
I'll be checking yard sales
for pictures. At a buck a piece
you can't go wrong even if it is
Tony called not long ago and wants to
head to Indian Lake this weekend for
a day trip to visit his parents.
Too cold to do anything else up there.
And don't have a fishing license yet.
Which I hear those went up another buck
this year so that sucks.
Time to give the tracker a long distance
run and see how it holds up and test out
it's gas mileage. It's about 120 round
trip give or take. If we leave early
enough we might be able to hit a few
garage sales. Or maybe even go to the Discount
Grocery store there in town! Don't stop
in the regular grocery stores there
as they jack up all their prices
because of tourists.
I still have my el cheapo church sale this
Friday I can't wait to attend. I've gone
the last couple of years and came away
with a truck full of stuff.
I called the doctor's office today.
My doctor referred me to a gynecologist
and I have an appointment Thursday
to get an in depth pap smear to
check for cancer.
It would help if I had an address of
where I am supposed to go!! Haven't heard
back from the doctor. Hope she calls
pretty soon as the appointment is 2 days away!!
Glad to say doc finally called back.
Took awhile.
Dolly has a new boy friend. It was doggy day
outside in the yard. The neighbor brought
his 2 dogs over and another neighbor brought
over their 8 week old wiener dog.
This is Milo and Dolly.
What is it about this place that makes
it a main attraction for everyone to visit?
First the dog has her friends over then comes
the kids. Tony's working late tonight. Hey
they are actually giving them overtime at work!
Don't know how that happened but better run
with it while you can.
Anyway the kids have slowly moved into the house
to play. It's nice out and they want to play
indoors, go figure.
Is it bed time yet???
I have been wanting to color my hair
and thought I would be able to do it tonight.
Don't know if I can survive that long
with a missed nap. At least the kids
don't have homework due to some kind
of testing at school. Good thing
I picked an easy supper tonight because
I am wearing down fast!
Here's the kids and their friend playing
Playstation. I don't usually let them
get out video games on a school night
but I let it slide because of no homework.
Wonder how hungry they'll be at supper time
when they are all getting bowls of
cereal for a snack???