I plan on making ice cream cupcakes
sprinkled with crumbled up Butterfingers.
Birthday dinner:
Take out Long John Silvers fish fillets,
hush puppies, coleslaw and
homemade mac n cheese.
Fun Stuff
Easter Egg Tree
Here we have a photo, taken by Jens Meyer, of Volker Kraft decorating a tree with 9,200 Easter eggs in his garden in the ancient town of Saalfeld in Germany. Will and Guy can tell you that the Kraft family have decorated their tree with Easter eggs for over 40 years.
---------------------------------------------Have a cupcake and a smile.
My newest jelly bean cupcake.
My ice cream cupcakes.
I placed a tablespoon of cake mix
into each cupcake wrapper
baked 325 degrees for 10 minutes.
Allowed to cool down some.
Spoon ice cream, that has been
softened by sitting on the counter for a bit,
into the remaining space in the cupcake
wrapper. Wrappers will start to pull apart from sides
of cupcakes because of the ice cream so when
putting in freezer on a cookie sheet make sure
they are snugged up against one another.
Put into freezer until hardened.
Remove from freezer and put frosting
on top. Smack one regular Butterfinger candy
bar on the counter a few times to
crumble into pieces. Open and pour into a
small bowl. Sprinkle over tops
of cupcakes.
These cupcakes are made from
sugar free cake mix and frosting.
Be careful not to eat too much
candy or confections that are sugar free
as they can have a laxative affect!!
Today I got 8 packages FREE of
Butterfinger Snackerz at Kroger
with the coupons I mentioned yesterday!!
Tony found a black smooth top
stove for sale for only $35 obo.
I like obo's because you
know ahead of time they will take less
so don't offer full price when wheelin
and dealin!
It's about 5 years old.
Supposed to go tomorrow
to look at it. We thought maybe
something was wrong with it for that price
but when we asked, they said no,
the only reason they are getting rid
of it is because the house they just
bought had gas and this is electric.
The guy said they paid $700
for it when new.
Will be going over it with
a fine tooth comb at that price!
But it looks nice anyway
and you really can't beat that price.
I told Tony if we get this stove
then consider it his birthday
present, lol. I didn't get him
anything for his birthday
other than the cupcakes.
I had told him to pick something
out that he wanted within reason.
So we will see tomorrow
and I will get back to ya to let
you know.
Why do credit card companies
have to be soooooooo annoying??!!
We have a card that we don't use anymore,
haven't used in many years,
and have been trying to pay off
the small amount owed on it.
I have been paying it every
month, on time, for a long time now.
I got a couple days, literally, behind
with getting that bill sent out
because Tony was in the hospital.
And I'll be damned if they
called 11 TIMES in 3 1/2 days!!
From the 27th of this month
to the 29 it was 9 TIMES!!
And ya wanna know the kicker
to this story?
I just checked my bank account
and the check cleared on the 27th,
three days after I sent it!!
Just got home from the birthday
dinner at mom's. No sooner
got through the door and
the phone was ringing again.
It was the credit card company
calling yet again!!
I had Tony answer it. It's always
a foreign person who you can
barely understand.
She was going on and on
and Tony tried to tell her
to stop talking to explain himself.
She wouldn't so he finally got pissed
and said in a loud voice, "I don't
know why you keep calling and
harassing us, we checked our checking
account today and your payment
cleared the bank on the 27th.
and then he hung up on her.
So I wonder if they will call more tomorrow.
I've about had enough of them!
I just submitted another
Jelly Belly Bean creation of mine.
Easter Egg Tree