My thing is I always offer less money for
things and usually get it.
Unless of course it's cheap like
$1.00, .50 cents or .25 cents.
Tony wanted a tool box since his broke.
First guy wanted $12.00.
Found another guy with same Craftsman
metal toolbox and he wanted $7.
I offered him $5 and he accepted.
I found a 2 dvd set of The Best of Ghost
Hunters for $4. The guy started at $5.
They go for $10 to $15 on Ebay.
Worked in the garden this afternoon putting
up a fence to keep rabbits out. I still
have a few areas by the wooden fence to block.
Fence for a 50 foot roll at Lowes is $20.
Between yesterday and today I got these planted:
-Garden Bean
-Better Boy Tomato
-Morning Glories
Saw this today, a hoopty Trans Am, either 79, 80 or 81
as all those years look alike. This is around
Northern Lights Shopping Center.
There's another TA by Cooke and Indianola.
That's a Smokey & the Bandit 2 version
sitting at a car lot.
Still stuck on the trailer but lives, lol.
One day, and I never thought I would say this
again after doing the red TA, but I would like
to sand down this car and repaint it.
I keep mentioning to Tony that I like
the copper or burnt orange color.
About like the color of this car.

Tired, tired and more tired today.
If I start off the day by walking around
the flea market I am wore out the rest of the day!
Then spending time in the garden squatting
to put the fence in and tack it in around the bottom,
watering, weeding and planting flowers and veggies.
This should be good exercise on my legs
that's for sure. Legs feel like jello.
Off to Lowes again soon to find metal plates
for the trailer hitch that we are working on.
Tony said something about welding it on himself
and I said if you do I ain't riding along when you
haul the car, lol. Not going through that again.
I'd rather pay a professional welder to do it!!
Stopped by Lowes then Home Depot.
Then on the way home into Meijers.
Earlier this morning we stopped in Thorntons
by the flea market and I found some coupons
for Dr. Pepper and Powerade.
When in Meijers I noticed the Powerade was
.69 cents each. My coupon was $1.50 on two
when doubled which made them free.
I got 4 bottles free, woo hoo.
So keep an eye out at those convenient stores
for some coupons hanging on the cooler doors!
I got two 20oz Dr. Peppers at Speedway earlier today
for $1.22 or .61 cents each.
Sale 2 for $2.22
minus $1.00 off 2 is $1.22

Here's a freebie for ya.
Free can of Libby's fruit or vegetable
when you become a fan on Facebook.
Natural remedies for gardens & lawns.
-Aphids (plant lice): Fill a water spritzer with water and two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Spray the plant, particularly on the underside of the leaves where mites hide. For large-scale infestations, place up to 4 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid in a hose end sprayer and douse the affected plant focusing on the underside of the leaves. Plants that discourage aphids are - chives, marigolds, mint, basil and cilantro. Place aluminum foil at the base of your plants to deter aphids. The foil will reflect light onto the leaf bottoms and scare the aphids away.
-Natural Herbicide: Vinegar (any type of vinegar) acts like an herbicide. Apply when temperatures are above 70° and you will see its affect within a week or two.
-Wake Up Your Lawn with this Tonic:
1 can beer (not light beer)
1 cup ammonia, regular household strength
1 cup plain liquid dish soap, not liquid detergent or antibacterial
1 cup any brand liquid lawn fertilizer
1 cup molasses or corn syrup: provides sugar and carbs; molasses also contains iron, which promotes greening process.Combine ingredients in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer and apply evenly to the entire lawn in early mornings or late evenings.
It’s best to apply after mowing. Applications may be done every two weeks during the entire growing season.
- Baits
Slugs are attracted to chemicals given off by the fermentation process. The most popular bait has been beer. However, not all beers are created equal. In 1987, a study at Colorado State University Entomology Professor Whitney found that Kingsbury Malt Beverage, Michelob, and Budweiser attracted slugs far better than other brands.
The range of slug traps is only a few feet so you need to supply a few throughout your garden. Never, sink the containers with their rims flush with the soil level or you run the risk of drowning ground beetles, important slug controllers. The rims should be 1" above the soil's surface.
Certain plants will also repel slugs. Ginger, garlic, mint, chives, red lettuce, red cabbage, sage, sunflower, fennel, foxglove, mint, chicory & endive seem to be less prone to slug attack. Plant them around the perimeter of your garden to keep them from infiltrating.
-Ants in the garden
Salt -- Instead of using pesticides, try locating the ant hills and sprinkling the area with salt.
Cream of Wheat/Minute Rice -- You can kill ants by spreading Cream of Wheat or Minute Rice on or around the ant hill (or wherever they're being problematic). The ants will eat the grains of wheat or rice, and it will expand, causing their stomachs to burst.
Flour -- Spread solid lines of flour on any paths ants travel across. Ants don't like flour, and they will not cross through it.
Baking Soda -- Dust your garden or trouble spots with baking soda to eliminate ants. Baking soda is poisonous to them.
Fungicide for Mildew and Black Spot
1 tsp. baking soda
1 litre water
1 tsp. soap flakes
Dissolve baking soda in 1 litre of warm water.
Add soap flakes to help solution cling to leaves. Remove infected leaves from plant, then spray top and bottom of remaining leaf surfaces to control spread of the disease.
Get rid of mites (you can see what they look like by turning over a yellowing leaf; they are the tiny dark specks) with a combination of one part rubbing alcohol and four parts water. Decant into a trigger spray bottle and spray the backs of the leaves. To help the alcohol mixture stick to the leaves, add just a little squirt of mild dishwashing liquid to the spray bottle. Use this spray on a cloudy day, if possible, to prevent the intensity of the sun from damaging the foliage.