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Thursday, October 21, 2010



I love surprises first thing in the morning!!

in the cookie contest!!

Please go HERE
and vote for me
and please pass it along to your friends and family
to do the same also.
Now the second part of the judging is
based upon how many votes you get.
It's a page on Facebook and I think you can
share it on there as well.

Here's a sneak peek into my entry
for the Pop Tarts contest.
It has to be frozen and I still have to
put my recipe together from all
the notes I have to be able to enter it.
Then will get better pictures of it and
tell you more about it.

simply orange $1/1 Simply Orange Juice Printable

Get a $1/1 Simply Lemonade, Orange, or Apple Juice printable coupon when you become a fan of Simply Orange on Facebook.

When I printed my coupon I didn't have to Like them on Facebook to get it.


Here's my homemade soap from yesterday.

It gelled up nicely. Not too much though.

You should still shake the bottle some

before using.

I filled the 112 load Sun bottle with my homemade

mixture. I only used about 1/3rd of my bucket!

I funneled it into the container by using

a top cut off a 20 ounce pop bottle as a funnel.

I washed a blanket with it and still have to

put it in the dryer with my fabric softener sponges.

Will let you know the results of how it turns out

this evening.

I want to check to see if it got clean and

if it smells good.




Specially marked boxes have codes you

can enter online to collect points to win rewards.

For every 5 codes you collect you can turn

them in and receive one of these rewards:

-2 boxes of Pop Tarts

-25 photo prints from Snapshot

-5 music downloads

-1 movie ticket valued up to $12

-magazine subscription

So remember this when considering

buying Pop Tarts.

They usually go on sale and have coupons!

You have until 9/29/2011 to enter codes!

There is a limit of 5 rewards per person.


Hey Kendra,

Can you print these coupons for me if you don't need them?

-Quilted Norther

-On Cor

Red Plum Coupons



Here's some freebies I got today.

-6 pack single serve coffee sticks in different varieties.

-Hearos ear plugs




Visine $3/1 Visine Maximum Redness Relief Printable Coupon

You can print out a $3/1 Visine Maximum Redness Relief Coupon. Hold onto this coupon for a sale!


Tonight's supper:

Chicken Hash.

Fried in a skillet with potatoes, chicken,

Can't believe it's not butter and Italian dressing,

salt & pepper.

I know everything I make anymore seems to be

with chicken. I am trying to make meals

from our freezer and pantry. I have so much chicken

I need to use it ain't even funny.

I am hoping that my brother can get me a deer this

year to stock our freezer with. But before hand

I need to kinda use up what's in the freezer first.

I look at it this way-

Deer is more healthy for you with less fat

and is not pumped full of steroids and hormones

like those meats found at the butcher shop.

Plus they are free roaming which means they

eat grass, leaves, berries & what not.

Unlike cows which now a days are forced to eat

corn which is not really something a cow

should be eating to begin with!

And lastly,

I can try to afford $1.00 per pound to

get the meat processed as opposed to

the stupid price per pounds at the butcher shop!




Coming up with ideas for another Pop Tart recipe.

There is supposed to be a limited edition Pop Tart

called Pumpkin Pie. I did not see it at Kroger.

If you see this somewhere could you please

let me know as my next recipe will be made from it.

About Me

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My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"

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