ready for our new sofa. I also got 2 valances
made. Oh yeah and I made 2 pillow covers
for sofa pillows I had because I'm not
sure if our sofa will come with pillows.
These were made with a fabric shower curtain.
My living room looks so bare.
We've had only 2 chairs in there
for 4 people to fight over.
Fine by me as I just go to bed, lol.
Here's a view from living to dining
and my other valance I made.
You can also see my unpainted wall
under the chair rail. One day I hope
to get this painted a red color.
Ya know what's funny is that when I view these
photos most everything I see in the way
of furniture or tables and what not
has been freebies I found.
So you see why I am excited to finally
get a new sofa after 39 years!!
Don't ask what the kids are doing.
They have lost their minds as usual
wrestling around on the floor.
Tonight we went and looked at a car. Looking
for something that is good on gas. This car
was only $1199 and has only 69,000 miles on it!!
The first thing I looked at on the car was to see
if it had the extra digit on the odometer and
it did meaning it was actual mileage.
With as many cars as we have bought over the years
you would think I have heard and seen it all.
Well here is another one of those stories to ad.
We get there and the wife comes out and starts up the
car. Then she says her husband owns the car and he
is out of town til next Tuesday. She said
we could not drive it or be able to buy it until then.
So in other words this was a wasted trip for us
since they are not able to sell it for another week!
Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Lot's of crazy people out tonight.
We're heading down the road tonight and hear
sirens off in the distance about a half mile
up the road. The person in front of us comes
to a dead stop in the road because of it.
Can't say that I have ever seen someone stop
that far away for lights and sirens.
We're sitting there and cars in the other lane
are still going by us.
Anymore I don't try to figure out stupid people.
They surround us everywhere and we have to just
deal and cope with them!
I can't believe I am saying this on April 2nd,
it sure is warm in here! The house is reading
a steady 79 degrees. No air flow so I pulled out
all fans and opened windows up at 10pm!
Oh the joy during the day to have the sun shining,
hearing a few lawn mowers and seeing people out
and about. The birds have been coming to the
feeder just outside the window singing away.
Well they were screeching earlier this morning
when we looked and saw a hawk after one of them.
Viscious bird that is! He was standing on the ground
below one bush out front on one leg. The other leg
he was trying to reach in the bush for a sparrow.
They outsmarted him though and he flew off and he
left them alone and they once again returned
to the feeders.
I just learned this info from the news this eve.
If you go to and type in your name
you would be surprised of how much information
can be found on you. There is a link at the bottom
of the page where you can have it all deleted.
You have to enter your email address so they can
send you a confirmation email to delete it.
This web site said who my family members were,
what my house cost, credit score, my address and phone number
along with many other things!
You need to erase personal info like this!
It's just no elses business to know!