I put in the crock a can of
no sugar added apple pie filling
and 4 pork ribs.
Once done I will remove the pork ribs
from crock and chop up the apples.
To the apple pie filling I will then add
a box of stuffing and mix together.
Side includes corn & honey glazed carrots.
Serve ribs with chicken gravy made from
I removed my Pop Tart dessert from
freezer to allow it to thaw some so
I can remove it from the pan.
Will have this for dessert tonight.
by Sherry
8 ounce cream cheese, softened
small box vanilla instant pudding
1 1/2 cup milk
1 cup whipped topping
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1/2 cup strong coffee
6 Frosted Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts
In a 5 1/2" x 10" loaf pan place a piece of tin foil
into bottom of pan and have it hang over the sides.
You will use this to help you remove the Tiramisu
from the pan later on.
In a medium sized bowl beat together
cream cheese, pudding mix and milk.
Stir in chocolate chips.
In bottom of loaf pan place
2 1/2 chocolate chip Pop Tarts.
Pour 1/4 cup of strong coffee over the Pop Tarts.
Spoon 1 1/2 cups of the cream cheese mixture
over top the pop tarts.
Then spoon 1/2 cup of whipped topping
evenly over the cream cheese mixture.
Then repeat one more layer of
2 1/2 pop tarts,
1/4 cup coffee,
1 1/2 cups cream cheese mixture and
1/2 cup whipped topping.
Pulse remaining chocolate chip Pop Tart
in food processor until crumbly.
Sprinkle over top whipped cream.
Place Tiramisu into freezer overnight.
Before serving allow to thaw out for about
15 minutes. Run knife along edge that has
no tin foil.
Grab sides of tinfoil and carefully remove from pan.
Remove tinfoil from Tiramisu
and place on serving plate.
Slice into 10 servings.
Even after looking for Pumpkin Pop
Tarts at Kroger & Walmart I have still
have not been able to find them.
I have had to resort to plan B
and use the cinnamon Pop Tarts instead
for my next recipe.

I got this in my email today.
It's about the Neilson home scanner
I signed up for awhile ago
and have been waiting for a spot
to open up with them.
"We hope you’re still interested, because there’s currently availability on the panel for a household just like yours!"
If you are interested in becoming a member:
Homescan has changed its name to National Consumer Panel.
(If you have already signed up as a Homescan panelist, please
do not register again.) For anyone new, if you'd like to become a member of the National Consumer Panel, please complete our
online registration (Only one member per household,) Once we receive your household information, you will be placed on a Reserve Status Waiting List. Households are then randomly selected to join the panel. This ensures that the panel truly reflects the country's diverse population. Thanks for your interest.
If you are accepted as a panel member, you will be sent a small hand-held scanner and will scan all the bar codes of everything you purchase. Once a week, you’ll transmit this
information and you’ll earn points which can be redeemed for a variety of items from the Gift Catalog.
If you try out the program and find it is not for you, you can easily ship back the handheld scanner using a postage-paid box they provide.
I remember having a home scanner to scan bar codes
about 17 years ago, lol.
So figured I'd try it again if given the opportunity
since I have a little more time to put into it.
So we'll see in the near future if I get one.
I filled out a small survey and they said
they would get back to me.
Looks like now you can transmit your purchases
over the internet. Years ago I remember
recording all my purchases and having
to hold the scanner up to the phone
to transmit it. So it sounds a little easier.
I have been trying to find ways
of incorporating healthier snacks into
our lifestyle.
The kids like cookies so I had to find an
alternative to sandwich cookies:
2 sandwich cookies per serving
160 calories
50 calories from fat
6 grams of total fat
1.5 grams saturated fat
2 grams trans fat
11 grams of sugar
130mg sodium
24 grams carbs
4% iron
2 lb package of cookies $1.78
and of course 2 cookies aren't
enough to satisfy anyone for an after school snack
so they usually end up having 4
which means double the totals above.
Here is my alternative starting today.
Animal Crackers
16 animal crackers per serving
120 calories per serving
15 calories from fat
2 grams of total fat
0 saturated fat
0 trans fat
7 grams of sugar
105mg sodium
25 grams carbs
10% Thiamin
6% Niacin
6% Iron
6% Riboflavin
10% Thiamine
8% Folate
2lb package of animal crackers $1.98
By being allowed 16 animal crackers each
they feel like they are getting allot.
Plus they are fun shaped animals
that appeal to kids.
Plus they like to dunk them in milk
which is also a way to get them
to drink more white milk.
In order to have milk with cookies
they have to finish the glass of milk
once done dipping cookies.
Tonight's supper.
You can now go to Kellogg's Mixing Bowl
and vote for my Pop Tart Tiramisu recipe I just posted :0)
I'm not sure if you have to sign up
for the web site or not.
You'll just have to go there and see.
It is really good and no one would even
know the recipe had Pop Tarts in it.
To lower the fat and sugar use
fat free cream cheese
and sugar free pudding.
Or chose another flavor of Pop Tarts
that says Low Fat on the front
or ones with extra fiber.
I have been watching a show on Discovery
Health channel called Freaky Eaters.
On there they have a nutrition specialist
and I have learned to help make your diet better
is to try to replace foods you already eat with
healthier versions.
Here is an example:
On one show a guy was addicted to eating
The health adviser gave him a few options
of things like tofu burgers or turkey burgers.
Instead of ketchup she had him use salsa.
Cheese, also found on burgers, are loaded with fat so try to choose a lower fat version of cheese you like.
Mustard is also a better option when it
comes to using condiments.
Ketchup is loaded with sugar
and regular mayo is loaded with fat.
Changing our diet is hard and is a slow work
in progress but I am trying and learning as
I go.
Whenever I find replacement foods for foods
we are so used to eating I will post them
along with the nutritional value of what we
were eating before and what I have found to
eat now.
Yes, it does take a few more extra minutes while
in the store to check those nutritional labels
but they are there for a reason.
I have always wondered when a label says no sugar
or no sugar added on the label then why is sugar still
listed in the nutritional information.
I figured it had something to do with natural
sugars produced by fruits and I was correct.
The same goes for salt.
When jars, boxes, bottles, cans and so on
say no this added or less this or reduced
then the next thing you need to watch for on
the label is how many carbs that food item has.
Because carbs are also sugars and starches
found in foods to give us energy.
Too much is a bad thing!
The liver digests carbohydrates by breaking them down into simple sugars, or glucose, which stimulates the production of insulin in the pancreas.
White breads, white pastas and white rice are full
of starches. So think white next time you shop
and know that this is bad for you!
You need to buy things with whole grains.
Just because something may say wheat bread
doesn't mean it's good for you.
It's just flour that hasn't been bleached.
Make sure the label says WHOLE grains
like WHOLE wheat!
How many carbs should you be consuming daily?
Insert you info into this CARB CALCULATOR to find out.
Are you at risk for diabetes?
Diabetes Type II Calculator.
Fill out a small questionnaire to find out.
Fill in height, weight, gender and frame size.
Mine said probably are not at risk.
Daily Fat Intake Calculator