I've already told ya that I was considering
soaking my turkey in a brine. Then I got to thinking,
where in the world am I gonna find a pot big enough
to do so let alone find a space in the fridge to do it.
Then it dawned on me to use a cooler.
Just make sure to put ice in the cooler
along with the brine and turkey and let
sit overnight. And also make sure to wash your cooler
out very good with hot water and soap and possibly
some bleach to clean and sterilize it.
One recipe said to soak it in water with
2 cups of kosher salt while another
recipe that was on the food channel yesterday
said you should also put 1/2 to 3/4 cup
brown sugar in with it also.
Let's see what's on the agenda for today.
Doctor's appointment.
Carpet clean living & dining room (today or tomorrow)
Mop kitchen floor.
Floors are always done at last minute
due to them getting dirty so fast.
Dig out 2 table leaves and put into table.
Find some place mats to use on table
to keep from scratching it. I plan to remove
the table cover and expose the table for
holiday dinners. Hmmm wonder if I have
time to make 8 of them if I can't find any.
Also need to bring up the 2 captain
chairs out of the basement and 2 chairs from
kids bedrooms.
And to think I am cleaning house for Thanksgiving
only to have it wiped out Friday by getting
out Christmas decorations. Ahhh!
I'm hoping Tony won't have the pager after today
and hope since this is an unexpected absence of
a person at work that they divide up the week among
the maintenance men there instead of
pawning it off on one person.
Tony's supposed to have Thursday through Sunday
off work for the holiday.
Don't know how I did it in a half an hour
but as soon as the kids got on the bus I hurried home
and cleaned my carpets. Looks good, smells good
so one less thing I have to worry about.
Chillin for the moment then gonna get ready to
go see doc.
I found a roll of fabric in the basement
that looked to have batting in the middle of it
with fabric on both sides.
I might use this to make some place mats,
a table runner and some matching
hot pads out of. I know, only I could
think of even the darndest things to do
or make in the middle of doing everything else.
Was thinking more of ways to use cereal
to make things with and came up with this next idea.
What about a Dutch apple pie made with
a crushed frosted flakes crust and topped
with crushed frosted flakes???
I hate those days you think you're gonna pop into
the doctor's office then go home. Well this wasn't one
of them again. I ended up with 3 more prescriptions
and a chest xray. I told doc all about what
happened at the ER and about this cold/ congestion
that has been lingering since I've had my toe infection.
I'm not sure what caused everything-
cold, congestion, diarrhea, vomiting & dehydration.
It's either 1. from being on the antibiotic,
2. being the last one in the family to get the stomach virus
which he said as it's passed from one person to the next
the virus can worsen and the last person to get it
can feel the most effect from it.
or 3. having an infection to start with
could have made things worse.
He checked my lungs and said he could hear
the congestion and wheezing. He put me on an
inhaler with a spacer for asthma which I haven't had a problem
with in quite awhile. Then he also put me on
prednisone which is a steroid. He couldn't
do another antibiotic because I had recently been
on one. Then after the doctor's office I had to go
get a chest xray to check for fluid or whatever in
my lungs for the possibility of pneumonia.
I won't know those results right away.
You can have pneumonia without a fever
which I did not know. But at times I have
run a low grade fever between 100 to 101.
Somewhere in all this running me and mom
found time between the doctor's office,
radiologist, 2 visits to Kroger,
to get some lunch at McDonalds.
Then on the way home around 2:30pm
we stopped in the car lot.
And ya know I have been calm up until this
point. The guy I had been dealing with was not
there and another guy was. There was also
another customer in there. My car was not fixed
and I was pissed for getting the run around.
The one guy called the other guy on the phone
and told him "I was in a mode".
Mode huh? LOL! Be lucky I've had
the patience to have lasted this long!
I said 16 days of getting the run around and
not having my car, I'm getting tired of waiting
and I am taking the car today!
Call me when your mechanic is actually standing
on your lot and is ready to fix it.
I don't think it would have been so bad
had these people called me to let me know
what was going on rather than me making
3-4 trips up there to hear excuses every time.
I am so glad I was able to get my carpets
cleaned this morning. By the time I got
home, heck I felt like most of the day
was over with. Time for kids to get off the bus soon,
time to fix supper and so on.
The day has flown by.
I managed to get 8 place mats made
for Thanksgiving.
I even sewed lace along the edges of them all.
I didn't make them just for looks,
I made them because I didn't want my table
top scratched up.
These can be used for Thanksgiving
and Christmas due to their coloring.
Also if you flip it over the pattern and colors
on the back look like the center cream colored
stripe on the front and could be used
for Easter or Spring.
Got the turkey in the brine water.
I added 2 cups kosher salt
and 3/4 cup brown sugar to a large
canning pot. Then added the turkey
and filled with water.
When I get up tomorrow morning I will
rotate the bird in the brine.
Then tomorrow evening I will remove
the bird from the brine and rinse it then
set it back in an empty pot to rest in
the fridge til ready to bake Thursday.
I have an almost 19 pound turkey.
When I bake it I will coat/rub it with
some olive oil and add some apples,
celery, onions and carrots & seasoning to the inside.
Wearing thin. Just took my meds
and are ready for bed. Got a long list
of things to do tomorrow along with things
that didn't get done today.
Here's my inhaler I got today.
It included a spacer which gets more
medicine into your lungs.
Doc must think I really need this thing
because I'm supposed to take 2 puffs
every 4 hours as needed and I have 17 refills
for the next year!
Awhile ago doctor's wanted me to get
an in home breathing treatment machine
but I never got, probably due to costs
or feeling like I didn't need it that much.
Still taking it slow and easy.
Got to because if I get upset or flustered
at something or someone then I start having coughing fits
if I start to raise my voice.
And I see this in the near future as I told
the kids they were spending their first day
off cleaning up their rooms!
Well I'm going nighty night early.
Didn't get a nap in today so am feeling
it at the moment. Plus inhalers can
make you feel a little shaky.
I've already told ya that I was considering
soaking my turkey in a brine. Then I got to thinking,
where in the world am I gonna find a pot big enough
to do so let alone find a space in the fridge to do it.
Then it dawned on me to use a cooler.
Just make sure to put ice in the cooler
along with the brine and turkey and let
sit overnight. And also make sure to wash your cooler
out very good with hot water and soap and possibly
some bleach to clean and sterilize it.
One recipe said to soak it in water with
2 cups of kosher salt while another
recipe that was on the food channel yesterday
said you should also put 1/2 to 3/4 cup
brown sugar in with it also.
Let's see what's on the agenda for today.
Doctor's appointment.
Carpet clean living & dining room (today or tomorrow)
Mop kitchen floor.
Floors are always done at last minute
due to them getting dirty so fast.
Dig out 2 table leaves and put into table.
Find some place mats to use on table
to keep from scratching it. I plan to remove
the table cover and expose the table for
holiday dinners. Hmmm wonder if I have
time to make 8 of them if I can't find any.
Also need to bring up the 2 captain
chairs out of the basement and 2 chairs from
kids bedrooms.
And to think I am cleaning house for Thanksgiving
only to have it wiped out Friday by getting
out Christmas decorations. Ahhh!
I'm hoping Tony won't have the pager after today
and hope since this is an unexpected absence of
a person at work that they divide up the week among
the maintenance men there instead of
pawning it off on one person.
Tony's supposed to have Thursday through Sunday
off work for the holiday.
Don't know how I did it in a half an hour
but as soon as the kids got on the bus I hurried home
and cleaned my carpets. Looks good, smells good
so one less thing I have to worry about.
Chillin for the moment then gonna get ready to
go see doc.
I found a roll of fabric in the basement
that looked to have batting in the middle of it
with fabric on both sides.
I might use this to make some place mats,
a table runner and some matching
hot pads out of. I know, only I could
think of even the darndest things to do
or make in the middle of doing everything else.
Was thinking more of ways to use cereal
to make things with and came up with this next idea.
What about a Dutch apple pie made with
a crushed frosted flakes crust and topped
with crushed frosted flakes???
I hate those days you think you're gonna pop into
the doctor's office then go home. Well this wasn't one
of them again. I ended up with 3 more prescriptions
and a chest xray. I told doc all about what
happened at the ER and about this cold/ congestion
that has been lingering since I've had my toe infection.
I'm not sure what caused everything-
cold, congestion, diarrhea, vomiting & dehydration.
It's either 1. from being on the antibiotic,
2. being the last one in the family to get the stomach virus
which he said as it's passed from one person to the next
the virus can worsen and the last person to get it
can feel the most effect from it.
or 3. having an infection to start with
could have made things worse.
He checked my lungs and said he could hear
the congestion and wheezing. He put me on an
inhaler with a spacer for asthma which I haven't had a problem
with in quite awhile. Then he also put me on
prednisone which is a steroid. He couldn't
do another antibiotic because I had recently been
on one. Then after the doctor's office I had to go
get a chest xray to check for fluid or whatever in
my lungs for the possibility of pneumonia.
I won't know those results right away.
You can have pneumonia without a fever
which I did not know. But at times I have
run a low grade fever between 100 to 101.
Somewhere in all this running me and mom
found time between the doctor's office,
radiologist, 2 visits to Kroger,
to get some lunch at McDonalds.
Then on the way home around 2:30pm
we stopped in the car lot.
And ya know I have been calm up until this
point. The guy I had been dealing with was not
there and another guy was. There was also
another customer in there. My car was not fixed
and I was pissed for getting the run around.
The one guy called the other guy on the phone
and told him "I was in a mode".
Mode huh? LOL! Be lucky I've had
the patience to have lasted this long!
I said 16 days of getting the run around and
not having my car, I'm getting tired of waiting
and I am taking the car today!
Call me when your mechanic is actually standing
on your lot and is ready to fix it.
I don't think it would have been so bad
had these people called me to let me know
what was going on rather than me making
3-4 trips up there to hear excuses every time.
I am so glad I was able to get my carpets
cleaned this morning. By the time I got
home, heck I felt like most of the day
was over with. Time for kids to get off the bus soon,
time to fix supper and so on.
The day has flown by.
I managed to get 8 place mats made
for Thanksgiving.
I even sewed lace along the edges of them all.
I didn't make them just for looks,
I made them because I didn't want my table
top scratched up.
These can be used for Thanksgiving
and Christmas due to their coloring.
Also if you flip it over the pattern and colors
on the back look like the center cream colored
stripe on the front and could be used
for Easter or Spring.
Got the turkey in the brine water.
I added 2 cups kosher salt
and 3/4 cup brown sugar to a large
canning pot. Then added the turkey
and filled with water.
When I get up tomorrow morning I will
rotate the bird in the brine.
Then tomorrow evening I will remove
the bird from the brine and rinse it then
set it back in an empty pot to rest in
the fridge til ready to bake Thursday.
I have an almost 19 pound turkey.
When I bake it I will coat/rub it with
some olive oil and add some apples,
celery, onions and carrots & seasoning to the inside.
Wearing thin. Just took my meds
and are ready for bed. Got a long list
of things to do tomorrow along with things
that didn't get done today.
Here's my inhaler I got today.
It included a spacer which gets more
medicine into your lungs.
Doc must think I really need this thing
because I'm supposed to take 2 puffs
every 4 hours as needed and I have 17 refills
for the next year!
Awhile ago doctor's wanted me to get
an in home breathing treatment machine
but I never got, probably due to costs
or feeling like I didn't need it that much.
Got to because if I get upset or flustered
at something or someone then I start having coughing fits
if I start to raise my voice.
And I see this in the near future as I told
the kids they were spending their first day
off cleaning up their rooms!
Well I'm going nighty night early.
Didn't get a nap in today so am feeling
it at the moment. Plus inhalers can
make you feel a little shaky.