Tagged along with mom to Meijers.
I only got a handful of things
because I am slowly awaiting
my coupons to arrive in the mail
to make a few more trips.
Here's the things I got
with sales and coupon match ups:
I PAID: $6.19
I SAVED $15.79
4 boxes Totino pizza rolls
reg. $1.67 each x's 4 is $6.68
I paid $1.96/4 or .49 cents each
Saved $4.72
2 Betty Crocker Hash Brown Boxed Potatoes
reg. $1.74 x's 2 is $3.48
I paid .98/2 or .49 cents each
Saved $2.50
3 Green Giant Honey Glazed Carrots in Box
reg. $1.39 x's 3 is $4.17
I paid $1.77/3 or .59 cents each
I saved $2.40
2 Franks Red Hot Sauce
reg. .99 cents x's 2 is $1.98
I paid FREE
saved $1.98
2 Fruity Pebbles Marshmallow Cereal
reg. $2.29 each x's 2 is $5.58
I paid $1.48 for 2 or .74 cents each
I saved $4.10
I also received the following Catalina coupons today:
$2.00 off next shopping trip to Meijer
20% off pet food
Can use this for more dog food.
$7.99- $1.00 coupon-20% off = $5.60
40% off non food item pet supplies
While in Meijers today killing time,,
and waiting on mom, I decided
to write down all the Betty Crocker Helpers
they had, lol. This way I can make a list
and know which ones I am wanting
ahead of time.
Ya know, one could start getting confused
with buying 60 boxes of them!
Oh yeah and I also went over to the meat
department to price chicken and hamburger
to get a game plan there also
with all my freebie money off coupons
I will be getting.
I like planning ahead!
Cheapest hamburger is $2.29 a pound
To get a 5 pound roll it's $2.19 a pound.
Split chicken breast is .99 cents a pound.
Chicken legs are .89 cents a pound
Family pack of chicken thighs are .89 cents a pound
cheaper with a family pack!
Over $1.00 a pound if not a family pack!
Will try to get the best price per pound
with the most meat and less bones or fat!
But that's this week's prices.
Next week could be different.
Getting excited about next week's shopping trip!
$31.00 free meat
(might do $10 in free meat this week,
we'll see how it goes)
plus $16 off whatever coupons
Plus FREE:
box of instant potatoes,
M&Ms &
Should make for a good shopping trip.
Praying for some good sales
to do some coupon match ups
for even more money off!
I just signed up for another
survey site.
It's called
Synovate Global Opinion Panels
for anyone interested.
You make $5 for every 5,000 points made.
Not a whole lot, but it all adds up with
other survey sites.
Plus for each survey you
do you are entered into their
monthly contests for cash & prizes.
Today alone I did four 500 point surveys
for a total of 1,500 points.
How bad have you got it to save money?
People look to me each day to see
to see what I will do to cut back
any way I can.
So here's today's cutback:
I was given a bunch of undies from
a family member that were too big for me to wear.
Didn't want to pitch them and thought, hey
I can make them fit.
I had to make them 1-2 sizes smaller
and here's how I did it.
I cut the underwear that was given to me apart at the seams
then cut off the waist band elastic.
I took a pair of my undies and cut
them down the sides to make
somewhat of a pattern.
I traced my undies onto the larger
undies the best I could and cut them out.
Then I reattached the elastic waist band
and sewed up the sides.
While I made them a couple sizes
smaller I also made them from
briefs into hipsters.
They fit perfect now!!
No, I'm not modeling them for you!!
Before & After
Stay tuned to find out, LOL!
Like I say, reuse what you've got
before buying new!
Sometimes before throwing out clothes,
that aren't even good enough for the donation
drop box, I will cut off buttons, elastic
and whatever pieces and parts I could
use for another clothing project
or repair.
Why not, it's free and doesn't
cost you anything.
Now compare that to going
to Joanns or Michaels and
buying elastic and buttons
that you have to take time out of your
day to go get, get in your car
and waste gas, then fight traffic
and other shoppers, wait in line...
You get the idea.
WOO HOO my coupons finally came
today. Might make a trip to Meijers
tonight and then another one tomorrow.
Let's get ready to rumble!
Well not right now,
I'm going to take a nap, lol.
Ohhh, what's this tucked up under the computer,
another cereal coupon, yeah!
Only I could get excited over coupons huh?
Will get another box of Fruity Pebbles
tonight for .74 cents.
Sitting here thinking about where
to find cheap printer ink.
I priced it on Ebay
and checked 2 different stores.
$19.99 color
$14.99 black
$19.99 color
$15.99 black
I really need to be able to print coupons
but am so stubborn to pay this much.
I checked to see if Staples
is still doing the ink Recycling thing and they
are. BUT now instead of $3 for each ink container
they are giving you $2.
You bring in a limit of 10 ink containers a month
per address and get $2 per container,
so up to $20 a month.
You have to use those rewards in their store.
So if mom signs up that doubles the deal.
$40 a month.
Guess what that would equal to?
I don't know how soon you could use those
rewards though.
If there is a will there is a way!
I've never done it before so we'll see how it goes.
When DDn I see many printers.
But I don't need printers so I remove
the ink cartridges out of them
and have been saving them for a couple
Supper tonight
Oncor Family sized Lasagna $2.00
1/2 bag salad mix .50 cents
remaining Kabob veggies $1.00
salad dressing .10 cents
1/4 cup leftover shredded cheese .25 cents
Serves 5 @ .77 cents a serving
Then after supper heading to Tony's
work to dump this crap I have
in the back of the Suburban
then hopefully off to Meijers
on Sawmill Rd.
If he gets paged out then we will
be in the vicinity of his work.
Kendra called today and said she might
have a couple iron rods I could have
to hang in my basement for clothes.
I really, really need them!
When it gets in between seasons
and we have out cold and hot
clothing like shorts and pants,
then I run out of room to hang things.
So am hoping to find a place in the basement
to hang these rods for more clothes storage
and make it easier for me to get to
and put away.
Next problem:
I need plastic hangers, lots of them!!
Just got done eating supper.
Tony's working over.
Had a fridge go out and a water tank
busted. Sounds like fun.
Luckily for him he has a coworker
that stayed over to help him out.
So depending upon the time
he gets home and how tired
he is, we'll see if we go anywhere tonight.
I found some cute thrifty comics and wanted
to share them with you!
Tony's still at work.
Quitting time was at 4:30
so anything after is overtime.
I've had a headache all day.
Wonder if it's from that darn
Pepsi Max I've been drinking the last
couple of days. I told myself I wouldn't
drink it today because I didn't like
the way it made me feel.
So wonder if the headache is like
a withdrawal symptom or something.
I can't explain it.
Well the kids got their homework done.
Now if the little magical fairies would appear
and clean my house I'd be all set.
Doesn't look like I'm going to Meijers tonight
so hopefully I'll get to go tomorrow a couple times.
Well I'm gonna pop a few Ibuprofen
and kick back and watch my Ghost Hunters.
Tagged along with mom to Meijers.
I only got a handful of things
because I am slowly awaiting
my coupons to arrive in the mail
to make a few more trips.
Here's the things I got
with sales and coupon match ups:
I PAID: $6.19
I SAVED $15.79
4 boxes Totino pizza rolls
reg. $1.67 each x's 4 is $6.68
I paid $1.96/4 or .49 cents each
Saved $4.72
2 Betty Crocker Hash Brown Boxed Potatoes
reg. $1.74 x's 2 is $3.48
I paid .98/2 or .49 cents each
Saved $2.50
3 Green Giant Honey Glazed Carrots in Box
reg. $1.39 x's 3 is $4.17
I paid $1.77/3 or .59 cents each
I saved $2.40
2 Franks Red Hot Sauce
reg. .99 cents x's 2 is $1.98
I paid FREE
saved $1.98
2 Fruity Pebbles Marshmallow Cereal
reg. $2.29 each x's 2 is $5.58
I paid $1.48 for 2 or .74 cents each
I saved $4.10
I also received the following Catalina coupons today:
$2.00 off next shopping trip to Meijer
20% off pet food
Can use this for more dog food.
$7.99- $1.00 coupon-20% off = $5.60
40% off non food item pet supplies
and waiting on mom, I decided
to write down all the Betty Crocker Helpers
they had, lol. This way I can make a list
and know which ones I am wanting
ahead of time.
Ya know, one could start getting confused
with buying 60 boxes of them!
Oh yeah and I also went over to the meat
department to price chicken and hamburger
to get a game plan there also
with all my freebie money off coupons
I will be getting.
I like planning ahead!
Cheapest hamburger is $2.29 a pound
To get a 5 pound roll it's $2.19 a pound.
Split chicken breast is .99 cents a pound.
Chicken legs are .89 cents a pound
Family pack of chicken thighs are .89 cents a pound
cheaper with a family pack!
Over $1.00 a pound if not a family pack!
Will try to get the best price per pound
with the most meat and less bones or fat!
But that's this week's prices.
Next week could be different.
Getting excited about next week's shopping trip!
$31.00 free meat
(might do $10 in free meat this week,
we'll see how it goes)
plus $16 off whatever coupons
Plus FREE:
box of instant potatoes,
M&Ms &
Should make for a good shopping trip.
Praying for some good sales
to do some coupon match ups
for even more money off!
I just signed up for another
survey site.
It's called
Synovate Global Opinion Panels
for anyone interested.
You make $5 for every 5,000 points made.
Not a whole lot, but it all adds up with
other survey sites.
Plus for each survey you
do you are entered into their
monthly contests for cash & prizes.
Today alone I did four 500 point surveys
for a total of 1,500 points.
How bad have you got it to save money?
People look to me each day to see
to see what I will do to cut back
any way I can.
So here's today's cutback:
I was given a bunch of undies from
a family member that were too big for me to wear.
Didn't want to pitch them and thought, hey
I can make them fit.
I had to make them 1-2 sizes smaller
and here's how I did it.
I cut the underwear that was given to me apart at the seams
then cut off the waist band elastic.
I took a pair of my undies and cut
them down the sides to make
somewhat of a pattern.
I traced my undies onto the larger
undies the best I could and cut them out.
Then I reattached the elastic waist band
and sewed up the sides.
While I made them a couple sizes
smaller I also made them from
briefs into hipsters.
They fit perfect now!!
No, I'm not modeling them for you!!
Before & After
Stay tuned to find out, LOL!
Like I say, reuse what you've got
before buying new!
Sometimes before throwing out clothes,
that aren't even good enough for the donation
drop box, I will cut off buttons, elastic
and whatever pieces and parts I could
use for another clothing project
or repair.
Why not, it's free and doesn't
cost you anything.
Now compare that to going
to Joanns or Michaels and
buying elastic and buttons
that you have to take time out of your
day to go get, get in your car
and waste gas, then fight traffic
and other shoppers, wait in line...
You get the idea.
WOO HOO my coupons finally came
today. Might make a trip to Meijers
tonight and then another one tomorrow.
Let's get ready to rumble!
Well not right now,
I'm going to take a nap, lol.
Ohhh, what's this tucked up under the computer,
another cereal coupon, yeah!
Only I could get excited over coupons huh?
Will get another box of Fruity Pebbles
tonight for .74 cents.
Sitting here thinking about where
to find cheap printer ink.
I priced it on Ebay
and checked 2 different stores.
$19.99 color
$14.99 black
$19.99 color
$15.99 black
I really need to be able to print coupons
but am so stubborn to pay this much.
I checked to see if Staples
is still doing the ink Recycling thing and they
are. BUT now instead of $3 for each ink container
they are giving you $2.
You bring in a limit of 10 ink containers a month
per address and get $2 per container,
so up to $20 a month.
You have to use those rewards in their store.
So if mom signs up that doubles the deal.
$40 a month.
Guess what that would equal to?
I don't know how soon you could use those
rewards though.
If there is a will there is a way!
I've never done it before so we'll see how it goes.
When DDn I see many printers.
But I don't need printers so I remove
the ink cartridges out of them
and have been saving them for a couple
Supper tonight
Oncor Family sized Lasagna $2.00
1/2 bag salad mix .50 cents
remaining Kabob veggies $1.00
salad dressing .10 cents
1/4 cup leftover shredded cheese .25 cents
Serves 5 @ .77 cents a serving
Then after supper heading to Tony's
work to dump this crap I have
in the back of the Suburban
then hopefully off to Meijers
on Sawmill Rd.
If he gets paged out then we will
be in the vicinity of his work.
Kendra called today and said she might
have a couple iron rods I could have
to hang in my basement for clothes.
I really, really need them!
When it gets in between seasons
and we have out cold and hot
clothing like shorts and pants,
then I run out of room to hang things.
So am hoping to find a place in the basement
to hang these rods for more clothes storage
and make it easier for me to get to
and put away.
Next problem:
I need plastic hangers, lots of them!!
Just got done eating supper.
Tony's working over.
Had a fridge go out and a water tank
busted. Sounds like fun.
Luckily for him he has a coworker
that stayed over to help him out.
So depending upon the time
he gets home and how tired
he is, we'll see if we go anywhere tonight.
I found some cute thrifty comics and wanted
to share them with you!

Tony's still at work.
Quitting time was at 4:30
so anything after is overtime.
I've had a headache all day.
Wonder if it's from that darn
Pepsi Max I've been drinking the last
couple of days. I told myself I wouldn't
drink it today because I didn't like
the way it made me feel.
So wonder if the headache is like
a withdrawal symptom or something.
I can't explain it.
Well the kids got their homework done.
Now if the little magical fairies would appear
and clean my house I'd be all set.
Doesn't look like I'm going to Meijers tonight
so hopefully I'll get to go tomorrow a couple times.
Well I'm gonna pop a few Ibuprofen
and kick back and watch my Ghost Hunters.