Breakfast this morning.
Sausage flavored gravy .80 cents
over Grands biscuits .50 cents
with apple mango 100% Old Orchard juice. .75 cents
Total cost: $2.05
serves 4 @ .51 cents a serving
Gonna have to start making
my own biscuits after I run out of
the Grands biscuits I have.
These things have 7 grams of fat per biscuit,
3.5 grams trans fat,
1.5 saturated fat, not good!
You could use
Bisquick Heart Smart instead.
Only 2.5 grams fat
1.5 grams saturated fat and no trans fat.
OR try Gluten Free Bisquick
.5 grams fat
no saturated or trans fat
It's made with rice flour.
HERE are other recipes
you can make with the gluten free bisquick.
I'll use up what I have but will
try to start buying healthier foods
when replacing those items.
Leftover pot roast, potatoes, carrots & gravy
Teriyaki marinated Tilapia fillets
Will wrap vegetables, marinade
and fish fillets in foil
and place in crock pot
with a little water.
Keep them off bottom of crock
by using crushed aluminum cans
in bottom. Sit foil packets on top
of cans.
La Choy Teriyaki Marinade
1 tablespoon 10 calories
0 fat, 0 cholesterol
(.25 cents)
Green Giant Teriyaki Vegetables
(broccoli, cauliflower & carrots)
45 calories per 1 1/4 cup serving
0 fat
(.40 cents a box x's 2 is .80 cents)
Fettucini Alfredo Pasta (.33 cents)
Total Cost: $1.38
serves 4 @ .34 cents a serving
I was curious and did a search
about how many grams were
in a pound.
The answer rounded was 453.
Now think about how many
pounds of fat you're eating a week
when all those grams start to add up!!
New site for even more printable coupons!
Values For Health
Print more $6.00 off 2 coupons
on Zyrtec, Pepcid, Motrin or Precise!!
I now have 4 of these to use, woo hoo!

I thought this was a neat idea,
using wood pallets to make a shed
or an out building.
You could actually make a cabin
or a kids playhouse out of free materials
like pallets.
This above is only one example of
what others have done.
Went to the thrift store and got
the boys each 4 pairs of pants
for a total of 8 pairs.
I paid $8.92 for all of them.
7 pairs was .99 cents each
1 pair was $1.99
Tonight I get to have them try them
all on and start hemming them up.

I also found Jonathan a nice
Winter jacket for $3.99.
Sure beats $30-$40 new!
Then as we were walking to the checkout
we saw a huge remote behind
the counter still in it's package.
I told Tony I would buy him an early
birthday present, it would actually be for everyone.
The reason I got this was because I am
soooooooooo tired of looking for
the remote!!
This thing is the size of a notebook computer
so the chances of it getting lost
are slim to none.
paid $4.99.
Cost new $15.
We stopped in Micro Center just
to browse around.
Got some batteries for the remote
for .59 cents a 2 pack!
Also found a Nintendo DS
"game" that's called
My Stop Smoking Coach
for $1.99
It originally was around $12.
Gonna play it in our $7.00
Nintendo DS (that included a
2 games and guitar hero keys,
and charger from a yard sale!)

When we were getting in the truck
in Microcenter's parking lot there
was this older lady walking around
asking for change. We gave her a dollar
and got to talking with her.
She was out of work not knowing
how to make it day to day.
She was really nice to talk to
and was genuine unlike others
who ask for money for gas for their cars
that broke down blocks away or need
money for the bus only to go
buy some beer with it.
She was saying that Microcenter
is about ready to call the police on her
because of her asking for money
in the parking lot.
I said hey, I'd let them do it.
Take me to jail where I can
have a warm roof over my head
and food in my belly if got to that point.
First off let me say Microcenter
is located on Olentangy in an area
full of yuppies.
I told her we weren't from that area
that we come over here to yuppyville
to buy the mark downs that the yuppies
don't want. She says said she asked a
lady in a Mercedes for some change
and she turned around and called her
a bitch. That's uncalled for
when yuppies can't give the time
of day to even spare a quarter to
someone in need!!
I said well I have to go now,
need to head back to the hood.
She said she lived by the Mexican market
on Morse Rd. I said oh, that's where
we lived also.
Why is it, it takes one to know one
to understand and the rich can't
understand that they too can be
where we're at one day in
the blink of an eye!
Some people in this world are
so heartless and unsympathetic
towards other people no matter
what race or background they may have!
Breakfast this morning.
Sausage flavored gravy .80 cents
over Grands biscuits .50 cents
with apple mango 100% Old Orchard juice. .75 cents
Total cost: $2.05
serves 4 @ .51 cents a serving
Gonna have to start making
my own biscuits after I run out of
the Grands biscuits I have.
These things have 7 grams of fat per biscuit,
3.5 grams trans fat,
1.5 saturated fat, not good!
You could use
Bisquick Heart Smart instead.
Only 2.5 grams fat
1.5 grams saturated fat and no trans fat.
OR try Gluten Free Bisquick
.5 grams fat
no saturated or trans fat
It's made with rice flour.
HERE are other recipes
you can make with the gluten free bisquick.
I'll use up what I have but will
try to start buying healthier foods
when replacing those items.
Leftover pot roast, potatoes, carrots & gravy
Teriyaki marinated Tilapia fillets
Will wrap vegetables, marinade
and fish fillets in foil
and place in crock pot
with a little water.
Keep them off bottom of crock
by using crushed aluminum cans
in bottom. Sit foil packets on top
of cans.
La Choy Teriyaki Marinade
1 tablespoon 10 calories
0 fat, 0 cholesterol
(.25 cents)
Green Giant Teriyaki Vegetables
(broccoli, cauliflower & carrots)
45 calories per 1 1/4 cup serving
0 fat
(.40 cents a box x's 2 is .80 cents)
Fettucini Alfredo Pasta (.33 cents)
Total Cost: $1.38
serves 4 @ .34 cents a serving
I was curious and did a search
about how many grams were
in a pound.
The answer rounded was 453.
Now think about how many
pounds of fat you're eating a week
when all those grams start to add up!!
New site for even more printable coupons!
Values For Health
Print more $6.00 off 2 coupons
on Zyrtec, Pepcid, Motrin or Precise!!
I now have 4 of these to use, woo hoo!
I thought this was a neat idea,
using wood pallets to make a shed
or an out building.
You could actually make a cabin
or a kids playhouse out of free materials
like pallets.
This above is only one example of
what others have done.
Went to the thrift store and got
the boys each 4 pairs of pants
for a total of 8 pairs.
I paid $8.92 for all of them.
7 pairs was .99 cents each
1 pair was $1.99
Tonight I get to have them try them
all on and start hemming them up.
I also found Jonathan a nice
Winter jacket for $3.99.
Sure beats $30-$40 new!
Then as we were walking to the checkout
we saw a huge remote behind
the counter still in it's package.
I told Tony I would buy him an early
birthday present, it would actually be for everyone.
The reason I got this was because I am
soooooooooo tired of looking for
the remote!!
This thing is the size of a notebook computer
so the chances of it getting lost
are slim to none.
paid $4.99.
Cost new $15.
We stopped in Micro Center just
to browse around.
Got some batteries for the remote
for .59 cents a 2 pack!
Also found a Nintendo DS
"game" that's called
My Stop Smoking Coach
for $1.99
It originally was around $12.
Gonna play it in our $7.00
Nintendo DS (that included a
2 games and guitar hero keys,
and charger from a yard sale!)
When we were getting in the truck
in Microcenter's parking lot there
was this older lady walking around
asking for change. We gave her a dollar
and got to talking with her.
She was out of work not knowing
how to make it day to day.
She was really nice to talk to
and was genuine unlike others
who ask for money for gas for their cars
that broke down blocks away or need
money for the bus only to go
buy some beer with it.
She was saying that Microcenter
is about ready to call the police on her
because of her asking for money
in the parking lot.
I said hey, I'd let them do it.
Take me to jail where I can
have a warm roof over my head
and food in my belly if got to that point.
First off let me say Microcenter
is located on Olentangy in an area
full of yuppies.
I told her we weren't from that area
that we come over here to yuppyville
to buy the mark downs that the yuppies
don't want. She says said she asked a
lady in a Mercedes for some change
and she turned around and called her
a bitch. That's uncalled for
when yuppies can't give the time
of day to even spare a quarter to
someone in need!!
I said well I have to go now,
need to head back to the hood.
She said she lived by the Mexican market
on Morse Rd. I said oh, that's where
we lived also.
Why is it, it takes one to know one
to understand and the rich can't
understand that they too can be
where we're at one day in
the blink of an eye!
Some people in this world are
so heartless and unsympathetic
towards other people no matter
what race or background they may have!