morning and missed the downpour I got
some videos for ya. We was up at 6:30AM
like a typical work day. Had to take Tony's
pager back to work this morning. He is
officially off call now for about another month, yeah!!
I didn't know it was supposed to rain this morning
and told the kids we'd take them to Hayden Falls.
Those plans didn't quite work out with all this
rain plus they are doing paving at the Falls
and won't be open til June 3rd.
I got my bird bath in the garden. Still awaiting to
get a satellite dish to put on top. For now I found
a smaller metal bird bath bowl to put on top.
More and more projects getting thought of every day.
I would love to do something with our kitchen cabinets.
While white is nice it constantly has to be cleaned
off. So maybe thinking of painting them or
I told Tony I even thought about doing them in
a wood looking contact paper.
Next Tony wants me to design a bird for the
hood of our blue Trans Am. I did one years
ago and it takes some time to paint all
the little details and make a stencil for it.
But I'm game if people have patience with me.
I had always thought it would be neat to get
some glow in the dark powder to mix in with the
paint. Wouldn't that be cool at night to
have a glowing bird on the hood of the car?
I like to be unique.
Was thinking maybe an aqua and a blue bird
on a dark blue car.

This afternoon after the rain cleared up
we went to Prairie Oaks Park. It was ok, doubt if we'd go back.
There was no playground, picnic tables
or shelter houses just trails and ponds.
Christopher kept getting annoyed by bugs when
walking on the trail. I picked up a weed
and tickled his ear and leg to make him
think it was a bug, LOL!