If you answer the survey at Special Offer From Excedrin® with anything except Excedrin, you will get a free Excedrin coupon!
The next page will come up and say:
Thank you for completing our survey. To receive a FREE coupon for any Excedrin product* as our thanks to you, please fill out the information below. Please expect 3-5 days for coupon delivery.
*Valued up to $5.99
If you select Excedrin on the survey you can
print out a $2.00 coupon.
I did the survey 3 times.
I put my name on the first one,
mom's on the second
and Tony's on the third.
It allowed me to do it but who's
to say they'll all be sent out.
It don't hurt to try!!
I also did it where I checked the
Excedrin box and printed out
a $2.00 coupon.

OK here are the deals I have found between
last night and today from Meijer's mark downs:
These are from the Cleveland Ave. store.
Refrigerated mark downs can be found
in the area by the milk tucked in with
other items. Gotta look closely!
14 Yoplait Light Yogurt
Regular price was .60 cents x's 14 is $8.40
Mark down price was .30 cents x's 14 is $4.20
I used 2 manufacture coupons:
-.80 cents off 6
-$1.00 off 8
Made it $2.40 for 14 yogurts or .17 cents each
I saved with coupons and mark downs $6.00!!
2 packages of double Pillsbury Pie Crusts
Don't know regular price.
Marked down to .99 cents each
used $1.00 off 2 manufacture coupon
made it .98 cents for 2 or .49 cents each
3 Pillsbury Pizza Crusts
Regular $2.50 x's 3 is $7.50
Marked down price was $1.25 x's 3 is $3.75
I used 3 coupons for .70 cents off each one
Made it $1.65 for 3 or .55 cents each
I saved with mark downs and coupons $5.85

Went to 3 different thrift stores looking
for rubber duck boots for my step-dad
and a flannel jacket for Tony.
Had no luck at all with finding anything like that.
I even checked Meijer and Family Dollar
for the Flannel jackets and nothing!
Why is it men seem to wait til the last
minute to tell you things.
A couple weeks ago I could
have found bunches of these boots
or jackets. But noooo, we wait
til the snow flies and is knee
deep and when others are also in the
market for boots or coats. These particular
items are now scarce in the thrift store
at the moment. Good luck finding any!
While browsing the store I came across
a Swiffer mop. No price. I asked a lady
if she could get a price for me and she did.
She came back and said $5.95!
I said $6.00 for a STICK! You've got to be
kidding me. She agreed and was on my side.
I put that mop back real quick.
I might have considered a buck or two for it
considering it was used.
Tony brought me home several free new bottles
of Swiffer cleaning solution he found at work so that is
why I was interested in it.
I lost interest very quick!!
I checked online and saw a new one for $14.
Plus I am almost positive there are coupons
for it to make it much cheaper.
So I did not think a used one should
have been $6.00 at a thrift store!
I only bought one thing which was a shirt
for the kids.
It was $5.00 marked down half price at $2.50
at the thrift store.

For lunch me and mom ate at Long John Silvers
and used our 2 printed coupons for 2 free
fish filets, also got a baja fish taco
and shared a small refillable pop.
Cost: around $2.60 for 2 people for lunch.
Register at Long John Silvers
for a free fish filet
and enter into a $20,000 contest
and play a spin to win game!
I like to write about different store experiences
so here is another one.
Today while in line at Meijer I noticed
the lady in front of me checking out
had nothing but bras in her cart.
I don't know if some had been rung
up already and put in bags but from
what I saw and counted out in the open
being rung up there was 11 bras.
What in the world does
one need that many bras for?
Believe me I check Meijers for all
their mark downs and there wasn't
any on bras!!

I haven't heard this until now about Kroger
so haven't actually checked it out.
I found this on Stretching A Buck's Blog.
I don't know if these are actual prices
of items either because I haven't
compared them to the flier.
Central OH area & Toledo Kroger stores are running a Triple Coupon Event starting today through Sunday, 2/14.
Here is how Triple coupons work:
* Coupons up to $0.50 triple (ex: a $0.50 coupon would triple to $1.50)
* Coupons between $0.51-0.99 will double (assuming your store normally doubles coupons up to $0.99)
* Coupons $1 or more are redeemed at face value
There should be no limit to the number of coupons that you can use, and Internet Printable Coupons should also triple. Remember that eCoupons dowloaded from sites such as Cellfire and Shortcuts are redeemed at face value also – they do not double or triple.
Here are a few triple coupon match ups:
Daytona 500 Sale – Buy 10 Participating Products, get $3 Off Instantly at Checkout. No Limit (check your ad to confirm in your area). Prices below assume you are purchasing 10 participating items and are receiving the discount. See ad for complete list of participating items
Gatorade (32 oz) – $0.70/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/10 Red Plum insert (if G2 is included)
Final Price = FREE
Campbell’s Chunky Soup – $1.35/ea
Use $0.50/2 in 2/7 Smart Source insert
Final Price = $0.40/ea
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits – $1.19/ea
Use $0.40/3 in 1/3 GM insert or $0.30/2 here and here
Final Price = $0.74/ea when you buy 2 or $0.79/ea when you buy 3
Country Crock Spread (45 oz) – $2.19/ea
Use $0.30/1 in 1/31 Red Plum insert or $0.50/1 here (IE) or here (FF)
Final Price = $0.69-1.29/ea
Chef Boyardee Pasta (14-15 oz can) – $0.70/ea
Use $0.35/3 in 1/10 Smart Source insert
Final Price = $0.35/ea when you buy 3
Betty Crocker Muffin Mix – $2.19/ea
Use $0.50/1 Muffins here and here
Final Price = $0.69/ea
Bounty Paper Towels (6 big or 8 regular rolls) – $7.69/ea
Use $0.25/1 in 2/7 P&G insert
Final Price = $6.94/ea
Purex Fabric Softener (52 loads) or Laundry Detergent (24-44 loads) – $2.69/ea
Use $0.35/1 in 1/10 Red Plum insert
Final Price = $1.64/ea
Catalina Alert! Get $4 off of your next purchase when you buy 2 – 50 oz Purex Laundry Detergents (Thanks, Money Saving Methods!)
Gorton’s Frozen Seafood (select items) – $3.49/ea
Use $0.40/1 in 1/24 Smart Source insert
Final Price = $2.29/ea
Colgate Toothpaste (Max Fresh, Total, select) – $1.67/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/31 Smart Source insert
Final Price = $0.17/ea
Suave Advanced Therapy Lotion -$2/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/31 Red Plum insert
Final Price = $0.50/ea
Irish Spring Soap (8 pk) – $2.50/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/31 Smart Source insert
Final Price = $1/ea
Lever 2000 Soap (2 pk) – $1.79/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/31 Red Plum insert
Final Price = $0.29/ea
Suave Deodorant – $1/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 1/31 Red Plum insert
Final Price = FREE
Suave Men’s Shampoo – $1.85/ea
Use $0.50/2 in 1/31 Red Plum insert
Final Price = $1.10/ea when you buy 2
Suave Professionals & Kids Shampoo – $1.85/ea
Use $0.50/2 in 1/31 Red Plum insert
Final Price = $1.10/ea when you buy 2
Pampers Wipes (sensitive) – $1.99/ea
Use $0.50/1 in 2/7 P&G insert
Final Price = $0.49/ea
Tonight's supper
Teriyaki Stir Fry with sausage ($4.00 Aldi's)
Will cut up the sausage links with kitchen
shears and add to the stir fry mix.
Sausage ($1.00 Meijer)
Total cost for meal $5.00
Serves 5 @ $1.00 a serving

Thinking about taking the kids to the
Great Train Expo at the fairgrounds this weekend.
We went last year. It was ok. Could have been better.
But Christopher loves his trains.
February 13 & 14
Kids 12 and under are free.
Adults and children 13 and older are $7.00
Plus there is a parking fee.

$1.00 off coupon on Friskies Party Mix cat treat.
Page 9.
Plus there is a manufacture coupon
for buy one get one free.
Hoping they'll go on sale for around a buck.
Right now at Meijer they are on sales for $1.42
$1.00 off makes it .42 cents each
buy 1 get 1 makes it .72 cents each
Just did a survey for American Consumer Opinion.
Once I complete a follow up survey I make
$5.00 for it. Cool more free money!
So behind on surveys. Trying to get caught
up the best I can.
Printable coupons for:
-Chunky Soups
-Campbell Soups
-V8 Fruit Fusion Juice
-Pepperidge Farms Breads
Found this coupon site advertised in the
US Weekender section of the Sunday Dispatch.
I always try to stock up on Campbell's soups
coupons because there always seems to be
some dented cans on the Meijer mark down
shelves at the one on Cleveland Ave.
Mark down area is in the back near
the pharmacy.
Bread and bakery mark downs are in the back corner
of the store by the yogurt.
Freezer mark downs sometimes can be found in
the center open freezer case on the end near the meats.
Other mark downs can be found in meats and produce.
Mom's wanting to go to Walmart tomorrow.
I'm not much of a Walmart person and don't
go there too often so figured
I'd better take along my Malt-O-Meal coupons
and check out their prices while there.
Will let ya know how it turns out and see
if it's worth it.
Since I don't know Walmart all that well
to use coupons there I am printing a copy of
their coupon policy from their website to take
with me.
More Malt-O-Meal coupons can be found
at their website.
-.75 cents Honey Graham Squares
-.75 cents Honey and Oat Blenders
For some reason it is not working for me.
Kind of stuck on the page not going through.
I finally got it to go through but it
wouldn't allow me to print it a second
time, that sucked.
Oh well I have a total of 9 coupons
I should be good.
Now remember Walmart does not double coupons!