I keep thinking about the stupid
electric bill and can't figure out
why it is so high! I got online
and went to AEP and wrote them
hoping to get an answer back soon.
I figured I'd try this first before
talking to someone on the phone.
Probably get a foreigner that I could
not understand anyway. Isn't that how
it usually works with customer service?
This is to give you an idea of
what my electric bill has run in
the past three years comparing it
to what my bill is now!
There is a difference of
$82 to $124, that's a BIG jump
if you ask me. Even if electric
rates went up it shouldn't be this
much of a difference in one month's time!!!
I let them know I do cut back
and know how and where to cut back
with electric that I am not totally
clueless when it comes to saving money.
8/25/2008 1,124 KWH $119.88
7/25/2008 1,083 KWH $115.66
8/24/2009 680 KWH $81.95
7/24/2009 627 KWH $77.11
8/24/2010 1,418 KWH $177.23
7/26/2010 1,618 KWH $201.49
So anyway this is what I wrote them:
I thought by having a Smart Meter I would be able to keep track of my electrical usages to see where and when I could cut back. When I try to access it under my account where it says Your Smart Meter, it says Smart Meter information is not available for your account. They installed a Smart Meter earlier this year.
Since getting this Smart Meter my electric bills have been the highest I have ever seen!! This and last month's bill is DOUBLE and then some of what last years was! I keep my air conditioner (when on) between 75 and 78 and run a ceiling fan on low to circulate air. I keep curtains shut and blinds down so this isn't making sense at all!! Our home faces North and doesn't get direct sun. We have a carport and 4 large mature trees in the backyard to shade the backside of the house. I rarely use my electric oven and dry all my clothes on a clothesline to cut back on electric during the Summer months. I run full loads in dishwasher every other day or every three days and full loads in the washer about 4 loads a week. This is something I do every year and is no different than this year. We even updated our old TV to an LCD one that was more efficient. And use laptops instead of desk top computers. So please tell me why my bill has DOUBLED.
I am whipped.
We spent from 12:30-3:30PM
at COSI. We still have yet
to see the entire place!
Do I think it was worth an extra
$10 a ticket to see the Titanic
artifacts, NO! You had to have
a reserved time frame to be able
to enter the exibit. There had
to of been a couple hundred people
allowed in each time. You were
elbow to elbow with people.
Yes it was interesting to see all
the neat things recovered from this
ship from the bottom of the ocean
BUT too many people!! You were not
allowed to take pics or videos of
FYI- If you go make sure to bring
your own hand sanitizer! The ones
they provide smell horrible, almost
moldy. Just imagine how many hands
on things are there for people
to do to share germs!
We are back home for a bit to relax
then I want to head over to UV to
see if anything is going on this weekend
with move outs.
I'll get pics/videos posted later on.
Drove around UV and Olentangy.
Still not much going on.
Found a fold up card table
and a fisherman lamp similar
to this one HERE that I'm gonna
give the in-laws for Christmas.
This one has a barrel shade with it. And
a desk for Jonathan. Would have
preferred a wooden one but this
one will do for now til I find one.
Pictures from COSI
TV Studio.
Christopher & Tony watching
themselves on the tv screens.
Indy car.
Space room.
Playing in the water.
Jonathan inside a submarine.
This evening I was browsing through
The Bag with store ads in it.
I saw Walgreens had HALLOWEEN candy
on sale!! There are 64 days til
Halloween!! Wonder when we will
see the first appearance of
Christmas stuff? It seems to get
earlier and earlier each year.
I'm standing out at the end of
our driveway smoking a cig.
I see this critter's eyes glowing
walking down the street towards me.
At first I thought it was a cat but
as it got closer realized it was a
raccoon. It went up under our truck
then came back out and walked within a
couple feet of where I was standing.
I stood very still! It then walked up
to the carport area. There was no outside
lights on. It went straight for
the bucket with cat food in it. I could
hear crunching noises so I knew it
was having a snack. And I now know it
has been here before because it knew
right where it was. Tony came out
and it went in the backyard. We took
a flashlight looking for it
around the yard and in the trees but
couldn't find where it went.
Been sitting here doing surveys.
I joined the one survey site
18 days ago and are already up
to $17.50!!
And another survey site
sent me 3 items to try and
Plus yet another survey site
that I just deposited 9
checks from for $27.
And lastly another one that
I have almost accumulated enough
points to get $100 gift cards
for GameStop.